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Everything posted by FreeflyChile

  1. bwahhahahhaa... I LOVE that movie!
  2. I just have one question... Are we playing stonehenge tomorrow?
  3. as of 2 days ago i didnt have any assignments--i think i should probably check the site again! we can do the lawyer skeet freefly team...when we dont like the comp results we sue the shit out of everything!
  4. i'll be a law student starting the 23rd.
  5. "was it love, or was it the idea of being in love?"
  6. well duh.... tho the question was what i'd do for a klondike, not for panties to get thrown on stage (although if i can get that for 98 cents too...)
  7. oooh i got a good one... we can call her "Belly flyer" bwaaaahahahhahaha
  8. how about just a pair of freefly pants until you know how fast/slow you fall while freeflying and then can get a suit to suit your needs?
  9. that and you have to date your cousins.
  10. didn't Knight Rider have an ejection seat?
  11. didn't troy hartman do that for senseless acts of video a few years ago?
  12. Good. For a second there I thought fun stuff was going on without my being there. Glad to know nothing is happening.
  13. 0:20:probably I am counting last week at Summerfest, which as Val has said, ROCKED! I didn't go back for the weekend like i planned because i slept a ton to recover from it.
  14. hey guys, since it's been almost 3 years since i left the U of Illinois, FallingILweenie doesn't really apply to me anymore (except the weenie part, of course). Plus its dumb-sounding in person (something i didnt think of when i first signed up for So i changed my username. blue ones Tomas