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Everything posted by ad151

  1. mix a couple beers and some strip poker with that and we have ourselves and all nighter! LMFAO
  2. lol - c'mon you can use one of my blackjacks and hum it down, easy money;) hahah sounds like a smart man who wants to live to see more jumps - cheers
  3. maybe mix in a few hit'n chugs with a couple low pulls and call it a day hahah
  4. well, cheers to that - nobody wins but the lawyers anyway. you guys should settle it over longest swoop, best out of 3, loser buys a case:)
  5. HOT HOT HOT - show me more; show me more! bhahah
  6. You thought wrong Drama is a good word for it though Jen Well I wouldn't want to get sued for libil by using the wrong word, now would I? bhahahahah
  7. bwahahahhhah hahahah hahah haha I don't even know what your post was in response to but you have got to be kidding. I thought this sport was the one place to get away from drama, but I guess I was wrong. Did you really suffer any 'damages'? I doubt it; good luck with your worthless suit.
  8. Definitely possible.. just speaking from a political perspective; with all the nuclear developments its likely to turn into WWIII.
  9. I agree with gravity... my bet is that we are at war until Bush is not president anymore
  10. trust me, he'll have a long time to think about it. lethal injection usually takes around 20+ years or so.. :)
  11. justice should serve, and LWOP is not justice IMO. I'd hang him at the town square.
  12. there is only one kind of man that could take his wife's pregnant body in a boat, anchor her with cement, and dump her on xmas eve without calling 911 IF an actual accident occured - how do you explain researching the currents in the bay 3 weeks before she turned up missing that her body was found in? seems clearly premeditated to me.
  13. are you kidding me? he planned and executed the murder and disposal of his wife and unborn child over 'at least' the course of a month. what difference would it make if we knew exactly how he did it? he is the worst kind of offender IMO.
  14. I doubt it. Scott most likely got caught up in the swift current of marriage and its obligations. A stick built house in California costs a considerable amount of money these days, and I'm sure his wife and mother in law were doing everything their way! Maybe he had a spot in the garage for his tools and things that he could arrange to his liking, but the house he was going to pay on forever was not going to be arranged to his liking. And like many marriages, his probably had little or no sex in it either...nothing but bills and the mortgage for Scott; his life of choice was history, and if he did find some personal time, there likely was little money left over from the two ladies playing house...and soon a baby. Henry David Thoreau once said, "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." Unfortunately, Scott was not quiet. Please do us all a favor and do not ever get married.
  15. actually, I don't think he's very intelligent:) quade - you should consider the fact that he researched currents in SF bay 3 weeks before killing his wife. he thought long and hard about it; much more than once or twice. justice should serve.
  16. I won't cheer but I much prefer this to OJ rd 2.
  17. I disagree. I think bad boys need their dick sucked. As Christoofar sez "You diiiint!" just say that! So you think "bad boyz" get a reward?ROTFLMAO...OMG!!! Just snortlaughed bourbon thru my nose...burning burning...owwwww YOU"RE the one who needs to be spanked!! OMG Sunshine, are you drunk right now? Not that I care cause at the moment I am drunk too or of you are not but..., but I just really want to know whether you said that completely cold sober or not... ROFLMAO - who cares if she's drunk.. she said it.. she gets an 'A' in my book hahaha!
  18. Very nice. I was just measuring myself today for another mirage... nothing like a new toy, right? Afterall, we make money to spend money! :)
  19. not at all. however, many many people carry/obtain them illegally. think of it as roulette - you got black vs. red & even vs. odd (for the most part, not entirely). say you put your money on black which is the people without guns at all, or at least those who are honest and registered and the safe bet. you'd rather find a black than a red, who are the illegally obtained weapon holders even tho some of the black does indeed have a weapon. probably a shitty example but as a cop you'd take a known, likely non risk over a completely unknown.
  20. and where were you earlier when I was getting my arse handed to me saying this in a different thread and needing some back up?!
  21. let's start with the cable tv hahaha;) jk
  22. LOL - can't say I have never drunk dialed.. but not to any ex's... which I'm not sure if that is better or worse hahah
  23. My sarcastic guess is that they would rather be put down than spend life in prison - lol I'd be interested to look at other variables in those states and know what (if any) the other differences are. My guess at the NRA thing is that its a cause and effect relationship. I have a carry pistol license and have had tons of cops tell me they would rather look up a citizen and find them a licensed weapons holder any day of the week than not regesitered cuz they know they are honest.
  24. ad151

    BASE heaven

    I need one of those in my backyard:)