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Everything posted by ad151

  1. I don't have any docs but the numbers I mentioned were from the DA's mouth that tried my dad's case and put the fucktard behind bars that shot him. That was about 5 years ago, so I'd assume they are accurate without researching it.
  2. lol - you have been in the sport for a year and assume you know everybody hahah - just messing with you, PM me if you want. I've been doing more base than skydiving lately and usually fly out to other DZs. Also, I never go to snohomish, so not surprised I don't know you. :)
  3. You guys are nuts, this country isn't worth any of that.. I'd be on a plane/boat (anything) out to Thailand and get $5 massages with 'happy finish' for the rest of my life and forget about it. hahah! C'mon, seriously, why would you stay here to rot/die in a cell?
  4. I only skimmed this thread but wanted to add it can cost 35-40k PER inmate PER year to keep these dirt bags alive.. And we wonder why there isn't a balanced budget and not enough room to hold the lighter criminals their entire sentence. We should take them into a field, let the victim’s family put a 25-cent bullet in their head and call it even.
  5. there is a bar called lola's on grant (i think) in the downtown area... Danny Davis (formerly of the Orbit Punks Freefly team) probably still bartends there (has for as long as I have known him but haven't talked to him in a couple years).. its a great vibe and you won't leave the place walking so make sure you write your hotel info down so you can cab it home:)
  6. Rain! Rain pisses me off! *living in Seattle* Great base jumping out here but not worth the weather.
  7. Brigitte - where have you been jumping? I'm sure we can help you change that:) Skydiving and partying go together like sex and money, which was in a previous thread already today hahaha - its a symbiotic relationship!
  8. ad151

    Insanity Tests

    my brother was ready to throw my computer off the balcony hahah that was the only funny part though: "what the hell are you listening to!? Turn that shit off before I throw that damn thing out the window!" hahah
  9. RoysPlayThing - your sig is excellent, are there more where you come from? lol ;)
  10. They are trained to not release until given the command to do so. I'd go with your first assumption, he was probably on something:)
  11. Darwinism at its finest. Any moron stupid enough to attack an officer with a trained dog should not breed offspring. The dog bit him in the right place, they should give that dog a promotion.. not remove him from duty
  12. I'm going to have to agree.. where you find one, you find the other. Its a symbiotic relationship. Go for the cash
  13. you can jump as much as your body and wallet can handle.. and much faster than you can pack.. which is why eloy has HOT packers haha!