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Everything posted by ad151

  1. Seems that there are both (1) quite a few folks here who need to get some action, and (2) quite a few folks willing to donate their services. Here's a thought: the 1st annual orgy! Bow bow, chika-chicka, bow bow... (...or has that already been suggested and vetoed?) You can never get too much action!
  2. Let's see.. you are in TX.. I can be there by, umm, say 11PM? LOL
  3. Yeah, its been on CNN every day for the last however many months.. I agree, he's as scumbag as they come and deserves what is coming to him. I'm not sure there is any amount of punishment that could bring justice to what he has done.
  4. Thanks. Although, that article isn't entirely conclusive.. it is pretty convincing though.
  5. Isn't their some fancy name for High-Dollar Whores??! For $12,000 USD, wouldn't you be like a "Madam" Or a "Special Escort"? Help me out here people.... I was thinking- "One Heluva Christmas Present!" GFD- I have never wanted to win the lottery more!!!! I am printing this off for record! ROFLMFAO!! nice dude
  6. Where is The Rack(tm) anyway? We need her to post some pics. Indeed - I'll happily move my 20 paypal offer over to her if it will get the job done (since nobody else is helping with the 12k other than ccowden lol) haha
  7. hahaha you get what you pay for.. DUDE! Bite your tongue! The Rack(tm) happens to be one of the most beautiful racks I have ever had the pleasure of seeing and feeling. You've got no clue what you're talking about. Skybytch's rack's da bomdiggity. Now go stand in the corner and think about what you just said. Did you both just fall out of the stupid tree, I did NOT diss her rack, it was a compliment to GFD. jeez!
  8. Just because I'm not a board whore, like you, and only recently started posting doesn't mean I am a newb. Actually, looking at your jumps, you are the newb. And I wasn't knocking anything, it was a generalization. Try spending more time jumping.
  9. Where did this information come from, if you don't mind? I haven't heard this before.. thnx
  10. I'll do it for 12 K. Trust me, you'll be dissapointed. Dayum!! You're expensive!! We got skybytch to post a pick of "The Rack" for alot less!! I think it was about $1000 for JFTC. hahaha you get what you pay for.. GFD, how about 2 hundy, that is your full day of jumping.. lol;)
  11. I'll do it for 12 K. Trust me, you'll be dissapointed. LMAO! Don't be so sure!
  12. Let's get a paypal pool together to get girlfalldown's clothes off on this thread.. we all know she will do it! The question is how much will it take?! bwahahahah I'll throw in 20 LMAO, who is going to match it???
  13. ROFLMFAO!! nice You are the reason spyware companies make so much money;)
  14. Or, you could go to vegas.. But, the real question here is what is it that you want when you go?:) *since you are so disappointed*
  15. You show me yours and I'll show you mine bhahaha jk
  16. Yup yup. Gee, thats no different than saying it's ridiculous for me to have a mechanic fix my car. If i would just educate myself better, i wouldn't need help.... Actually, you both are wrong. No IT person is going to watch over you while you surf the internet. Therefore, the only person who can help you is you. There will never be a program that will keep you safe from spyware; its a very lucrative business and will be a battle between the developers trying to keep it off your computer and those trying to get it on your computer from now until the end of time. The only thing you can do is educate yourself or deal with it. Even when/if spyware becomes illegal, those who are not already offshore companies will just move offshore to avoid the law and you will still have the same problem. I'm not insulting you; just giving it to you straight.
  17. N. Korea doesn't have any oil. Ultimately, the best thing the US can do is become independant from needing these types of resources and countries like Iraq who are far behind in civilization and intelligence will slip off into the ice age again from not having such a lucrative export and be forced to domesticate and expand their minds.
  18. Its time to buck up folks, WWIII is already in the history books thanks to Reagan and Bush senior. This is WWIV and looking real bad from where I'm sitting. Which side will you be on? Then perhaps you are sitting in a closet with the lights turned out. This war is against terror. I don't recall the US being the aggressor. They blew up our Marine Corp. Barracks, Tried to blow up the WTC in 1994, blew up the Cole, blew up the WTC in 2001. What would you have us do? I wasn't referring to any terrorist crap, I am referring to developments in Iran and N. Korea with nuclear weapons, which is likely where our troops are going to be after this Iraq phase.
  19. completely depends on which state you are in..
  20. bhahaha I love you for asking.. what are you doing this weekend? LOL, jk;)
  21. don't hate the spyware companies, its a very lucrative business. hate the government for not making it illegal.
  22. m'kay....request granted*pout* wait... are you taking requests? should I break out the list or pretend you didn't say that;)
  23. lol - but you are the psychoswooper!