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Everything posted by McBeth

  1. 0:0:0. Enjoyed a nice quiet weekend at home.
  2. I would love a monkey... except that he would fling poo at me. So I had to go with the sex.
  3. I have only seen the pics... didn't have the joy of seeing it in person. Sounded like fun though
  4. Does anyone have pictures of the inflatable husband... that might change her mind
  5. Affirmative... I'm just not like that... Scott is into self fullfilment Pics of that would work
  6. Glad I wasn't the only... I do love that song, The Ramones rock.
  7. McBeth

    So boys . . .

    I can help you with that
  8. Damn you beat me to it
  9. Is that on the ground or in the air
  10. Will you still jump with little old me... now that you have totally surpassed my jump numbers?
  11. How ya been Mr. Rose? Still planning on being at Prairie?
  12. Did you book your ticket to Lost Prairie yet
  13. All i could see was the sheeps face cause you had it jammed up against the camera while you were rammin your dick into it. Hmm...must've been my stand-in. He's the sheep-effer. And with that, my Sunshine fantasies are dashed to bits. I knew it wasn't you
  14. Sounds like my week... until last night. Finally got a full 8 hours of sleep. I'm enjoying a nice glass of Malbec right now
  15. Damn... why don't you live closer to me
  16. I really think you need to do both!! A summer mini Boogie tour. No can do not nearly enough vacation time or money.
  17. McBeth

    F*** me eyes

    I have been told on numerous occasions that I have fuck me eyes. As others have said it's more of an attitude that the eyes show than the eyes themselves.
  18. Uh oh... I sense trouble tonight.
  19. Aw does it mean you wuv me if you make fun of me I'm doing allright sweetie. Will I be seeing you next weekend?
  20. I'm like a spoiled kid who throws tantrums when I don't get my way
  21. McBeth

    Funny Anagrams

    President Bush = He spurts in bed
  22. McBeth

    Funny Anagrams

    That's a good one So are you smelly?