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Everything posted by McBeth

  1. This last weekend actually a bunch of were discussing it
  2. Hey Peter, not sure if you are taking sticker orders too, but I would love 6 of them
  3. Lately I have had many sleepless nights. And not for a good reason
  4. McBeth

    Sexy lips..

    Very sexy lips. I like lips.
  5. McBeth

    Funny Anagrams

    Check out this site. I recommend trying: The Olsen Twins Some of the past presidents are funny too.
  6. I watched Scary Movie last night... Is it bad that I actually jumped at certain scenes? Imagine me in a real scary movie
  7. Good thing I'm not coming to this one BTW I'm an engineer too, but I'm stil anal about alphabetical order
  8. Might have to, my doll with all the patches looks like a hobo. Well if that's what you are into
  9. Awww... I can't remember the last time I got a gold star, now I'm doing the happy dance.
  10. Sweet, glad I dont have to buy batteries but the blisters on my hands get old after time. You could by a fake pussy instead
  11. I wasn't going to do this, as I've had the link to my donation page in my Sig Line for awhile, but after seeing a few of these threads pop up, I decided to be a follower. Thanks to those of you that have already donated to me
  12. That's why I have a Costco size thing of batteries at home
  13. Sausage and green peppers... mmm mmm good.
  14. Fuck its been weeks since I had any I think Ill go get some tonight!!
  15. Works for me!! And to think in a week and a half we will all be in the same city
  16. And i am the sun. Hrm...we should get together. Can I be the stars
  17. Demons aren't allowed to have power... we can't trust you
  18. So when are you getting up here?
  19. McBeth

    My People!

    My people are hoping so. Blues, Dave Too much of people eating people, my mind cannot process who's eating what, where, and when. PEOPLE!!!! g I just want to nibble