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Everything posted by Jeth

  1. Man, it's driving me crazy sitting here all day at this crappy job!!!! I don't want to write this stupid code, I want to be in the sky!!! I can't believe I agreed to wait until next Thursday to jump -- what was I thinking????!!! Ok -- focus, focus! Without this stupid job you could never afford to jump, so shut up and get back to work!! {trying to focus...... can't bring myself to close window.... still trying to focus.... } Why couldn't I be a waitress or something? Then I would be too busy to think about it and I wouldn't be near a computer. I can't possibly sit here in front of a computer all day and not be on!! Ok, I'm going to try REALLY hard to do some work for the last hour and half of the day. (But still can't bring myself to close the window...) Man, I'm so pathetically addicted...
  2. Hey there Trish! (I just had to chime in here -- I'm the one responsible for sucking her in, I brought her to the DZ! ) Welcome to the forums! Glad you loved your jump so much.
  3. It seems at my DZ anytime you land out you have crossed the "beer line". Apparently it's not just the first time, either, that you owe beer, but every time you land out. Anyone from SDC, is this right?? My friend did a tandem the other day and their butts hit the field, but then they slid out onto the road. The camera flyer declared that they had crossed the beer line and would be buying.
  4. Welcome! Ya, costs vary, as do the programs offered at different DZ's. I'm taking AFP at Skydive Chicago which requires 2 tandem's before, then 18 instructed jumps. It's more comprehensive than standard AFF. It's $1800 for the total package, or each jump individually is between $170 and $80. (They go down in price as you progress) All jumps include full gear. This program also included video on every jump, most DZ's don't. I would just visit web sites for the DZ's in your area, I'm sure most have some info on their training programs. Make sure you know what's included in the "package" and if there are any extra costs. Also visit like Billy suggested. You'll need 25 jumps to get your A license. Each one has to be signed off by an instructor. You do a final check dive, then if you pass you get your A! Welcome to the sport from another newbie.
  5. Just what I was thinking.... Congrats! Hey, thanks guys!! It's great that you pro's don't mind listening to us rookies go on an on about our little victories.
  6. As long as you're not a 'swinger', I guess that phrase is OK... (I'm kiddin'!!!!) Right! It was great because she told me all about your training. I can't believe she sits in the classes with you but doesn't want to jump! Anyway, it was great to meet you, too!
  7. I wanted to add -- at SDC both the tandem jumps are training jumps. You take a class first where you learn about the exit, body position, reading your altimeter, etc. You can do the pull as well as fly the canopy. (If you want to.) But the great thing is if you forget everything and are in overload, they'll do it for you and you'll both land safely.
  8. Hey there, I would highly recommend doing a tandem first. Most people are in total sensory overload and it's really great to not have to worry about doing anything and just enjoy the jump. On my 1st jump, I did look at my altimeter, but it didn't even register in my brain what I was looking at!
  9. I did my 2nd tandem yesterday. IT WAS SO AWESOME!!! I got to control the exit, and my instructor said I did an excellent job. He said I had great body position, was altitude aware, and I knew all the hand signals. YEEEEESSSSSS!!!!! Now I can move on to AFP and FLY SOLO!!!!! WOO-HOO!!!!!
  10. I am SO JEALOUS of you guys!! First off because you are in AFF (I have nothing to sell to pay for the class!) and secondly because you are doing it together. I wish my husband wanted to do it!! Anyway, congrats on your jumps so far!! It sounds like you're gonna finish in no time. Jeth "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  11. I just thought I'd chime in here. I am a student as well and I would love a group just for us. I have been PM'ing a few other students cause I wasn't sure our discussions would be of interest to anyone else. ( It's nice to hear that some experienced jumpers like hearing about our trials and tribulations.) Also, after my inital thread, I wasn't sure if I should keep posting in the "intro" group or not. But even if there isn't one just for us, I'd love to hear about how each of your levels go, SkiD_PL8, so you just post away!
  12. Hey there, Welcome! Yup, thats a pretty common sentiment around here.
  13. Oh well. Congrats on getting to level 5! I'm sure you'll get through it in no time. I can't wait for my next jump -- only 4 days away!
  14. I am just curious -- what happens to the drogue when a tandem chute deploys? There's no pilot chute, right? Is the drogue attached to the main in the same way? If so, what keeps the main from deploying before the pull? Thanks! (I was going to ask my instructor when I get to the DZ, but I couldn't wait.
  15. Congrats on your 1st jump! That is really ambitious to finish AFF in one weekend. I am going back to the DZ next weekend, and am just hoping to do 2 more jumps. I couldn't imagine 5 a day for 3 days! But good luck to you on that! Let us know if you pull it off. Jeth "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  16. Hey AggieDave, Just wanted to tell you (as a student) that's nice to hear. I'm sure being an instructor can be frustrating, boring, annoying at times, but I'm glad you enjoy it. It's because of people like you that people like me can learn!! Thanks!
  17. I know what you mean. The whole thing about me taking my life in MY OWN hands is not the most comforting thought. (Wierd -- you'd think I would trust myself more than anyone else, but that's definitely not the case!) But on the other hand, I know that the thrill of solo flight will be so totally awesome. I will get there. I am hoping that a few more tandems will really fuel the desire to do it alone. (Cause I'll want to be in control more) Glad I'm not the only one! Thanks! p.s. Wait a sec -- tandems are expensive, but the class ain't exactly cheap, either! For me, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th tandems are cheaper than the level 2 thru 5 jumps! "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  18. Ya, this is what I am hoping for. I think I may still have trouble concentrating on my 2nd, though, so I think I will do more tandems until I feel more comfortable. Thanks for all the replies! I was just wondering if I'd look like a doofus for doing more than what's required. But it sounds like everyone is different, so that's cool. My DZ does give a discount for your 2nd, 3rd and 4th tandems, too, so thats great for me. Thanks! "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  19. I am just curious how many tandems everybody did before doing your first AFF jump. (I know some people do S/L first, but I am asking about ones who did tandem-to-AFF). I have done 1 tandem and am going back for my 2nd. I am thinking about doing 1 or 2 more after that before AFP. (My DZ only requires 2 before AFP) I am thinking I want to get more comfortable being in the air before I have to do all the driving myself. Any thoughts on this?? Thanks, Jeth "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  20. Wow, I do the same thing! I was just on vacation last week and outside every day. The skies were so clear and blue, I thought about jumping every single day!! Congrats on finishing AFF! I have to do another tandem before I can start AFP. I am soooooo ready to get back up there!! Jeth "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  21. Congrats on the 1st jump!! So glad you enjoyed it as much as we all did. Yup, it is an amazing experience. Ever since my jump I am constantly looking up at the sky thinking that it's a great day to jump! I have also finished reading "The Skydivers Handbook", I highly recommend it. I am going for my 2nd tandem on the 10th, I can't wait!! I wish I could do it sooner but I've been travelling every weekend. I know the 2nd one is gonna be 100 times better than the first one. I really hope I am more relaxed so I can process more of it. Then I can move on to learn how to jump by myself. Woo-hoo!
  22. Ok, I see. I do think all of the jumps in the AFP course are instructor-supervised. But it is a bit misleading because I'll still need 5 more after that. (And it doesn't say what they charge for those.) I'll definitely double-check what the FULL total would be to complete all 25 jumps. Thanks for the info!
  23. Ya, it definitely seems that way. I think for me that would be better since I have major doubts that I can skydive by myself so I need all the instruction I can get! (To build confidence) So with the regular AFF program, to get the coached jumps can you just go to any DZ and ask for a coach? Then you pay extra to have the coach go with you? Do you generally use the same coach for all of them or just whoever may be there? Thanks! "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site