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    Skydive Oregon Molalla
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  1. My wife and I started with AFF. She did awesome on her first jump. Smiling all the way down. However, now that I've seen my video, I was quite overcome by the whole experience apparently. I did good but was not relaxed as I exited the plane. I looked like a flying x belly down. After about 20 seconds I relaxed and got things under control. My favorite part was flying my own canopy in and landing. That was sweet. You have to do what you are comfortable with.
  2. Having read through the dive flow for 4 and 5 I feel pretty good about the maneuvers. On AFF 3 they let go of me at 9,000 agl and i maintained a heading until pulling. It's the maeuvers in 6 and 7 that has me a little nervous.
  3. [/email]Give me a call. My wife and I are in the same level. 360.891.0303.
  4. Where's your DZ? Was the second jump tougher for you than the first. I was very nervous on that one. The third was great, I was ready to jump before the plane even left the ground. However, for fear of looking stupid bouncing down the runway in my white helmet I chose to sit tight for a few minutes.
  5. The first 3 are completed and my wife and I are completely addicted. Is it always this awesome? We both go back Sunday for AFF 4 & 5. Does it get easier now?
  6. Thats awesome. When I saw how excited my wife was from her first 3 AFFs I knew I had to get started too. This is without a doubt the coolest and most challenging sport I have ever done. It's amazing to watch the pros at our DZ (Skydive Oregon) They are all so professional and focused. This Sunday we both go back for our AFF 4 & 5.Quote