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Everything posted by Jeth

  1. I agree. It sucks being bored. Especially when you're tired. Yes, I'd rather get paid to be bored, but I'd really rather not be bored. I'm an IT geek and I spend 90% of my day on the net. Of course, thats basically my fault cuz I could probably get more work if I told my boss I needed some. (So I guess I'd rather be bored on than working. ) Maybe one of these days I'll get a job I actually like... "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  2. Wow. Now, see, I was NOT expecting to be in the majority. (I voted for 1) I get so sick of people asking me when I am having kids or acting totally shocked when I tell them I don't have any. I HATE KIDS!! THEY'RE ANNOYING, THEY'RE WAY TOO EXPENSIVE AND THEY'D NEED WAY TO MUCH OF MY TIME!! Its hard for me cuz I'm a married woman over 30 so people expect me to have kids. I get so sick of it... Why do so many people just think "well its the normal thing to do, guess I'll have some"? Thats crazy!! "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  3. Yup, guilty here. I got totally hammered for my 13th birthday party. Wine and 7-Up. My Mom let me and my friends stay at our beach house and she stayed at a motel down the road. She had no idea the next morning... or did she?? Then I drank regularly when I was 15 and 16, but that doesn't really count cuz it was legal. ( I was in Switzerland. ) Aaaaaahhh.. the good 'ol days..... hangin out in a pub every Friday and Saturday night, getting plastered on the train, enjoying Europe's finest beers in some of the finest cities....
  4. This is soooo true!!! I THOUGHT was relaxed in freefall. I was even smiling. But it wasn't till my last jump that I finally figured it out. It was when I took a huge breath, opened my hands and exhaled like I just plopped down on the sofa. I felt it the instant I did that -- I was truly relaxed!! And then I had an even bigger smile on my face.
  5. Hey there, You are definitely not the only one taking some time with AFF! I just had to repeat my level 4 of AFP. And I have friends who had to as well. There are many experienced jumper on here who had rocky starts, too. Don't worry about it!
  6. Hey Billy! Thanks and congrats on the graduation! Sorry I won't make it to see your grad dive, tho. (But it sounds like you'll be busy with Sunny anyway... ) I'm sure 'll see ya around!
  7. I haven't had any yet myself, but as it has been explained to me, the direction you kick is just the opposite of the way the twist is going. So if you are twisting to the right, you would grab your risers, pull them apart and kick your legs out to the left. This is how some of my fellow students did it and they got their twists out right away. But definitely ask your instructors to demonstrate if you want to see it! "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  8. Yup, you're hooked. We have all been sucked into the skydiving vortex.
  9. Hello, Of course, we all have fear! But you will also feel exhilaration and accomplishment each time you jump. Just try to push the fear down. Once you get out the door and feel the wind in your face, it will all be worth it!!
  10. Hey Steve, I feel your pain!! I just did 2 jumps yesterday and the pain, especially on the 2nd one, was BAD!! I didn't even do a 3rd cause I knew it would be agony under canopy. I had my leg straps very tight, and I asked my instructors and they said the fit was good. I tried to slide my pads up before I exited, but that didn't help. Its very frustrating because none of the other students jumping with me have this problem. They couldn't believe how much it hurt me! I was thinking possibly my jean shorts are getting buched up under my straps?? (It didn't feel like it but who knows!) I was thinking of wearing spandex shorts next time to see if that helps. Maybe I can stuff some extra padding in their. I was also thinking of trying another suggestion I saw on this board -- to get elbow pads and put the leg straps thru them. I gotta find something that helps because I really want to be able to do 3 jumps a day! Good luck! Let me know if you find anything that works! (I'll do the same) Beth "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  11. WOO-HOO!!!! I FOUND MY ARCH!!!!
  12. Hey, I just wanted to tell ya I have the same fear. My last jump was my release dive where they let go of me. I didn't flip over, but I turned and drifted and couldn't get back. I hated not being in control and not being able to get back to my instructor. Now my next jump is where I jump out solo. I am nervous that I am going to go unstable and not be able to get steady. I know everybody says to arch, but I am not at a point where I trust my arch yet. It seems crazy that if I'm on my back just arching will flip me over! But I'm glad to hear it worked for you!! I guess I will learn to trust it, like you did, when it happens to me. I think you have a great idea to go on your back on purpose. I'm sure the more times you are able to flip yourself back over, the more confidence you will have that you're in control. I hope my 1st unstable experience goes as well as yours did! (I still haven't stood up a landing yet... ) Be proud that you did it right and it worked!! Just keep doing it and I'm sure the fear will go away. Jeth "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  13. Hey, congrats on your progression!
  14. Hey there, Why did you fail each one, were you really unstable? Did you not pull? So far I am 4-for-4, but I have a friend who did level 3 twice, 4 three times and also had to repeat 2 other levels! But he got through it and graduated. You can too!! You are probably just tensing up so you can't get control. And then you are worrying about how much money you are spending so that stresses you out. Just really try to relax on the way up. Take big, HUGE, deep breaths. That really helps me. Don't think about anything else, just go over the dive in your mind, exactly as you want it to happen. Also I have found that if I stretch out beforehand I am more limber so I can get into my arch easier. Everybody says it over and over.. its all about RELAXing! Like they say, its 90% mental. I have other friends who were pretty unstable until they really relaxed. Then they said everything just "clicked". They said its so much simpler when you are relaxed. I myself am not in control, either. I can't do turns right and I don't trust my arch fully yet. But I know my time will come when it will click for me. And it will for you, too!! Don't give up!!
  15. BTW, does anyone know when the GK's will be doing their thing at the airshow? I've never seen them. "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  16. Yup, been hearing them all day! I am just west of the lake at Adams & Wabash. "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  17. Thats okay... I won't tell anyone... "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  18. that sounds like an adrenaline junkie to me... I consider myself adventurous in that I love to travel to exotic places, try new things, meet all sorts of people - basically just get out there and experience life. But thats different than always looking for the next big thrill, or pushing the envelope to get the ultimate rush. (Although I did thorougly enjoy going 110mph on a crotch rocket... ok, maybe i am a bit of an adrenaline junkie myself... ) "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  19. Well guess I'm not alone then!
  20. I am just curious.... I am not an adrenaline junkie. I have never been into extreme sports (or sports much at all, really) nor major risk taking. But as soon as I tried skydiving, I was HOOKED. Now I can't wait to get to that place where I know what I'm doing and can jump with my friends! Any other jumpers out there with skydiving as their only "extreme" passion?? "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  21. Wow, glad to hear you and the minivan are okay!
  22. That is so awesome!! Thanx for the pics.