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Everything posted by phastasphuk

  1. Vector -87, Raider 220, Firelite, Cypres, no RSL, Collapsible bungee PC. Soon downsizing to a BT-60. chris How would you like too stick with me How much do you love to freefall
  2. You did the right thing...and most the important one was to jump again...just get up there and get that good feeling back! Only found one thing that I would never do: cant't beat that groundrush feeling you get from a nice dense cloud ...I always go for clouds... Except when the cloud base is too low of courses
  3. A friend of mine smuggled two bottles of 80 % rum in his container. Just packed them in beside his main, the rig looked daft but worked wonders with customs... chris How would you like too stick with me How much do you love to freefall
  4. It's either that or an AAD back home if you're not D-cert. So I choose AAD, cause I can't see the point in a RSL. But it's a cheap way to get around regulations. chris How would you like too stick with me How much do you love to freefall
  5. I had some problems with fear during my AFF to. I tried to shut the fear out of my mind, but only too have it back to me in freefall, thus tensioning up and screwing up the level, then go directly up again and do it perfectly. One of the JM noticed this, he was not my regular JM and this was after our first jump. Basically, what he told me was the best advice I ever got during MY AFF. He told me not to try to shut out the fear, but to embrace it. If you try to shut it out it will come back when you least need it, in the air. He told me to visualize every aspect of the dive on the ground(smell, noise, plane, ground, height, fellow jumpers, whatever) to get used to it and at the same time train your body what to do when these fears come to you. Which in my case was to arch. This is what helped me during my education, not all the pats on your back and the "you'll be fine the next jump". Hope all goes well with you. chris How would you like too stick with me How much do you love to freefall
  6. I see that the members count rising very fast indeed, but I don't see THAT many more people posting...maybe we just got thousands of lurkers here, but... Can you loose your membership here if you don't log on for such and such long time? Maybe just alot of people see skydiving site, think "kool", sign up and forget about it. Or maybe there is no performance gain to do this at all? If that's the case, the more the merrier, right!
  7. Now thats not fair to the fat people...thay are humans with feelings and emotions them too... BUT...half the price for skinny to normal people should be oki, right! I think they have that in the states already. And why can't you put screaming kids as luggage? chris How would you like too stick with me How much do you love to freefall
  8. Exactly how many is the current record? IS there a record(yet)? Have fun and stay never know what you reel in after a number of beers. Good Luck
  9. No one has argued with me about this, but this setup is common back home. But if the plane is going down below 800 m and i have my bungee "in action", hey ho silver... If you know your gear and know under which circumstances to use which chute, no problem... And I might add that the performance gain i got with this setup is very much noticable, and thats with an old raider 220! I chosed the bungee option instead of a kill line, cause I didn't want to add another thing to my packing routines as I had just started pro packing. But I liked the "bigger grommet" THATS cheap! chris How would you like too stick with me How much do you love to freefall
  10. ...cheezlus feckin chris...the pub never's open all the time, hallelujah, praise the lord, I said Jeeeeeeezus is here, oh jeeeeezusss, hallelujah, haaaallelujah... ...or is it the devil that keeps it open... chris How would you like too stick with me How much do you love to freefall
  11. aaarghhh...not one more here now...too crowded Nah, no worries...this is the place to be at when you're working...welcome... But can there be too many skydivers at one place at the same time? And if we all were naked, would we occupie less space...and would a barrel or two of massage oil make it easier to slip more skydivers in...often I think about these questions...a lot chris How would you like too stick with me How much do you love to freefall
  12. WTF...this is a highly sofisticated mod for maximum performance...seriously, it's good...if you wanna do hops n pops, just undo the knot on the bungee cord, thats what I do. And you don't have to worry that you had forgotten to uncock your kill line...not that anyone will do that ofcourse, right? It's quite common back home, but that is not the US... chris How would you like too stick with me How much do you love to freefall
  13. My rigger made my P/C collapsible with a bungeecord...same effect as kill line, but you have to beware of it when you do hops 'n pops...needs a little higher airspeed to work.. Cost me 10 $.... chris How would you like too stick with me How much do you love to freefall
  14. 64 you other guys have this problem too...sounds like plenty of time to me... chris How would you like too stick with me How much do you love to freefall
  15. I like to use the left one, gives a little feminine touch to it chris How would you like too stick with me How much do you love to freefall
  16. You guys just don't know what you're talking about, hehe chris How would you like too stick with me How much do you love to freefall
  17. Just curious how much things cost, cause I've seen some prizes that way off target of what I'm used to! So here we go oh, and I took the liberty to convert from SEK to dullars all by myself! 0$ for the first one. Hey! I live in Sweden, and it's aaaaalways free here, oki 6-7$ for the second, but that's because I bought in to this discount system(aprox 160$), otherwise around 10-12$ Third goes for around 1-2$ at dz's...up to 5$ if you go out, but Hey again, we got proper beer here(all europeans can nod silently here in agreement) chris How would you like too stick with me How much do you love to freefall
  18. Why would one keep their cypres switched on, except for sheer laziness. And I would like to see a cypres save from a commercial airliner. Imagine that, 30000 feet, plane cracks up, you go for the gear in the overhead compartment, bailing out from the debris, putting it on in freefall and you bounced cause of a no pull! damn, didn't forget to switch of my cypres is your last thought... Sorry, just mumbling here in my corner of the world. Keep 'em on and off at the right time, then all is good
  19. You go girl! Hope your next jump goes just as well as this one, coz then I will have another great story to look forward to!
  20. Ehhh...sorry to bother, but what does this 0:0:0 count mean..exactly.. Guess the middle one is number of jumps, and knowing you freaks, one GOTTA to mean sex...proper sex that is! I would like to think that the third one is how much beer you drank...hey, we're all skydivers, and what else matters than sex:jumps:beer!! ...or am I completly of target here... chris How would you like too stick with me How much do you love to freefall
  21. That's suxs...or maybe it's good if you're one filthy rich person, but if you were, who would be working then. Hope you find a well paid gig soon... chris How would you like too stick with me How much do you love to freefall
  22. Good work finishing it in two days. Gee, only took me 8 months to finish mine, hehe... Like they say, now the FUN part starts Hurry up and get your own gear, it gets even more fun then... chris How would you like too stick with me How much do you love to freefall
  23. Ahhh, that's a shame, you should have booted one out from that formation, cause 5 makes beer ;)( or atleast back home it does!!!) Congrats to you, sinister. chris How would you like too stick with me How much do you love to freefall
  24. Sounds to me that you handled that situation good. You looked at the canopy-looks fine, you cleared the brakes-they cleared, you tried some slow nice turns and maybe to brake a little bit(at altitude I hope!)-still flies nicely, you landed ok! That's exactly what I would have done in your situation. You make a decision in the air, can I land this thing?, if you know you can, land it. If you're not sure or say no to that question, chop it and go for reserve ride. This is what I would have done in that situation, maybe others have different opinions... chris How would you like too stick with me How much do you love to freefall
  25. I think that scuba diving itself isn't dangerous at all, but what makes it dangerous that is so easy to make mistakes...descent a little to deep, ascend a little to quick and zap, that was fatal accident. To be honest, I never dived, but to me it's looks so much easier to make mistakes when there are no clear boundaries of whats safe and whats not. Please correct me if I'm wrong here. But with skydiving, the border between life and death is crystal clear, it's ground zero. And because it's not natural to humans to fall to earth in freefall speeds, we become more alert to the dangers that the ground represents. We have been swimming for zillions of years, so we are used to it. maybe in a couple of thousand years, fallin from the sky IS natural to us. Well, just my .50 skr. chris How would you like too stick with me How much do you love to freefall