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Everything posted by unformed

  1. "Relax, Focus, Flow" without a doubt. I don't know how many stressful days I have gone through repeating that over and over to myself. I would never have registered it if it wasn't the subtitle for the first one. "Battling the Enemy Within" sounds more like the subtitle to a movie. This ad space for sale.
  2. How many dead jumpers do you know? At 17 jumps probably not many. Give it time. You will. Doesn't mess up your body? Like having a metal bar in your leg? Spending months in the hospital due to a mistake? Not quite. There's many a young jumper that downsizes to fast, ignores advice to slow down, claiming he knows what he's doing, and up putting a crater somewhere. Knowledge and understanding comes with age and experience. Skydiving is far more dangerous than any drug I've ever done (and although I'm clean now, I've done more than you've heard of.) Why? I can control what is happening. If I notice a drug is having a bad effect, I can stop, go get water, go to sleep, etc, to help my body recover. A friend can grab me and give me things to counteract what just happened. If I'm in a bad skydive, guess what? I've got sixty seconds to fix something. If I'm in a collision with someone else (has happened to me) and I get knocked out, and I don't have a Cypres, I'm dead. No one can save me. No one is denying anything. This ad space for sale.
  3. I'm not dismissing them because they sound nasty or put them in a negative light. I quit drugs a long time ago. I'll be the first person to tell anybody not to do drugs, and especially coke, but the reason I tell them to never touch the stuff is not because it dangerous, but because it is that fucking good and that fucking addictive. I dismiss these because it's bullshit propaganda. This ad space for sale.
  4. Nobody's saying its not harmful. Just that those facts are bullshit. Besides, everything causes cancer these days. This ad space for sale.
  5. I'm going to believe experience before I'm going to believe anything the government releases, especially when it's about something they want to keep illegal. And I'm definitely going to believe in experience before I'm going to believe somebody who is extremely opinionated and unexperienced. This ad space for sale.
  6. I told that woman I can't stand cooked liver! This ad space for sale.
  7. And I'm sure the guy who's sitting in back of a shady bar wrapping his arm with a red handkerchief just so he can get another hit is really concerned with properly removing the impurities from his heroin. Yes, medical grade heroin in the proper dosage is one of the safest things you can take. Street heroin is neither medical grade nor of a guaranteed strength, nor do people always know what their tolerance is. The first (and only) time I snorted Oxycontin, I did an amount that was normal for the girl who gave it to me. I came very close to becoming a statistic. Bullshit. Nope. Pure coke is safer and easier on the nose than impure coke and you will fell better as well. With 4% your nose will be burning and you won't WANT to finish it. I would not snort 4% coke if you gave it to me for free, and I bought it, I would throw it away and lose the $100 than spend do that shit to my body. Pure (>90%) goes up like candy and has a clean comedown. I call bullshit - from experience. This ad space for sale.
  8. A few notes.... Yep, if you know the quality of the H. Unfortunately, on the street, you don't. But people don't chain-smoke joints, so it's a moot point. Anyone who will actually pay for 4% purity on a repeated basis is an idiot. I'd like to know the definition of "can" and the amounts they're referring to. I don't quite believe this. This ad space for sale.
  9. unformed


    Well with LASEK they don't cut a flap on your eye, and instead just burn the top of the ball off. The result is that's its not possibly to fall out during freefall. The downside is that it takes about three days to heal. (LASIK you can see as soon as you get out of the op.) This ad space for sale.
  10. I have to write a few sketches for class, so can y'all give me a basic character (occupation, primary M.O., or something of the sort), a location, and an emotion. They don't have to be related. edit to add: Absurdity is not only accepted, but highly encouraged. This ad space for sale.
  11. unformed


    I had lasek (essentially the same thing, but a slightly different operation, better for people with astigmatism and myopia)...and it was the best things i've ever done. I had the op done 3-4 years ago, and my eyes are still fine. At last checkup (about a year ago) I was 20/20 and 20/25 whereas before I was nearly blind.... This ad space for sale.
  12. A beer to anyone who dares to eat this! This ad space for sale.
  13. And you though cute little vegetarian vampires didn't exist. This ad space for sale.
  14. Ah. Nothing like the ol' tornado jump. This ad space for sale.
  15. I woke up one morning with the cops on the phone asking for my friend (who i was out drinking with the night before) we had inadvertently caused about 10,000 dollars worth of damage to an EPA test well. Needless to say, they weren't pleased.... This ad space for sale.
  16. It's great. My boss sits there cursing all day. First week I was there he decided to find out if I was someone who got offended easily. Nope. Great, so now we sit back and talk about porn and hookers and beer all day, with, of course, a good many "shit" and "fuck" and "goddamn" thrown in for good measure. This ad space for sale.
  17. Do guys really want that, or do y'all just say it because it's the "in" thing right now? What else is there that's so important? edit to add: I thought about this for a bit, and realized, you're right. I don't want two girls at the same time. I want two redheads at the same time. This ad space for sale.
  18. WORLD PEACE! Oh right, sorry, that's probably taken... In that case ..... two girls at the same time. This ad space for sale.
  19. why is this in speaker's corner? shouldn't we be vanquishing some liberals or heathens or something? This ad space for sale.
  20. if high school wasn't such a fucking waste of time, i might have actually gone to class.... just because it's school and they're teachers doesn't mean you necessarily mean you can learn something there. This ad space for sale.
  21. Could you send me the name of that book? I don't know when I'd get a chance to read it at the moment, but I like reading about different ideas, as long as they -are- objectively offered. This ad space for sale.
  22. Southwest does Tuesdays. This ad space for sale.