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Everything posted by unformed

  1. I'm not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV, but I believe they already have charges for false accusations. This ad space for sale.
  2. He's not pushing it down our throats. No, sir. This ad space for sale.
  3. There is no Law. There is no Judge. There will be no Trial. You can believe it all you want, because it makes you feel like your life has some purpose. You can think there's another eternal world waiting there for you. You can think there's somebody out there who truly unconditionally and eternally loves you. Unfortunately, it's a belief made to make us feel better. Our lives have no purpose. There is no other world. And besides the few people who we know and love in this world, nobody really cares what happens to us. When you die, you'll be (I assume) buried and join the earth. When I die, I will be cremated and join the earth again. I'll rather be a good person. I'll rather marry a good person. I'd rather have friends who are good people. And I'd rather have children who are good people. I don't give a rat's fuck what happens to me after I die, because...get this....I'll be dead. This ad space for sale.
  4. You forgot to add "Clinton lied". This ad space for sale.
  5. I didn't say that. What I was trying to get across was that they were all sincere and that there is no evidence for the claim that they were all just crazy or dishonest (speaking of the apostles). They did not die for a lie. They "all" saw what they saw, held each other accountable to the truth, and died horrible deaths for it (didn't just drink the purple koolaide, if you will). And the Heaven's Gate crowd truly, sincerely believed that they were going to be put on a spaceship when Haley's Comet flew by. Those people were good, hardworking people too. No evidence about them being crazy or dishonest at all. They were just looking for the truth where there was none to be found, and the guy who came to show them something (Marshall Applewhite) was just another delusional, charismatic fuck who had no intention to deceive them, but did anyways. Kind of like Jesus. This ad space for sale.
  6. Nope. Sorry. What? You're not going to die? You've also not lied, stolen, and blasphemed? Yes, I'm going to die. Yes I have lied. Yes I have stolen. Yes I have broken every commandment there is. Although I try to live my life as pure as I can, on my morals. And God can suck my balls. The "Nope. Sorry" refers to this. No matter how much you keep repeating it, it doesn't make it true. And no matter how much you keep repeating it, you're not going to convince us otherwise. And actually what you're doing by repeating the same thing over and over and over and over and over again is reminding us why we try to stay away from Christians anyways, even if we do conscientiously understand that you don't represent the average Christian, just the born again, self-righteous crowd. This ad space for sale.
  7. The time of the end of the world is debatable (no one knows). However, you will die and face judgment for everything you've done. If you had a special earpiece that recorded every thought that has gone through your head in your lifetime, would you be willing to let the world listen to it? God knows your every thought and everything you've done. The world aside, you're Judgment Day is coming soon. Nope. Sorry. This ad space for sale.
  8. If you KNEW that the FSM was not true and that you just made it up, would you still hang on a cross for it in order to further your cause? You'd either have to be crazy or sincere. These guys didn't just believe. They knew because they witnessed the fulfilled prophesy and miraculous events that occurred. [a lit of martyrs]/reply] Heaven's Gate Just because people die for something doesn't mean that they're not deluded. Or the Heaven's Gate cult really was right. This ad space for sale.
  9. That's because I no longer simply believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, I know it. It has become a reality in my life. Speculating on how I would react when faced with a false god would be make believe and a useless exercise. Then why do you keep asking atheists and other non-christians how they'll react when they meet jesus? That question is just as pointless. Have you ever told a lie, stolen, blasphemed, looked with lust at another woman (adultery of the heart), hated without cause (murderer at heart)? No false god of any other religion can save you from the penalty you must pay for your lawlessness. The Law convicts (that's its job) but it will not save you. When you meet Jesus, you will stand in righteous judgment for everything you have done. The Flying Spaghetti Monster is going to turn you into a meatball. This ad space for sale.
  10. A friend of mine at 24 was in a car crash and died. Another friend, at 22, woke up one morning to find out she had a rare form of cancer. In two weeks she, too, was dead. A cousin, at 20 or so, and in perfect health, dropped dead of a brain aneurysm while working out. The world will still go on. Save for a nuclear war or an alien invasion, the world is not ending tomorrow. God is not going to come down one day and say "Okay, I've decided, today is Judgment Day. End of the world! Wala!" Fortunately for us, the Bible is wrong. After we die, we become maggot food, our friends and family remember us, but carry on with their lives, and the world goes on. This ad space for sale.
  11. I shouldn't have said 'all'/. But the religion I was raised in (not Christianity) and those that I have studied are not. Doesn't make a difference to me ..... I'm quite against all organized religions. This ad space for sale.
  12. Well, with other gods it wouldn't really matter ... since they only care if you lived a good life. Part of the Hindu doctrine is that while praying daily and performing the religious rituals is important, taking care of yourself and your family is far more important, and if it came down to praying or going to work so you could feed our family, well, the choice is obvious. So, actually, if everybody believed in Christianity and followed Jesus' teachings, they'd be fine. Because, if Christianity is right, they'd be fine, and if the other religions are right, well, they lived a good life, so they'd be fine as well. I think fundamentalist Christianity is perfect for masochists who want to feel like they're really evil, naughty people and need to be constantly told that. This ad space for sale.
  13. Parents aren't perfect. They do the best they can and do what they think is right. If the person realizes that he's not what he wants to be, he needs to change things and become that. It's never too late to reinvent yourself. And personally, I think everybody should reinvent themselves at least a few times throughout their lives, just to keep themselves from becoming stale. This ad space for sale.
  14. How are you going to react when you face Jesus? I'm gonna offer him a beer. This ad space for sale.
  15. Man, I wonder what kinds of stories Jehovah's Witnesses have when they're sitting around the campfire. "So, this one time this blonde bombshell opened the door completely naked." "There was this guy watching porn and drinking beer at nine the morning." "This guy had an altar in his living room where he sacrificed virgins." This ad space for sale.
  16. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 This ad space for sale.
  17. FIELD GOAL! TIE GAME!!!! This ad space for sale.
  18. Somebody knocking at your door for no reason. This ad space for sale.
  19. No kidding ...... It's not like Bush got a blowjob or anything.... This ad space for sale.
  20. if he's actually a fun person, and just shy .... yeah, it helps, and there's nothing wrong with it .... especially at bars girls are much more receptive if another girls comes to them and introduces a guy than if the guy comes himself... now if he's actually a really boring person and has no social skills....well, he's not going to get anywhere anyways.... the only thing you can do is get his foot in the door, so to speak .... and you should ...... but he has to understand the rest of it is still up to him... This ad space for sale.
  21. http://ftp3.ohpy.com/up/elbbs/2006/11/25/10817/1164410791/contact_2_500.wmv This ad space for sale.
  22. 1) Your stupid idea is not original. Somebody somewhere has already done it. Guaranteed. 2) You have to consider the risks/repercussions of getting busted and the reward of not. If you are smart enough to either not get busted or get out of it without major repercussion, you should definitely do it. If not, it really comes down to what you're getting out of it for the odds that you're fucked. This ad space for sale.
  23. I see you posted your actual pic on here. It's a well known character from literature (original illustration, there have been other more recent versions as well as movie and TV characterizations). 5 brownie points for a correct identification. I guess I'll have to give a clue. Dr. Bunsen Honeydew? This ad space for sale.
  24. Okay, so we know that you call yourself Christian, and we know that you have turned yourself over to Christ. How do we know that you are not a false prophet? How do we know that the anti-christ has not infected you so as to come through unexpected paths? This ad space for sale.
  25. Well, having been a vegetarian for a good 23 years of my life, it is of my personal opinions that vegetarianism is for Hindus and women. This ad space for sale.