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Everything posted by matthewcline

  1. Where? That wouldn't be PC! An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  2. How I have done it; C-130, C-141, C-17, C-5 (140kts), 2000' AGL at around 130kts, poised and deployed as soon as clear of the door facing the line of flight, off the ramp deploy as soon as you drop through the dead spot and the 2nd hard blast of air hits you, AAD was on. UH-60, Otter, PAC, Porter, 2000' AGL at around 100kts, exit and deployed as above. CH-47, Skyvan, CASA, C-23B Sherpa, same as above but the exit was a poise off the tail gate. For all of the jumps the AAD was on and a VISIBLE altimeter was worn and USED. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  3. I wonder how far a RW suit will stretch? Or will it de-sleeve its self? An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  4. COOL Shot! It looks like it is as we break from the second #1 and head to that crazy properly blade idea, who sudgested that craziness? Since it is on video it happened, but since there was no blood, then no harm and no foul! An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  5. 0:16:0 Few tandems, a few RW's including a 1-0-1 jump where I got clocked by a camera dude. (15 numbers issued to date) But all in all a good weekend once the weather played nice! Icon134 got picks yet? An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  6. And yet again you avoid the question. Can you PROVE there are 40,000, or more, deserters from the US military over the war in Iraq , or is it hard since it isn't so? Is it just a conspiracy theory? How about this I am a reasonable person, I'll give you a reasonable goal, prove 4,000 have deserted and I will consider your conspiracy "proven". An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  7. Is it "fact" because you say it is? Or is it "fact" because as a conspiracy theorist you take the Governments denial as proof? Two WHOLE DIVISIONS of an Army would make any and all National News services (and be spun be all sides as to why). Just looking around at a few reports and I am only coming up with around 200 deserters including all 4 services, active and reserve, I am sure it is a little higher as the reports aren't up to date but it is a bit off the 40,000 mark. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  8. Off to Xenia for the boogie fun and to hand out SE 1-0-1 #'s. Gonna live off the grid for 4 days. Have a good weekend all!! An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  9. I do not have a copy, but what about the comissioning papers? and the Articles of the UCMJ? Or are your saying Officers are special and ONLY the Enlisted swear allegiance to those appointed over them? An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  10. How could it happen? Unqualified Inattentive Inebreated Inahurry Inept Rigging compitence comes with experience and training. With experience comes confidence and the dreaded fellings of doubt go away. Have it checked by a qualified rigger and then repack before you jump, better to be safe than sorry. I have landed backwards a lot, but never with a fast ram air canopy. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  11. Only if the judgespanel was all Min. Vikings fans. ( for the non-US Football fans, purple and yellow is the Teams color scheme) An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  12. I was under the impression that some things are still requiring a "D" regardless, a thin example is the Parachutist requirment of a 'D" license to get a picture in the wings and thing section. I beg to differ on the "apparently you are" comment, but it is always good to get feed back from some one who can see you from another prospective. It helps to get a little of advice to aide in a bit of reflecting. I think the "D" license has easy and reasonable requirments. I got mine after 26 months in the sport when it was 200 jumps and in the following 11 months jumped my ass off and earned my PRO rating. I can not count the number of times Buddy B. smiled and then said start over when I got 7 or 8 pre-declared landings and then blew it. So in that regard, if my thinking that the standards are low and should not be lowered, deffines the "because I had too" attitude then I guess am. But it is my opinion they shouldn't be lowered. For those who can't do a part for what ever reason, apply for the "R" and let the board decide. If one doesn't like the result, vote for a new board. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  13. I'm confused now. You said you do A.S.E. all the time, but now you don't base jump yet? Or did I miss read that? I was just saying that is a person wants a B.A.S.E. # they need to fullfil the requirments. I have done S. but do not think I should get a B.A.S.E. #, and since Iwasn't to thrilled with the lowness of the jump I probably won't. The 470' jump from a C-141 was low enough for me and yet I still did the S. as a part of a group (peer preasure wouldn't you know) . If a person wants any license (Webster's deffinitions not with standing) meet the requirments or don't get one. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  14. There are plenty who bad mouth the troops and even troops who bad mouth the troops. I would disagree with Dan and say there have been some who bad mouth troops here, I had the displeasure of conversing with a couple. Consider your self lucky not to have to talk to them in any capacity. For political veiws aside, I am sure your like all Fathers of a member of the Military, willing to defend their moral and physical being as if it was the day they where born. I commend you and all Parents of members of the Military. Sorry to those who care about the side track of the thread. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  15. "ballidest" took me a second there. Well, are you OK with not having a B.A.S.E. #, since you need the B portion? I think the "D" license is not hard enough and needs to not be made easier. What should happen is since the "C" moved up then the old "D licensed required" for certain things in USPA should now be a "C license required". I am not a "I did it so you need to!" type, but I think the fix is already in place with the ristricted license, we just need to define what some one is restricted from. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  16. Was it an open field or leval one? OK, OK, I was just stirring the pot a bit. I think the PRO is a good thing and it makes my life as a Demonstrator easier. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  17. Maybe the "A" license is the basic drivers license, the motor cycle endorsment "B", the CDL a "C", and the racing associations license a "D"? Each one allows different things but the first is all you "need". An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  18. My Daughter is awaiting approval and she is "Whitetiger", her favorite animal. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  19. Going to the Boogie at Skydive Greene County. Hope to issue out some SE 1-0-1 #'s and maybe a small one jump meet. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  20. Damn, probably set Gawains recovery back 3 months. I got to go see a shrink for the mental scaring myself. I don't now what I was thinking, or maybe I wasn't, yeah that had to be it. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  21. I would say yes we are in regards to PTSD, how could you not after 4 trips to a combat zone? To what degree I do not know. But I still see no point in the previous link after link posts. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  22. Lets clarify a little, it is the "civlian" leadership who upon being voted into office by the people they are to represent who put the people and military into this mess. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  23. Now we have to bring the thermals whe nwe do team training! Before you put the curtains up it was so much easier to be a dirty old man. Damn did I say that out load and type it? Oh well it wasn't a state secret. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  24. Head over to Xenia Ohio for the 4 day weekend boogie. Skydive Greensburg (SP) is in that are isn't it? Lets look in the DZ listings and see. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!
  25. John, Hopefully if the whole profficiancy card is done right they will get the FAA paperwork, flag, smoke, spotting , ground control experience and 10 jumps. An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!!