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Everything posted by SpeedyGonzales

  1. I've landed next to the runway once in a similar situation. It was the first load of the day and we didn't get the spot quite right. I decided that rather than cross the runway at less than 1000 ft, I would just land next to the runway.
  2. I've made 2 tandem jumps and both of them were free, and neither one of them was I naked. The first one was at a boogie and I packed for him all weekend and he took me up on a free tandem the last day of the boogie. (I was still a student then and couldn't jump at the boogie.) The second one was with a friend of mine who had just got his tandem rating and wanted to jump with someone that day before his first paying tandem.
  3. I second that motion. It took six tech's to fix my problem with my phone and I'm still not convinced that it's fixed. Only tomorrow will tell. Also, I pay extra for T-Mobile to T-Mobile free calls and last months bill charged me for some of these calls. I inquired and get this crap-if you aren't on a T-Mobile tower, even if you have free roaming and nationwide, the free T-Mobile to T-Mobile doesn't count. Where's that in the fine print? Believe me it's there, it's there for all cell phone companies. I work at Cellular One's call center and we have people calling about stuff like that all the time. Also your night and weekend minutes will not apply either.
  4. Or you could always try what Justin takes. Not sure what it's called, but you get some pretty interesting hallucinations if you don't go to sleep right away, from what I've heard.
  5. I couldn't even begin to remember the name of it, but there's this pizza place in Toronto, Canada that my dad used to take me to when I was little. I really don't remember a lot about the place, but I remember the slices of pizza were huge and dripping with cheese. Man, I wish I knew the name of the place now.
  6. Do you know how many people are going to go look to see if "gullible" is in the thesarus....
  7. I'll be there!!! Oh, wait, I'm one of the six people going with you....
  8. Oh, it will have the same result, I just won't get there as fast and will remember more of what went on during the night.
  9. I learned that dating whuffos SUCK!!!! And that I should not make myself drinks.
  10. Yeah, I have the Motorola T720 phone now. I know for a fact though that Cellular One won't be having the firefly phones because I work for them and they announced it earlier this week.
  11. It is a neat idea, however it's based on GSM technology so companies like Alltel, Cellular One, and Verizon won't be carrying them because they still use CDMA technology.
  12. I was wondering why the letters looked so small me!!! And there's the short joke!! Knew it was coming sometime. And I probably should have noticed the NSFW before I read the poem on my work computer!!!
  13. You guys don't know the whole story and what has been going on with this. The guy never tried to "pawn" her off to his roommate the next time he saw her. There were probably some things this guy could have done differently, but he has told her several times he's not interested and she keeps coming back.
  14. Ahh the voice of reason. It takes 2 people to create and maintain a fucked up situation like this. Your friend could've shut her down in a heart beat early on, but apparently he liked the ass too much so now he's in over his head playing dodge ball with someone else's emotions. Uh, did you hear the part where she keeps randomly showing up at the house. And believe me he did shut her down early on. The problem is she keeps coming. Don't try to turn this around on him, he really didn't do anything to deserve this.
  15. Geez, I thought this was all over with after her e-mail "relationship", when I saw she had signed up for the first jump class I about jumped out of my chair. Hope you guys get this figured out. Either that or I could be a bitch to her more. J/K Edit to add: And now she's sending you e-mails. That's getting a little bit scary.
  16. I've been packing since I was allowed to. I trained static line so those had to be closed by someone who had been certified. But, I'm a packer, and about the only one at my DZ so it doesn't make any sense to have someone else pack for me.
  17. After 9 months of dating him. Yes he is for real. (We're not together anymore.) That's just how he is. Good luck in Korea, Shaun. You will be missed.
  18. It did say to pick a number LESS THAN 10.
  19. This is not entirely true. It is not illegal to telemarket cell phones. I work for a cell phone company on the computer side of activating phones. There is a specific "Do not solicit" box that has to be checked if you specifically do not want to be called. However, no one knows about it, and you have to ask for us to check it when you activate your phone. I have yet to check that box when activating a phone.
  20. .48 on Manta 288 til around jump 14 .60 on Sabre 230 which I'm still jumping I need to downsize and quick, canopy rides are incredibly boring. Too bad our DZ doesn't have any smaller rental gear...
  21. Did anyone notice that BYU was 43rd out of 100 of the sluttiest schools in America????
  22. So, it was too windy to jump today. Now I have absolutely nothing to do. Anyone else weathered out????