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Everything posted by argon

  1. That whole NO FEAR attitude is something I don't understand. Even if the DZO's wife had no worry about the jumper in question-what about other student and low experience jumpers TRYING to learn canopy control in a conservative manner,ie: slower canopies in the traffic pattern. Having undergone an 8 hour surgery to repair a NON skydiving related spinal injury 6 years ago-it scares the shit out of me getting taken out by some want-to-be Swooper skygod under canopy close to the ground. As a formerCertified flight instructor I couldn't imagine turning any lowtime pilot loose in an aircraft with very high wingloadings--so why is this such a problem today at most DZ's?Isn't there something to be said for the adage of Walking first-then running?Thats how relatively unregulated activities-start getting regulated.Just my 2cents *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
  2. Well,due to gusting winds I'm still recovering from a very bad tandem landing that happened on April 24th. Remember the ground is REALLY hard and its not the fall that gets you its the sudden stop that really takes the fun out of it.Blue skies to all,but for me its still ice bags and PT. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
  3. QuoteWelcome to your new addiction. I just started a new job and it only took a few days for my new co-workers to start getting that glazed over look when I start to talk about skydiving. Good luck and have fun. --When they get that look,start talking about how all those golf courses are such a waste of real estate and water trying to keep them so green and then what fantastic dz's could be built on them...... *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
  4. The House of Saud has made its own bed and now must sleep in it. None of this violence has anything to do with wealth,oil etc.. The extremists truly hate the west and all its ideals. Isreal is truly in danger but will not go down without a fight-and will utilize tactical nuclear weapons if push came to shove. Syria and Iran are a clear and present danger to the west. The House of Saud hasn't been struck hard enough yet to realize they can't continue to use cash and safe harbor for these home grown fanatics.IMHO,we haven't seen the worst of any of these scenarios yet. The American public is unaware of the many attacks that have been thwarted by our increased vigilance-and we have a long way to go to secure our own borders.There are those that have already forgotten 9/11 and are pissing and moaning about paying$2 plus/gallon of gas. We have alot worse things to worry about. Its a big shit sandwich. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
  5. Good Luck,Blue Skies. 7am eastern for me. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
  6. Does it really matter?The more you know about math and probability you realize how insignificant that question is. People guess the lottery numbers on a daily basis! Luck,fate,destiny,devine intervention-there is no rationalization possible. Fact is if an "event" does not occur to arrest your descent the party is over.(maybe not,depends on what happens after this life-if anything). Bottom line is that no one gets out of here alive. All the numbers do is screw with your head. Life is a gamble. Blue Skies. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
  7. Welcome to the site! I read your profile,it seems like your situation is reversed compared to others that post. Not Mom and Dad worrying about their child-but the kiddies and Hubby worrying about Mommy-Am I right? With your occupation, I'm sure you are aware of the development of the sport,equipment safety and design,etc..My wife has supported all my high risk activities and feels skydiving is quite safe because you,the jumper,have so much to do with the success and safety of the jump. You'll never convince the WHUFFO-period. Last night I watched a show on auto safety. Still,even today with all the high tech safety advances 45,000 people die each year in this country and 31,000,000 suffer injuries just from CARS!! I wish you the best of luck, unfortunately once the skies call-your life will never be the same! *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
  8. Quotegreat speech bro....and i agree 100% with about everything you had to say.... but , what' s your opinion on the subject of discusion here?[/ Sorry about the rant bro,yeah I guess I didn't anser the question-(shouldn't mix Crown Royal and Warsteiner!)I think it is up to the DZO and the ST&A staff.Fact is it still is a consumer based industry and if a potential student disagrees with the management,they can always take their money elsewhere.My overall point is that tandem's are indeed a money maker and have proven to be a valuable training aid. Tradtional AFF has a very good safety record too-I still think its down to a dollar decision made by the DZO-tandem's need less staff.Which means they save money. And if their bank accounts can stay in the black that means better facilities,better aircraft for established jumpers. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
  9. Just a thought, without tandems do you think the sport would have grown as much as it has. Without the "tandem factory" would there be as many turbine DZ's. Fun jumpers don't really pay the bills. Let's face it-a DZO doesn't do this shit out of the goodness of his heart. Hot section inspections on Pratt Pt6's aren't cheap. My first jump was ona 182 that they took the door off and I had to stand on the right landing wheel-no step. Who cares about "cheating",the pureness all that bullshit. Bottom line airports and general aviation in general is not well represented. Many would rather see a fuckin' golf course built on the site. Mainstream--is the shit-who cares about how many come back-blah,blah,blah-success in business is what it is all aout. Period. That's what keeps the DZ's flying decent aircraft. I quit flight instruction-most of the fleet is older than I am. IMHO,do whatever it takes to bring people in and jump,so the DZ can afford to pay instructors,pay for decent and SAFE TURBINE aircraft,I started on S/L with clapped out old military shit-guess what-it scared me and I DIDN'T come back and tried FJCseveral times. I built a single seat Pitts S1S,guess what I took ALOT of dual instruction in a 2 seat Pitt's before I flew mine solo for the first time. I'd love to be a "SKY GOD",I'm not, I'm glad tandems are here and If that's what it takes for me to be comfortable and safe so be it. I took a lot of years away from the sport because I thought the way it was initially taught was not for me. Purity in the sport-who gives a fuck, the sport NEEDS MORE SKYDIVERS-safety in numbers my friend-noise and eviromental complaints can ruin a good time and the more participants (READ:VOTERS) that are involved make a difference. If all this means that tandems make more people come back and continue training great. Times have changed. The society is hell bent on sueing everybody-insurance is practically impossible to get. Look at the BIG picture. Bottom line the more people that come back,the more skydivers there are and the more skydivers there are means that more people are REPRESENTED.Some fail to realize in todays social climate all it takes is a few squeeky wheels and the sport will suffer. DO WHAT IS NECESSARY-keep the DZ's in business.Thats what it all about--If it was still S/L training do you really think the sport would be where it is today. Just my 2 cents-I just want to learn,getmy license,be safe and enjoy the beauty of a special sport. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
  10. You know,when you really look around the house,you'll find a whole lot of stuff you'd like to sell. I'm getting rid of my fun car in one month and have already sold a motorcycle and all the extraneous shit that went with it. Amazing-Skies call-That's All............. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
  11. I tried 20 years ago via static line and never was comfortable with it. Finally did a tandem jump a few weeks ago. Unpoised exit (kinda rolled out of an Otter on our hands and knees) 3 flips,arch,drogue out- the first thing that entered my mind was how much fun I have missed over the years. No roller coaster stomach drop-oh my god I'm falling sensation. Just pure unadulterated,ethereal pleasure. Nothing to be afraid of my friend. Now I understand the skies call. Now if this shit east coast weather would cooperate alittle I plan on spending alot of time learning as much as I can-because there is nothing that can compare to it . Best of luck. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
  12. argon


    T, Chuteless hit it right on the head.I fact,what he said was so simple yet so eloquent. That fear is a normal response-if you had none at all-then I think it would be time to worry! I let the fear keep me away for over 20 years and now I realize I missed alot of fun. As a pilot,I used to laugh at those guys that would go to the airport and make excuses why they weren't going to fly that day. Its all about confidence,you proved you had the courage.(PS: Chuteless-what you said was truly inspiring IMHO-a personal thank you.) *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
  13. You don't need a medical to fly an airplane as a student pilot-you need a 3rd class medical to SOLO an airplane.You don't need a medical to fly as pilot in command of a GLIDER. Next,its all disclosure,do you honestly think people tell the truth ALL the time.Had the student not revealed his "secret" who would have known-but now the cats out of the bag and without medical clearance the dz is open to alot of problems if an incident occurs. The USPA waiver is no better than an FAA medical from the standpoint that if an applicant choses not to reveal the true facts there is nothing that can be done. Its amazing how the FAA has granted waivers for alot of disabilities. SSRI drugs are one of those things they WILL not budge on. I know alot of Class 1 medical carrying ATP's that are living miserably just to keep their medical.My guess is their isn't a doctor to be found to medically clear a jumper taking any psychoactive drug. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
  14. Nicotine can be quite a monster. As a matter of fact caffeine is too. Good Luck. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
  15. Having been ijured in the past (not jumping)believe me if you are able to jump after the initial injury you are WAY ahead of the game.Yes,physical therapy is a BITCH. Your profile says NYC area. Columbia Pres. Hospital has a spine center-depending on your insurance (or lack of it) try giving them a call.Best of luck.Having experienced a 7 hour spinal surgery,I can tell you do anything you can NOT to have any invasive procedures. I hate to say this-you have to use a lot a caution when you are hurting and see a surgeon. Have you ever heard the term,"If you have a hammer in your hand-everything looks like a nail".Get well soon. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
  16. Well, In 1998 I had a three level fusion,L4-S1,bone graph from my hip,20 inches of titanium rod,12 bolts(called pedicle screws)triple laminectomy,I had extensive ligament damage as well as advanced degenerative facet disease. All as a result of 2 job related injuries(law enforcement) 5 years apart. After the fusion my neuro surgeon cleared me to get my second class medical back (commercial pilot,Multiengine, Instrument ratings). He took extensive xray studies for 3 years. Each succesive year showed an immensively strong fusion.Well... After a 20 year layoff, I took a tandem jump on a beautiful but somewhat windy saturday morning about 16 days ago. After an absolutely fantastic jump we basically piled it into the peas like a sack of bowling balls-I have to admit I have NEVER in my life hit the ground so hard,even jumping surplus round t10's. Although the ambulance personnel was there I did my own "evaluation" and didn't take the ride to the hospital and was able to walk away after laying in the dirt for about 10 minutes. Long story short-the ONLY thing stopping me now is a sore tail bone. Initially I thought hitting THAT hard would have broken my back. I'm 205 and the tandem master heavier than me and he basically landed on top of me bending me over after my ass hit the ground (feet up-slip about 1 inch then ass next.)My doctor is realistic-your back is NEVER again good as new,this is due to a change in the mechanics, but the fused section is STRONGER than new-its a SOLID bone-there is NO joint now. Yes, it is possible to injure the areas above and below the fusion. But you could do that changing a light bulb falling off a kitchen chair. I can't tell you what to do-and there isn't a doctor in the world going to tell you a hard landing won't hurt your back. But then again,a car accident on the way to the dz might kill you anyway. I've lived like a fragile invalid for far too long. That jump was the best thing that has occurred in my life in a LONG time. Maybe it was good that I put my back to the test early in the process. I've been practicing PLF's in the backyard an as soon as I can comfortably ride in the car on my sore ass-I'll be bac in the air. Just my two cents-you have to make your own decisions. Everybody is afraid to get sued. Skydivers don't sue Skydivers.(PS: I'm also a former New Jersey Mobile Intensive Care Paramedic nad my wife is an Advance Practice Registered Nurse with an Orthapaedic Trauma Specialty--she's just glad I sold my motorcycle (Suzuki GSXR1000)to buy gear when I get done my training. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
  17. First and foremost,without an XRay-you really don't know what happened. I used to do ALOT of 125 Shifter Kart racing and broke two ribs(xray confirmed). I couldn't even take a deep breath for over a week and had to have chest PT to prevent pneumonia. That type of racing causes alot of cartilage damage in the chest also-feels similar to cracked ribs. Believe me-if you had a broken rib you wouldn't even consider driving to the DZ. Be that as it may-WHY push the issue,ever hear of a spontaneous pneumothorax-you have to remember altitude is an issue here also. Relax,get well and jump your ass off. If you don't care about yourself-how about the people you are sharing the sky with. It doesn't make sense to me-100% or stay home. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
  18. Its magic,ethereal,unbelievable. It will take up your thoughts 24/7. I let a job get in the way along with other nonsense and took a 20 year layoff. Now my priorities are finally straight. Its normal to have some fear and to be nervous-so don't worry about that. My suggestion either get to Crosskeys or to the Blue SkyRanch and take a tandem jump. Best of Luck and Blue Skies. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
  19. After a 20 year layoff,took a tandem jump. Winds 20-25 mph that day-landed REAL hard. When my ass and back stops hurting and I feel 100% I'll be back. Why risk hurting yourself worse and having to take even more time off. 1 step forward two steps back doesn't make sense. (I wish I hadn't skipped the last 20 years,but thats another story). Blue Skies to all. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
  20. I'm just overwhelmed with excitement-It's all that's been in my thoughts. My back is still too sore or I would have been jumping again this weekend. (I waited 20 years- a few more days until I'm 100% won't matter.) I bought the Skydiving Survival 5 DVD set and have watched it several times already. I'm so glad I can remember the whole experience so clearly and just can't wait to get back to the DZ. Best of all my wife is so very supportive. (Basically,she'd rather see me jump than ride motorcycles) Go figure. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
  21. I did a level one tandem on Saturday after a 20 year layoff from a static line program. I was completely comfortable and had a great jump,I guess from my novice point of view--why not just do a tandem first? If 175 or so dollars is really a burden on your pocketbook-you probably shouldn't be spending the cash to begin with. I found out that my body and mind was well adjusted to that enviroment and can't wait to get back in the sky. IMHO its a win win situation. Just remember skydiving isn't for everyone and some REALLY freak on their first jump and never come back. Go with your heart and best of luck. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
  22. Well, I really don't think anger is in the equation personally. We all have our personal demons. Some have religious faith,some are just comfortable with their own mortality. Others fear death,and would be more comfortable dealing with a quick death--like if you went in as opposed to having a chronic or terminal illness. We all have to die sometime. The death subject has literally driven some people to the verge of insanity. This poll doesn't have an easy answer--personally...I think you'd be too busy at the time trying to get something to work . Check my say's it all. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
  23. Nael brings up a good point-some people ARE scared shitless BECAUSE of the freefall. Canopy control is also a factor. Sure, alot of people trained via AFF, and now having taken a tandem ride, I am convinced I would have been OK on AFF. You have to follow your heart on this one,but one novice to another IMHO Tandem gives you a whole lot of options if shit doesn't quite go right "in your head" when you get into that enviroment. I don't know-maybe its just a function of getting older but I really look at ALL my options these days before doing anything. One thing for sure-I still can't wipe the smile off my face.Blue Skies to all. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
  24. I was away from the sport for 20 years plus until Saturday. In those days the static line and military t10 canopies were how you learned. To be honest, I tried for quite a while but finally gave up. I always followed the sport but never seemed to make it to the DZ. The tandem I made on saturday could not have been better-I think it depends on YOUR mind set. I am an experinced airplane pilot and have handled emergencies and always been able to get focused on the task at hand. If you look at the situation just from a safety standpoint-tandems are about as safe as you can get. Personally the jump went fine-I had no sensory overload and was able to perform the tasks discussed prior to the jump. Circle of Awareness type drill,dummy ripcord pulls,turns left and right and altitude awareness. The freefall portion was fantastic-to be honest even with a commercial pilot license--I'm glad I had someone helping me with the canopy. To be honest I welcome the tandem and will do more prior to an AFF type instructor assisted jump. I am in NO hurry to bust my ass or get killed. I wasted 20 years- afew more tandem jumps aren't going to hurt a thing. I'm just sick about all the fun I've missed over the years. Just my 2 cents for what its worth. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
  25. Maybe I'll see you up at The Ranch this weekend - if the weather holds on Saturday, it's likely that I'll owe plenty of beer for graduating IAF. Great vibes up there, for sure! Good luck-we really had a bad landing in those gusty winds-everything is ok,but very sore,but at the time I really had to lay in the peas for awhile until I was sure everything was working. In a way I'm glad it happened-I really didn't think I could hit so hard and still walk away--It sucks not being in my 20's anymore-I got ALOT of worn out parts. Overall though I've had a smile on my face all week.The tandem master felt really bad though when he thought I might have really been hurt. It really made me realize that canopy training is something that can't be taken lightly either. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL