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Everything posted by Dutchboy

  1. Believe it or not, the PERL and MySQL would also be useful for this job. Our application runs on either Oracle or MySQL. PERL is always useful. The Dutchboy http://www.geocities.com/ppolstra
  2. Freefly at the moment since there are only 3 of us. If we could convince the former manifest babe to skydive then we'd be one away from an RW team. That would also be quite interesting since she is less than half the weight of me and another guy. We actually discussed what we wanted to do and choses freeflying mostly because we wanted all of the team to actually work at the company. If we hire a couple more skydivers we could be persauded to change to RW. The Dutchboy http://www.geocities.com/ppolstra
  3. My company is in serious need of a Java programmer to write serverlets for our product's GUI. If you have experience with Java and live in Atlanta, or would like to move here please e-mail me. Yes, we really do have a company skydiving team! The company has even been known to buy skydives on occassion for those that perform. The Dutchboy http://www.geocities.com/ppolstra
  4. No, I realize that constantly coding without some breaks throughout the day is unhealthy and will make you less productive. I encourage people to take a break every couple hours and do something else for a couple of minutes. We've been known to take long lunches and pop down to the DZ for a couple jumps on Thursdays and Fridays. Hey, the Sun has come out, I wonder if the others would be interested.... The Dutchboy http://www.geocities.com/ppolstra
  5. People die every day driving their cars. Yet none of us has given up driving because of this. The chances of another accident happening soon at the same DZ are extremely slim. After all, the last guy ended up OK. Don't miss living your your life just because you are afraid of what might happen. The Dutchboy http://www.geocities.com/ppolstra
  6. I'm still looking for a Java programmer to do some work on a web-based GUI for my company's product. Anyone interested? We've already ordered the company jumpsuits for the skydiving team, but could still order more!
  7. Dutchboy


    I know what you mean. Just because you think people should be allowed to do what they choose, doesn't mean that you will choose to join them. Here is some irony. People think of Holland and immediately think of Amsterdaam which is mostly foreigners last I checked. In the US most Dutch people are known to be very conservative. I don't think that just happens when they come over here, it's just that the government here wants to get in everybody's business. The Dutchboy http://www.geocities.com/ppolstra
  8. She happened to be studying computer science and is nearly finished with her degree. It is always good to hire somebody you know. It is even better if you can see how they work beforehand. The Dutchboy http://www.geocities.com/ppolstra
  9. Prepare to get spanked. At least you don't have to pack it yourself, but what kinda opennings you think you're gonna get from them der chidlens?
  10. FFF, now you behave or you'll have to change your nickname to DOM (dirty old man).
  11. If you want a summer job, move down to Atlanta. Our former primary manifest babe now works for my company (computer software) and they are hard up for help.
  12. Dutchboy

    Lift Price

    Yo, Sis. You're already in the South! Hope the weather cooperates for your visit. Those bastards at the weather center have changed the forecast for this weekend. They're trying to screw me out of my 100th jump and I won't have it!
  13. Dutchboy

    Lift Price

    Even in the US you will see variations, usually between $17-$20 unless you buy blocks. I think that $19 is the most common price to 13.5k right now. I've seen $17 during the week a few places. One of the local DZ's charges $12 to 10k in a C-182.
  14. Let me know when you make the trip. You must stop at Skydive Atlanta on your way. It is off of I-75 South of Atlanta, and wouldn't be much out of your way. There is another DZ (Atlanta Air Sportz) North of Atlanta off I-75 that you might also stop at. Somebody bought a DZ just West of Chattanooga that they are using for a freefly school as well.
  15. Congrats, Pammi! I would try to do some 2-ways if you can. If not, then working on flips can be fun, tracking is also fun. You can work on turns somewhat without another person, but it really helps to have somebody else there (hopefully more experienced) to use as a reference. A real challenge is to dive out after another new jumper and try to link up. Then do some really simply turns or something. You might not even hook up on a couple jumps, but it is fun and educational to try. I've seen guys with 13 jumps doing solo sitflying. Personally, I felt more comfortable trying that after I had my license and was confident in my belly flying.
  16. Carrie, This place is in North Georgia and is a considerable distance from my house NW of Atlanta. This would be one heck of a drive for you from FL. Hanggliding is MUCH more dangerous than skydiving. I have some friends that used to do it, but none that still do. Now they all skydiving instead.
  17. Well, other than the Casa part, we should have plenty of that too.
  18. Actually, unless it has gone down, you would have to live a long time to make the lifetime membership cost effective. Has it come down for $750? Now, the Dutchboy likes to save money, but that is over 22 years of membership dues paid up front.
  19. More like 68 cents a gallon here in Georgia. Now it is more than double at $1.43 only two years later. Now that sucks. As soon as the prices went up they also raised the taxes, and of course, when the prices dropped the taxes remained. I would personally like to thank Bubba Clinton and all the rest of the Demoncrapts for that.
  20. Dutchboy


    Several of my friends psycho pack their spectres. Some of them also PRO pack. They psycho pack to get that slippery thing in the bag, not because it opens badly.
  21. I'm going to be at my home DZ, Skydive Atlanta for the May Maddness boogie. Load organizing, chicken & ribs cookout, friends, and a Super Otter. What more could you ask for.
  22. OK, send me a certified check for $500,000 and it will be on it's way.
  23. They refuel all the time because they don't want the weight of the fuel which slows the climb to altitude. I'm doing my part by jumping out of an Otter most of the time. That's definitely mass transit! The fuel burn per person is quite low in these planes.
  24. Dutchboy

    air sports

    I have a friend that used to hangglide. She was badly injured in an accident. Skydiving is way safer and so now she just plays it safe and jumps.
  25. It's not really a free country. But anyway, an SUV is not a need unlike some of the other things you list (like guns). It is the SUV people who not only have driven up the gasoline prices in the USA, but also the insurance. Because when some dumbass who is too busy yacking on their cell phone plows into you with their SUV your normal size car will be totalled because their bumpers are higher than yours. I think they should make you get a special license to drive a vehicle that is over 4 tons. Why not, the FAA requires an endorsement to fly an airplane with over 200hp.