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Everything posted by Dutchboy

  1. Hmmm... I'll have to keep that in mind if I can make a trip down there some time. I was thinking you'd head down I-85 from Northeast Atlanta. Thomaston is between I-75 and I-85. I've heard EC is a cool DZ. Have to check out your Dad's place some day too. Is it still on the way if you come down I-65 instead of I-85? I wouldn't go somewhere just for that reason either. Just one of the many weekends Doug is organizing/coaching. Doug is an awesome skydiver (25 yrs, 7000 jumps) and a great teacher. I like to do RW and FF, but whenever I get a chance to work with Doug there is no question about which I'm doing that day. I sure hope he isn't reading any of this. BTW, Nemesis was 1st in the GSL and 2nd in the NSL last year. First meet of the year they had double the score of the 2nd place team. We'll be sure to give him a proper welcome, as we do everyone. We're especially nice to kick ass videographers. The Dutchboy http://www.geocities.com/ppolstra
  2. Congrats el tigre! Looks like it is in good shape. I remember that feeling. I got my rig delivered to the office and it was all in pieces. Came on a Friday so I raced down to the DZ and got my rigger to put it together. It had actually been delivered earlier that day and some prick had received it and just put it on the ground outside his cube, didn't even tell me it had come. I only found it when I was walking by. The Dutchboy http://www.geocities.com/ppolstra
  3. Cool! Now if we can just get Colonel David to turn to the darkside we'd have a 4-way "sitfly". Probably more like weebles, except we wabble while we fall down.
  4. I love Good Stuff, best value for money in a skydiving video. I also recently got Crosswind. I like this video very much, just wish it wasn't twice the price of Good Stuff ($50). You can get it at Square One, among other places. The Dutchboy http://www.geocities.com/ppolstra
  5. Well, you are wrong. I've done this before. If there is another DZ along the way I'll try and stop there and get in a jump or two if possible. Several of my friends have been known to do the same thing. Hey, if you don't like to stop at a DZ or two along the way then do what works for you. I'm sorry if the fact that others like to do this offends you. I'm afraid to offer you a beer if you stop by cause that might piss you off.
  6. If it works for you why not do it. I have to ask, did it actually open on heading? The Dutchboy http://www.geocities.com/ppolstra
  7. You sound like me. I wear 3 altimeters, one on the wrist, one on the chest, and an audible (PRO-Dytter). I've checked my wrist mounted Altimaster-3 against my chest mounted ft-50. I've noticed that the ft-50 reads higher at altitude (+400 at 14k), I've cross-checked with the altimeter in the plane and found that the Alti-3 is dead on. It is hard to read the wrist mount from a sit, which is why I got the chest mount. I still always wear both even when doing RW. I think you should always have an audible when you sitfly. The Dutchboy http://www.geocities.com/ppolstra
  8. That's part of the reason I can't make this weekend. She actually went down to the DZ last weekend for my 100th that almost happened. It's not just my wife that has me too busy this week between work, kung fu, flying, building an airplane, house stuff, and skydiving I don't have much free time in general. Just one of those weeks were everything hit at once. The Dutchboy http://www.geocities.com/ppolstra
  9. Pyke, I'm sorry that you feel that way. I don't constantly preach about my DZ. I don't have any stake in the DZ at all, unlike Cyber who is Monroe's webmaster and is constantly promoting that DZ. If you are happy only trying one DZ then more power to you. I've jumped at 3 of the 4 Georgia DZ's and still jump regularly at 2 of them. It's a big world out there. Like Cyber said, share the love... The Dutchboy http://www.geocities.com/ppolstra
  10. Hey, don't talk about my wife like that! The Dutchboy http://www.geocities.com/ppolstra
  11. Hey, I resemble that remark. I say don't knock it till you try it. You ought to come down and find out why we're the #1 DZ in the state. There's a reason I drive 98 miles to go there! There are many others who drive even further. The Dutchboy http://www.geocities.com/ppolstra
  12. Save your money and go with the cheaper option. I haven't had any issues with doing so. The Dutchboy http://www.geocities.com/ppolstra
  13. I'm hoping to do both, so no problem doing some more "sitfly" jumps.
  14. Forgot to mention that the DZ is making a trip down South on Thursday returning Friday if you really want to have a fun and long weekend. Call the DZ at (800)276-DIVE for details. The Dutchboy http://www.geocities.com/ppolstra
  15. Georgia's best Memorial Day Boogie is next weekend, May 25-28 at Skydive Atlanta in Thomaston, GA. There will be jumps from the Super Otter, chicken and ribs, free load organizing by Nemesis, the Dutchboy's 100th jump, and loads of fun. Unlike some others there is NO REGISTRATION FEE. Rocket ride to 14k with 22 friends in the Super Otter is only $19, cash, check, or charge, same price. The Dutchboy http://www.geocities.com/ppolstra
  16. I've had people tell me I should stick to one thing and just do that. Usually it is the people who are totally into freeflying that say this. I think this is BS. On a given weekend I might do all RW or all FF. I will do FF if there is nobody else to do RW with on a load. I think that going back and forth makes you a better overall flyer. At the moment, my company skydiving team is a FF team. However, we are doing just RW for now, trying to work on basic flying skills (other 2 members not yet licensed). The Dutchboy http://www.geocities.com/ppolstra
  17. If you are heading that direction you should at least stop by Skydive Atlanta in Thomaston. Get a couple of jumps in on the Super Otter. I don't think there is any registration for the boogie, and I know that at a minimum, Doug Glover from Nemesis is going to be organizing. If you come early enough on Saturday you might catch my 100th jump. The Dutchboy http://www.geocities.com/ppolstra
  18. Probably none. Don't think I'll be able to do any skydiving this weekend. Got other obligations. I'll definitely be at Thomaston next weekend for the Memorial day boogie, for at least a couple days. Rachel is working at Thomaston this Sunday if you want to see her. The Dutchboy http://www.geocities.com/ppolstra
  19. I use what Skyslut suggested, combined with Brent's way of doing the folding and it works great for me. Luckily, my Hornet isn't slippery like those PD canopies, but I am right at the maximum size canopy for my container. The Dutchboy http://www.geocities.com/ppolstra
  20. I think you meant $1495 on the last one. That is the cost for their VIP package. BTW, if you decide to do this let me know. I'm only 2.3 miles off of I-75 North of Atlanta. Phil The Dutchboy http://www.geocities.com/ppolstra
  21. So then what of people like me who do both? I think both RW and FF have their challenges. I think you're right about belly fliers and Java, after all they are used to going as slow as possible.
  22. Yesterday was great, but not in the same way I expected. I was expecting to make my 100th, but alas I only made it to 99. The DZO's were going to hold the plane on the ground until everything was ready for my jump, but the guy who was organizing wanted to try the next load because there was a storm coming in. That load ended up being the last and a huge storm hit minutes after everyone landed. It could just as easily been before. Everybody left, so the day was over. So no, I didn't quite hit the big milestone. However, I did have some shit hot skydives. I took advantage of the FREE 4-way skills camp that Nemesis was doing. I learned alot and was also happy with my performance. Funny thing on the 1st dive we weren't keying the points, just going to the next when we saw the last grip. Well, when Doug did key one of the points (#9) I stupidly thought I had missed my dytter and he was telling us to break off. I turned and started tracking. Soon as I did I looked down at my altimeter and realized I was at 6k! Duh! Looked over my shoulder and everybody else had already started to track. Good thing we weren't competing since I just cost us all 3-4 points. Second jump with the Nemesis camp was cool. Not as many points since it was a little more complicated and also was a 6-way. On number 99 I jumped with a couple of my buddies from the office who haven't got their licenses yet. It wouldn't be safe for them to be on a big way (like my 100th) just yet, and I wanted to start learning to fly with them. Our 3-way went reasonably well. Under canopy they ended up having a collision! I didn't see the actually collision, but I saw the low guy land in the briars near the pond with 2 deflated end cells. He was fine, except for a few scratches (no jumpsuit). I was directly above him(200ft) on final when he landed. So it looks like the big 100 will have to wait until Memorial Day weekend. The next two weeks are gonna be hell. The Dutchboy http://www.geocities.com/ppolstra
  23. Hey, don't punish me for my boss's mistakes. He was the onew with the openning and he is the one that hired somebody one weekend without consulting the rest of us. Pie, what pie? Whatever for?
  24. Dutchboy

    Lift Price

    You oughta come on down to Thomaston then only $19 to 14k cash, check, or credit card for a rocket ride to altitude in the Super Otter. The Dutchboy http://www.geocities.com/ppolstra