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Everything posted by airborne_gary

  1. I have been thinking the same thing ever since I went for my first tandem a few years back. When I signed up the girl that was working the office/manifest had me stand on a scale and it read 220, I was a little surprised. The girl then went on to say that I was good to do a tandem but if I really wanted to continue skydiving I really should think about losing weight. I'm not the most cut up person, but for me to suck weight would really take some time, muscle mass is harder to lose than fat. I went to another dropzone nearby to do AFF, not just because of my "weight problem" and discussed what I was told at the other dropzone with my instructor and equipment that I saw advertised in magazines. She just said that the manufacturers don't market their equipment towards "skydivers of size" but it is available. Facebook
  2. I noticed they updated their event schedule so this looks promising. Facebook
  3. I'm old school SNL, don't have a favorite but I remember all the falls Chevy Chase used to make, Landshark, Rosanna Rosanna Danna and Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger.............. Facebook
  4. Okay so what have you heard about the other. I have selfish reasons, I'm just looking for a place to jump this year. Facebook
  5. We callled them "Hootersville" while I was in the Army although they couldn't have been that bad since we always ended up being there. Facebook
  6. Now I see why some people avoided this topic like the plague. Call the DZ if you really wan't to know. Facebook
  7. I don't own that camera. But I would spend the money to have a higher optical zoom. My Olympus has a 10x. Facebook
  8. You wouldn't believe how many people asked me to pronounce it for them. Facebook
  9. I am trying to picture that and I can't. Facebook
  10. Is this Internet Rage Facebook
  11. "For Whom The Bell Tolls" by Metallica was playing while I was walking from the landing area back to the packing area after my first cutaway. Facebook
  12. Is this what you are looking for. I entered the lyrics you entered into google search and that is what I came up with. Facebook
  13. I will definitely agree with you there. Facebook
  14. I know it was in "Philadelphia" with Tom Hanks but I think it was used elsewhere. "Philadelphia" by Neil Young, is also in the movie and is a nice song. Speaking of Bruce though I like "My Hometown" which reminds me of where I live and watching it vanish before my eyes. Facebook
  15. That would be Bruce Springsteen, I do believe. Facebook
  16. I was thinking of doing the same thing you beat me to it. Facebook
  17. This is the latest that I have come acrossed as far as the media is concerned,71633,. Good Luck Jeff. Facebook
  18. 1981 - YZ 125 The thing had a clutch that would engage by itself and a throttle that would hang wide open from time to time, needless to say it tried to hurt me quite a few times. I almost forgot about the Honda Z50 my uncle gave to me. Facebook
  19. I posted the same question elsewhere without thinking. Has anybody heard anything new about this. I live in the area and have heard nothing but rumors. Facebook
  20. Has anybody heard what's going on with their situation. Facebook