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Everything posted by Kimblair13

  1. Not sure. When we landed the only thing holding the wheel on was the brake. I don't know much about wheels. But enough to know something was funny looking about it. I heard someone say bearing, but don't know if that's what it was or not.
  2. Uh, shit, a piece of the wheel just fell off! O F F OFF! Haha. Note: Everyone landed safely.
  3. Illiterate: What you are if you don't know what it means. Il lit er ate
  4. 2nd born but my sis almost had me beat to it. she came out right after.
  5. Hey, Wondering if anyone knows the current wait for a ff freefly suit. Also, if the rush delivery is possible right meow? Or, if someone knows who is in charge of that shin dig and maybe if they are a dz.commer? Thanks. Also, if anyone knows why their web-site has been "under construction" for so long?
  6. Oh hell no, keep any taxes away. Anyway, I like skydiving the way it is, if everyone did it, it wouldn't be as fun. No whuffos, nobody would think your crazy.
  7. But I bet we would be if Nike was involved.
  8. Hey...just wondering why people think Nike hasn't come into the skydiving scene. They seem to have a market for every other sport. Any ideas?
  9. OK...I did my classroom work Tuesday. Phase I jumps Wednesday and have been in GA since. We won both games so far and if we win our next two we'll be national champs. However. It's fricken pooring right now with high winds, lightning, thunder and a tornado watch. So, our games our on delay for now. Hopefully it clears up. GA weather is crazy, yesterday it was fricken nice!
  10. (Quote)My first reaction is "WOW" I would guess that your profile is not updated as what it says now is not enough for a tandem rating but assuming that it is the motovation you are using is maybe not the best. Getting you rating is a process of learning and probationary jumps with experienced jumpers then with "live" passangers. Getting the rating for a specific weekend a few days ahead with one of the primary motovating factors being money might not be the best course of action.(Quote) My profile is not correct. I just haven't updated. Anyway. I'm going with my team.
  11. You guys are right. I'm just being stupid. I guess I just needed someone to say what I already knew to my face.
  12.'s the story, I play softball for a private college. We just finished our season, winning a little under half our games. We had no hopes for any post season action. Well, today we found out that we will be going to nationals in Georgia. I live in Oregon. I was completely happy with the season being over. Didn't really get along with the coach, loved my team, but didn't really enjoy the season as much as I used to. We leave in 2 days and will be gone until Monday morning. Thing is, I'm leaving to get my tandem rating tomorrow. It'll take atleast tomorrow night and Wednesday. The place I'm going is 5 hours away from here. So, I wouldn't be leaving with my team, but my coach said that since we don't actually play til Friday, he'd fly me over Thursday. But, I'd be missing out on a huge weekend of being a tandem master and we're gonna be extremely busy with a large group. I also REALLY need the money to help pay off a little of my tuition. I'm sure I'd regret not going to nationals. I'm also sure I'll regret not being out jumping this weekend. What does anyone else think? I really can't decide. I've been thinking about it all day and I have to decide by tomorrow morning.
  13. Stu, Just come to the realization that your jumping a 42 sq. ft. canopy. 84/2. Duh.
  14. I feel un-current if I go more than 4 days w/ out jumping!
  15. I'm gonna win! Muah ha ha ha haaaaaa
  16. Quote "Cool is free packed into a brown paper bag from the store and then tossed." ...I've done that too. Maybe us young ones aren't fuckhead yuppies like you think. I'm sure if you still skydive your not that old. I have nothing against anyone who's jumped for 23 years. Props to you for still being alive. Edit to add "fuckhead yuppie"
  17. Quote "Sounds like one of those new school fuckhead yuppies who throws around money because that's easier then just sucking it up and doing the work." Actually...I've packed for myself ever jump I've ever done. Including the tandems I did and AFF. Started packing way before I ever jumped. And I'm still a packer. I was more or less being sarcastic. Sorry your old and had a hard time packing "back in the day".
  18. How to pack... Get a job that allows you to pay a packer to do it for you! Packing SUCKS. Only do it if you have to. Side packer well and buy them dinner/beer. Also give them a massage. But seriously, I've seen/done some pretty shitball looking packjobs and they all have opened. But still, just practice and listen to other peoples advice. With time packing will get easier.
  19. Hey, I started packing before I started jumping, so until I jumped...packing was fine. But then, when you wanna have to pack a tandem so a load can get turned. Then, there's not enough packers so your at the DZ packing 'til 11pm while everyone else is already drinking. If you wanna job, join the Army. That's what I did, it's easier than packing.