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Everything posted by Conundrum

  1. Not wanting kids is not a bad thing. Some people just don't want them. But for gods sake, don't LIE about it man! wtf. There's nothing wrong with wanting specific things in a partner (within reason), it just limits your choices. And then you have to factor in the women that lie to YOU, and it will limit you even more, and just piss you off when you find out who they really are later. Just be honest and hope you find someone who is honest with you.
  2. The real question is not what you should do, because nothing you do or say will make a difference, she's made that clear. What I would like to know is.... are you going to be attending the wedding and giving your support?
  3. Shot I got from a storm this season. I'm happy with it. Very noisy, I know. That's what you get for shooting with a Rebel and kit lens at 8:30 at night (all I had with me).
  4. After our last boxer died, we waited a week and went back to the rescue, where we found this gem; a 3 year old female half brindle half white. She's such a sweetheart, not good with other dogs, though. Name was Melony, we changed it to Millie.
  5. Which point is that? That Gerard Butler shouldn't make RomComs? What the F happened to him anyway? He used to take pretty cool roles. He's taken some roles and some roles. I liked him in The Ugly Truth. Gerard is a very cool guy in person. He's down to earth, funny, passionate about the things he does, and it just as hot as he is in his films.
  6. No idea what happened. She lost a lot of weight when the other dog died and finally started putting it back on about a month ago. We was totally fine from what we could see, then bam, this morning - dead.
  7. Lost one boxer in August, now the other one this morning. This sucks.
  8. If you really do, I can make one for you (or anything!)
  9. Thanks! He's already asking me to make him other stuff
  10. That's a Cirrus Eh, he actually has hours in the Cirrus (he's 4), and we operate 6 of them, so it seemed appropriate.
  11. I don't get what the problem is here.... if all you want to do is fuck and not marry.... then just fuck chicks and don't get married. What is the problem?
  12. I'm not seeing what is offensive or shallow about the original post. It's important to be attracted to your significant other, that's just the reality of it. There's nothing shallow about it. If you're only into the modelesque and money grubbing but you don't care because you want a trophy on your arm, then I'd say you're shallow - but caring about how the person you love looks and wanting to be attracted to them, not so much. The problem is when people marry someone they aren't happy with, they know they're not happy with them, but they do it anyway, which is what your friend did. No sympathy from me on that one.
  14. Conundrum

    Grooms cake

    Don't mind me, that was a grouchy post.
  15. Conundrum

    Grooms cake

    Those "demands" are normal wedding coordinating procedures. Let me guess, you aren't doing anything to help with any of it. Or at least that's what I get out of the attitude you wrote your post in. Never understood the whole grooms cake thing. It implies that the wedding cake is hers and the groom needs a cake. Silly.
  16. Do you have a site? I always like seeing other logo works
  17. So what you're saying is.. Dropzone name + guy or girl in parachute = good dropzone logo? Are you making a logo? What program(s) do you use?
  18.'ll only know what the person wants you to know. People put of facades to make themselves appear to be better than they really are. Only time will tell because they can't keep up the facade forever. By then it's too've already married the bozo. Not necessarily. If you're asking the questions, and they're not answering, that's a red flag. If they answer but lie and you get married and change, you should have been paying more attention to their character, because people don't suddenly become a different person once you get married. There are always signs/feelings/instincts about a person, but a lot of people choose to ignore those, get married anyway, and claim someone "changed" and isn't the person they married. And if you're one of those that get married after 6 months, you hardly know them.
  19. I don't get why people wouldn't be talking about all these issues way before getting married, or engaged. How do you want to marry someone you don't know? I mean sure, there will be little things that come up throughout the relationship, but come on... not knowing your money management, kids/stay at home parent, or frequency of sex? Why anyone would want to marry someone they don't know the major particulars about is beyond me.
  20. Seriously, what was the winning team supposed to do? Stop scoring and just play monkey in the middle with the other girls? That would have been more insulting than losing by a landslide.
  21. Depending on the person I would say all of the above. Why are you so bitter about this topic? Are you thinking that perhaps some time in your past you might have unknowingly exceeded someone's limit? You think I'm bitter? That's funny Not only do I not care about someones "limit"... but if they were to ever judge me or our relationship based on how much money they spent on me initially (and btw, I like to split or pay for things like dinner/going out) I'm glad it didn't work out; and they're equally as sad as the "limit" you're saying you base your relationships on.