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Everything posted by JoeWeber

  1. Kieth, I think you are taking an adverse position too soon. I am grateful that you responded thoughtfully to my thinking. I am short of agreeing with you but as ever you show other views that are well considered. So, the thing of infusing liquidity into an economic system seems to be the interpretive problem here. From a macro economic perspective every expenditure has costs. No one argues against that fact. But macro economic stimulus decisions are usually based on the fact that the beneficiaries won't be reading The Wealth of Nations whilst they are spending their dividend. If this is too jumbled I apologize. I'm a bit beery now. I'll have another go tomorrow.
  2. Free to the recipient, I’m sure he meant.
  3. The Fed's pumping $100B a day in freshly printed repo money into the market to keep those players happy. That will stop sooner than later.
  4. Poor phrasing on my part, I guess. As I recall they used the debt ceiling as an excuse for the shutdown when the real purpose was to defund Obamacare.
  5. Sort of, but the $16.99 Trillion Debt ceiling was also in play giving them cover from being identified as the hypocritical, callous, self serving, self dealing, racist, low life assholes they really are.
  6. There has never been a mass shooting in America because one has never occurred during Mass. Right Church, wrong pew Professor.
  7. They flew the coop if, that is, any were ever in the coop at all. I'm actually getting to where I think these giant deficits, at the world economy level, don't matter much at certain growth stages. Like Brentworld CO2 levels, maybe a fair bit more right now would be salubrious. Money is cheap so borrowing big to repair our crumbling infrastructure, build out super fast and upgradable digital networks everywhere, new energy technologies, free Grad School for high GPA students, those sorts of national investments, might be good plays. Maybe we should be building out at a loss as if we were prepping for an IPO. The big win would be that at some point, like when even Argentina won't buy our T-Bills, the debt would be so scary, and it obviously is not at the moment, that fiscal responsibility would return. Like the buried in debt dude down the street who just realized he can not afford a third Corvette, maybe we'll forego a 14th Nuclear powered Aircraft Carrier Battle Group or another it's just a teeny war in some place like Yemen, which as I just noticed typing it, is an anagram of Enemy. Hmm...
  8. Is that right? So which mob ties did he defiantly have? This one?
  9. There is simply nothing dignified about our President. What a childish fool. If this is true compare it to Obama not wanting to spike the ball after taking out bin Laden.
  10. At 6:23PM Eastern Time President You Have Got To Be Pulling My Dick tweeted "Something very big has just happened!" F'n outstanding. Great news from our Commander in Chief. Short on details as ever but Great, nonetheless. So inquiring minds want to know, has he just heard about Area 51 or did he just now realize that by bending far forward he can see his toes? Maybe Putin cancelled his loans, who can guess, but tonight sleep tight and thank God for President Trump.
  11. Inside the four corners of what, for convenience, I'll define as the Ukrainian Phone Fiasco what have the D's stepped in? I'll agree in advance they've handled it in a sub optimum manner, Neal failing to get Trumps taxes when the chance was given, for example. But what have they done that in any way equates with the crimes they are investigating now?
  12. Rick, help me out on this "reported disdain for members of the military" and " secret service". I'm open to being schooled but that shit smacks of a purposeful type of character assassination that resonates with a certain segment of the electorate.
  13. Are you seriously saying that there is nothing there, that Trumps call was "perfect" as in completely in line with only our national interests, that there was no intention to get dirt on Biden or that he used military aid desperately needed by the Ukrainians to fight invading Russians as leverage to benefit himself? That it was none of that and it's just slinging shit?
  14. I have an idea: Kieth Brother, who did you vote for or against and why?
  15. Good googaloo Professor Spock, it was a play on the word for no purpose other than a quantum bit of amusement. Quantum can also mean an amount or even large as in "quantum improvement."
  16. You know, the last thing I want to do is cause any problems, but as I think about it maybe if the mod's weren't vacuuming up likes there would be more for the working stiffs on SC. Why do the corner office types need Green Merits, anyway?
  17. Well now you owe us both a like
  18. I don't see how the new law doesn't negatively impact property values in the future. Reduced property tax and interest rate deductions reduce the amount a borrower can pay to buy a house. The change in home equity loan interest deductions now mean your home equity is almost as unavailable as your 401K; that is yes to the new bedroom but no to the new boat. That also impacts the value of a home. Seems to me that anyone in the middle-ish area of the economy should be taking into account the actual value of their home. Not just today, but also when happily ever after arrives. They might conclude that the couple of grand in new tax law benefit they are spending today is simply spending their home equity.
  19. Do you mind disclosing if any of the increase was due to the changes in interest rate and property tax deductions?
  20. And you'd be right. Wanna know how I imagine you?
  21. Nope. Hoodie. I'm guessing you guy's don't get out much.