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Everything posted by JoeWeber

  1. Yep, she wasn't always a brunette. I'm thinking she has a problem.
  2. What was that confusing, smart sounding word Brent used? Schadenfreude?
  3. Nah, you're just a very bored fellow. If you didn't have us, you'd be in desperate straits. You need to branch out and get a gig you'd be good at like running a gas station, teaching a class at Junior Achievement, or giving Mary a day off and holding the football.
  4. I don't know. I see him sitting with 10 screens monitoring 10 SC threads at a time wearing special glasses so he can watch FOX News like on a heads up display.
  5. Then stop watching Morning Joe EVERY SINGLE DAY. I've watched some clips on news blogs but have never once watched a whole show. You can do it. Seriously.
  6. They are covering the attempted overthrow of American democracy. It's a complete horror that so many on the right think a buck less a gallon of gas and minority rule is more important.
  7. Really, the demand side of the equation of responsible for an over doubling in gas pricing? Hey, I know, let's do it like Venezuela does and subsidize the price down to a handful of nearly worthless bolivars per liter. That'll kill demand.
  8. So in 1.5 years we've lost under 6% of our refining capacity and that's why the price of gasoline has more than doubled in the US? Bummer.
  9. Ignoring Bokdrol, is it not a reasonable thought that anyone fleeing oppression or danger shouldn't be doing so with a best case scenario masterplan? The idea is to get somewhere safe not somewhere with a better social net or minimum wage, seems to me. In the US we have migrants leaving disruptive situations in central America and then passing through Mexico to get here. Why shouldn't their asylum pied-à-terre be Mexico?
  10. Too low to meet demand. 3000' down the hill from my office window is Oregon State Hwy 211. It's a view I've had for decades. From my perch I can see no lessening in traffic volume that can be attributed to anything including gas prices. I needed to wait in line to gas up this week. Big 4X4's towing sand buggies were lined up going through the McDonalds double lane drive through next to the gas station. Were it not for the incessant need of some folks to score political points 5 buck gas, cheap by world standards, wouldn't be an issue.
  11. So I am totally interested in your sisters buns but I need more information on yours.
  12. Yep, I read she said it was a distance equal to the distance around the world. So at 39,000 miles it should be easier to figure out which world she came from.
  13. ..... "$5 a gallon gas, 3+ million illegals crossing our southern border, no baby formula, inflation higher than it’s been in both of our lifetimes, and this is what you want to talk about?"...... Brent for the umpteenth time? Nope. That was Boebert to AOC when asked if she was one of the congress critters who asked Trump for a pardon for tweeting Pelosi's location on January 6. Now I can't speak for anyone else but I'd be quite sullen to find out that I was on the same page of talking points as Lauren Boebert. Imagine if my black friend found out.
  14. It's incredible they are comfortable being so bold about it. Time to exclude them from WH Pressers until they prove they really are "fair and balanced".
  15. Still less than most of the world, right? And what about the rest of the worlds markets? What about world supply chains etc.?
  16. Well, are you going to credit Biden with keeping the cost of gas down?
  17. Should we bomb Mexico? Machine Gun the migrants? Should Poland be bombing Ukraine and machine gunning Ukrainian migrants? Should Europe be sinking every boat of migrants trying to land? It's a world problem not a Biden problem no matter how full of glee it all makes one Pennsylvanian feel.
  18. The only border crisis is the gobsmacking inability of some conservatives to understand that on the other side of a border is another country whose economy is also being affected by world events, as is ours. And like our economy theirs is also not a sole function of Biden's presidency. Your fixation with fossil fuels blinds you to larger realities. For example gasoline, on a worldwide comparison basis, is actually cheap here.
  19. Is that as deep as you can go? Do you think Cheney is doing the select committee work to get reelected? For some, victory in the mid-terms will be an eviscerated Trump and a stronger democracy. Sadly, too many people who think they know better see the world only through an amber colored gallon of gas.
  20. I agree. They should be focusing on an audience of one: Merrick Garland. The American public who elected Tayor-Greene and Boebert and Jorden and........... aren't going to change their minds. The rest of us know the truth already. Get him indicted and then go on TV with the dog and pony show.
  21. Ignoring the peanut gallery, the committee f'd it up. Great with the Proud Boy's being at the barriers before Trump spoke and the hero cop's testimony was compelling. But to whom? Thompson's dumb yielding time pursuant to Rule 508 subsection 503(d) probably lost 10% of the viewer right there. Cheney promising that if we all just stay around until episode 6 we'll show how the General did it probably lost another 25%. They need to not be an August Committee and instead need to talk to people, as in we got the motherfucker (or similar) and yada, yada, yada. On reflection they should now turn everything they have over to DOJ and go into prosecute demand mode before they cause everyone to not be bothered.
  22. You might get one of your College student Democrat friends to unpack that for you.
  23. Any aircraft can have a problem any day and any operator can have a bad month but it shouldn't be a regular thing. Keep in mind that we use aircraft in way's the designers didn't contemplate. 30 take-offs and landings in a Caravan in a day is about half what they were designed to do in a month. Just consider the flap system: down and up for take-off, down and up for jump run, down (and maybe up) for landing. And that's just one load. All ascents and descents are performance flights. Most take-offs are at gross weight or close. So there is ample opportunity to wear things out or get a crack somewhere from metal fatigue in an airframe that is usually decades old. The list is long. All of that means we need to do a lot of maintenance and not defer items as a general matter. Good operators stay on top of things and use the off season to get ready for the next season. They tend to have very little down time.
  24. I reckon they'd re-interpret the constitution to a more originalist, textual reading of the second amendment to mean not one but two well regulated militias; one to protect us from the other.
  25. So F'n what? Too many people are deluded boneheads for us to use their judgement for a standard. Jeez, even people who should know better, like you for example, blame everything from inflation to busted condoms on Biden. We live in a global economy. Things like wars in the bread basket of Europe that prevent tens of millions of tons of wheat, edible oils etc. from entering the world market, the world being at best on the tail end of a global pandemic that disrupted economies around the world, aging populations, low birth rates, brain dead, racist, refusals to let able workers join our economy and on and on and on are the real causes of our economic disruption. But you just go on with your narrative.