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Everything posted by lifewithoutanet

  1. So you're saying I'm not missing much, eh? Socked-in here (Newport Beach) at the moment w/ a ceiling of 2200 feet and falling. I've got a flight lesson at 5 and I'm hoping it doesn't fall any further. Hope it improves, I'm heading to Perris tomorrow morning. See you there, just hopefully not in the Bombshelter until late in the evening. -C.
  2. I'm a techie in field sales for a software company. What that means is I accompany my sales reps on calls and manage POCs (Proof of Concept) that show our customers that yes, our software will do what we say it will do. All the benefits of sales without having to carry a number. :-) -C.
  3. While Gatorade is good at rehydrating you, it's straight glucose which will sit in your stomach longer and not move on through your system fast enough for the recovery you desire. If you can get one of the lesser-known sports drinks (Cytomax, Accelerade, HydroFuel), you'll be better off. They don't taste as good as Gatorade, but they're more effective. Gatorade (as well as Powerade and other mass-marketed sports drinks) use glucose and sucrose which are gastric inhibitors. They get into your stomach, shut your pyloric vavle and they sit there. Glucose polymers, which are what some of the less-tasty beverages are made with, pass through your stomach much more rapidly. They don't taste as good, but you're less likely to 'taste them a second time' since they're designed to make fewer stops as they pass through your system. Hangovers suck. All the best. -C.
  4. This kind of agression just won't stand. I'm sending OSHA over. Maybe the Men in Black Socks can straighten you from your wanton disregard of federal law. -C.
  5. Chips Ahoy...straight out of the freezer w/ a big glass o' milk for dunkin'. -C.
  6. That one really got me laughing. I can picture the over-dramatic lawyer and the tongue-tied witness. -C.
  7. More pleasant than the "Parachute" game on my iPod, in which you attempt to shoot unsuspecting hop-n-poppers on jump-run. -C.
  8. People sue gun-makers; people sue tobacco companies; people sue fast-food restaurants... I wonder, when will somebody sue an alcohol beverage producer for alcoholism or for a death in a drunk-driving accident? If it hasn't happened already, surely it's only a matter of time. Bartenders and restaurant owners have been sued for serving someone who got behind the wheel and killled someone. Has no attourney attempted to connect the beverage industry? -C.
  9. Rub it in, why don't you? Closest I've gotten is a couple times when I've been out at a meeting and have determined that the traffic between my customer and home amounts to the same drive-time (or more) between the customer and the DZ. I've taken to keeping my gear in my car 'just in case'. One of my VPs took note of that yesterday and asked if I'd be heading out to jump after our last meeting of the day. Sadly, I wasn't able to...that time. I'll try and live vicariously through you for now. -C.
  10. When I first heard of Prince changing his name to that symbol, I thought he was being a pretentious prick, too. Truth is, he and his record company got in a spat (undoubtedly because some no-talent ass-clown of an executive was making serious bank on his talent) and he terminated the contract. The record company claimed ownership of the name "Prince" and therefore he changed it to be defiant, I guess. Once that initial contract expired, he changed it back. Knowing the story behind it, I don't fault him so much anymore, but I agree; at first glance it seemed like just another celebrity publicity stunt w/ no real logic or reason behind it. Too bad the symbol didn't look more like a middle finger, 'cause that's basically what he was telling his old record company they could go do to themselves. Good for him. -C.
  11. It was Perris Valley and the instructor was Mary (though she'll deny it ;-) ). My favorite part was after they had their turns and were watching Mary do her thing, one of them said, "Yeah, I think it would take me another one or two tries in there before I could do that stuff." -C.
  12. "Never mind, just bring me a cup of hot fat. And the head of Alfredo Garcia." -C.
  13. Anywhere between 1 and 2 jumps. ;-) My ex chipped her dog after she'd gotten away and was gone for about three days, then one morning showed up at my front door at 5AM. The shelter in Boulder would chip your pooch for $37.50, but I've heard of it being done for around $20. I think shelters tend to be less expensive than vets. Either way, it's really inexpensive when you consider the alternative loss. Glad Molly found her way home! -C.
  14. Somewhat analogous to post-whoring. And politicians have been doing this long before internet message boards came along. Additionally, w/ regards to the link above (somewhere) to Kerry's plans for service--a la AmeriCorps--it seems the discussion is getting muddled. Maybe I missed something, but it would seem that any discussion of reinstituting the draft is separate from plans for rewarding service in AmeriCorps or a similar program of 'national service. Certainly, 'drafting' individuals for the military, only to send them off to assist in educational means in troubled school districts is not the purpose of such a program. -C.
  15. 1.1:3:0 1.1 more hours closer to my pilot's license Only 3 jumps today. Late start and repetitive groundings due to cloudcover. -C.
  16. Congratulations! I hope to join your ranks this summer. I'm at 8.2 right now. Remember to post your travels to keep those of us still working towards our license and as inspiration to those that haven't started (yet). -C.
  17. I've had a similar dream; cutaway to a reserve that never opened. Next thing I know I'm walking into the hangar and everyone's asking me, "What happened?" all casual like. Just as casually, I reply, "Reserve didn't open," and begin repacking my main, which I guess landed back in the hangar. At least I didn't have to go lookin for it. I wonder what it means. -C.
  18. 0:6:1 Nothing new : 3 and 4 ways : first swoop-n-chug (beer paid) -C.
  19. Around whuffos I know well, yes. They're always asking me about my weekend, how many jumps I got in, etc. I'm happy to tell them. Around whuffos I don't know so well, not unless it's brought up by someone else. That usually happens if someone asks about weekend plans or if a friend of mine brings up the fact that I skydive. At that point, how far I go into it depends on how much they keep it going. If they're really interested, I'm happy to inspire them to try it out for themselves. -C.
  20. Photoshop, man...lots can be done in Photoshop. For example... -C.
  21. Good eye. I'm partial to the first few of Lady Luck. Nice use of light. I only ever shot in black and white and that was a decade ago. Mine rarely turned out that well. Keep 'em coming, man. -C.
  22. I'd get in a line and go...into service, not Canada. I may not up and just volunteer, but I wouldn't dodge if drafted. -C.
  23. If he's been talked to multiple times before and refuses to change, he's unlikely to listen to you. I'd first go talk to her about it. Nothing too alarmist, but you can make a suggestion and lead her to someone who actually is a coach. Try not to slam him too hard, because that what it will look like if it gets back to him. On second thought, that may be just what he needs. Regardless of how you discuss it, talk to "Julie" and introduce her to someone w/ an actual coach rating. That [a rated coach] may be just the nudge she needs and an excuse for her to get away from "Tom". Then, of course, bring up your concerns to the S&TA or DZO. -C.