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Everything posted by ifics

  1. I'm facking TORE and I have school in a couple hours DAMNIT!!!
  2. Can't wait to see the pics!!
  3. Yeah, we did our best. About the only way to pass the damn thing is to run full speed into it
  4. I don't know, his Gfriend got it for him.. Somewhere on the net, probably ebay..
  5. Another... Gotta love Bdays Edit: We tried to use the truck but my Uncle didn't want us to touch it.. pffft... We probably should have blown it up AFTER we got to the park
  6. We surprised him with a ridiculous Bday present, we had trouble getting it to the park..
  7. They look even better when the sun is shinnig
  8. Get up early to go jump and CRAP is what I see.. Now I'm stuck with yard work... EDIT: Pic sucks but so does the weather....
  9. NO JOKE, I really want one but I will settle for a 350 by next week if I can't find it...
  10. I would buy the 330 but I cant find it ANYWHERE!!! I might settle for the 350 seeing how I have no chance of finding my original choice...
  11. I have been trying to talk to him but he says he is in the middle of a move and will be very busy for the next month or so Damnit, I want one..
  12. ifics

    FF pants

  13. Has their school started training? Are there set price lists for the things they offer?
  14. Oh man, I was soooo wasted that night... (Guy with box on head) Thx for posting those, didn't know if I was going to be able to get ahold of the group photo.
  15. heh, that guy was WAY OFF!! Glad the school was empty.. No Merkur, I cant jump tomorrow.. We can get some in Saturday though
  16. On the news tonight there was a quick preview that said, "a fighter jet targets school". They had pics of the school, no huge damage. Did anyone catch it? I cant find any info on the net.. EDIT: I think it was up North somewhere.. Not sure, it was a quick clip.
  17. http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html I have not seen this posted in awhile so I thought I would do it again. Some really great pics!! Post the pic from you're Bday last year (or this if its passed already) Here is mine http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap031108.html
  18. ifics


  19. Usually just before jump run I close my eyes with deep breathing. I picture very calm things, usually the skydive from afar with huge hands below our group in freefall. Or anything else that is very soothing to me, usually works great... Also drilling EP's and trusting my gear is a big factor..
  20. That is why I put one on my car... EDIT: Mine is tilted, its the only way it would stay on..
  21. I know the feeling, I made a bunch of jumps with jeans and T.. Then I got my FF suit and love it (Firefly), a little baggy up top though
  22. ifics

    Lunar Eclipse

    Nice, thx for the photos!
  23. What he said, except for the "both" part...