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Everything posted by airdvr

  1. So I assume he's guilty until proven innocent. Being tried by the media is much different than a court of law. And don't throw a blanket over Republicans like that. If this guys guilty he deserves what he gets. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  2. [replyThe guys who are in charge: -just lost Pakistan's help in hunting Bin Laden How did we lose their help? I think it's pretty clear he's not there. "There is not an inch of South Waziristan or the tribal area which we have not swept time and again, and if he was here in the tribal areas, I can assure you that he wouldn't have escaped my eyes and ears."....Lt. Gen. Safdar Hussain, military chief of northwest Pakistan -are phasing out the TSA at some airports and going back to rent-a-cops at checkpoints The TSA screeners weren't doing much better than the system that was in place before. There's plenty of reports of that. Why force the airports to use gov't employees if its not any more effective? It's gonna take more than box cutters to bring down airliners this time. Feel safer yet? We won't be "safe" again for a long time, if ever. Those days are gone. But I know that the best way to deal with the "cut your head off" crowd is to stay on the offensive. As long as you keep them moving and on the run they can't mount any major strikes. Yes, they'll blow things up here and there but the chances of another 911 style attack go way down. It's not prefect...W said it over and over during the debates (a few too many times IMO) It's hard work. I think everyone can agree that most things worth having don't come easily. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  3. Every day I thank God you guys aren't making the decisions that effect my security. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  4. [reply a suprising number don't know what we're doing in Iraq. expect me to beleive they don't know. All wars are fought by scared men who'd rather be someplace else. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  5. At the beginning of President Clinton's second term, seven Cabinet members stayed and seven left. The Homeland Security Cabinet post was added during Bush's presidency. At the beginning of President Reagan's second term, seven Cabinet members stayed and six left. The Veterans Affairs post became a Cabinet seat during President George H.W. Bush's term. Kev...keep the spin going. It's funny to read. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  6. This guy knows what it takes to run and grow a business and I can tell you the government needs to get out of the way and let the marketplace do its work. Ebb and flow is the natural way of a free market economy. "As CEO of the Kellogg company, he has been an effective visionary executive. He understands the world of business from the first rung on the ladder to the very top. He knows exactly what it takes to help American businesses grow and create jobs," Bush said during an announcement in the Roosevelt Room at the White House. I think this is an excellent choice. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  7. Once again you guys are buying into the lib media's portrayal of "outsourcing". Outsourcing isn't necessarily a bad thing. Aks the people of Marysville Ohio who work for Honda, or the folks in Kentucky working for Toyota, or in SC at the BMW plant. None of that would have been possible. Ten Myths about Jobs and Outsourcing by Tim Kane, Brett D. Schaefer, and Alison Fraser WebMemo #467 April 1, 2004 | The American economy never rests—at this moment, in fact, economic growth is vigorous. Yet every time there is a slight dip in the acceleration of output, jobs, or incomes, the undying myths of a sputtering, backfiring economy rise again. Today, many of those myths concern the ills of outsourcing. The plain facts, however, lay all of today’s myths about outsourcing to rest. But there is still a real danger that politicians working with incomplete or incorrect information will hobble American competitiveness. Scapegoating poor Third World countries, “Benedict Arnold CEOs,” and free trade will not improve the U.S. economy or labor market, but would likely cause great harm. Robert McTeer of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas summed up the promise of government action on outsourcing well: “If we are lucky, we can get through the year without doing something really, really stupid.” Myth #1: America is losing jobs. Fact: More Americans are employed than ever before. The household employment survey of Americans indicates that there are 1.9 million more Americans employed since the recession ended in November 2001. There are 138.3 million workers in the U.S. economy today—more than ever before. Myth #2: The low unemployment rate excludes many discouraged workers. Fact: Unemployment is dropping, despite a surging labor force. Not only is the unemployment rate low in historical terms at 5.6 percent, but the workforce has been growing—there are now 2.03 million more people in the labor force than in late 2001. Without a higher rate of unemployment or a shrinking workforce, there is no evidence of growing discouragement. Myth #3: Outsourcing will cause a net loss of 3.3 million jobs. Fact: Outsourcing has little net impact, and represents less than 1 percent of gross job turnover. Over the past decade, America has lost an average of 7.71 million jobs every quarter.[4] The most alarmist prediction of jobs lost to outsourcing, by Forrester Research, estimates that 3.3 million service jobs will be outsourced between 2000 and 2015—an average of 55,000 jobs outsourced per quarter, or only 0.71 percent of all jobs lost per quarter. Myth #4: Free trade, free labor, and free capital harm the U.S. economy. Fact: Economic freedom is necessary for economic growth, new jobs, and higher living standards. A study conducted for the 2004 Index of Economic Freedom confirms a strong, positive relationship between economic freedom and per capita GDP. Countries that adopt policies antithetical to economic freedom, including trying to protect jobs of a few from outsourcing, tend to retard economic growth, which leads to fewer jobs. Myth #5: A job outsourced is a job lost. Fact: Outsourcing means efficiency. Outsourcing is a means of getting more final output with lower cost inputs, which leads to lower prices for all U.S. firms and families. Lower prices lead directly to higher standards of living and more jobs in a growing economy. Myth #6: Outsourcing is a one-way street. Fact: Outsourcing works both ways. The number of jobs coming from other countries to the U.S. (jobs “insourced”) is growing at a faster rate than jobs lost overseas. According to the Organization for International Investment, the numbers of manufacturing jobs insourced to the United States grew by 82 percent, while the number outsourced overseas grew by only 23 percent.[5] Moreover, these insourced jobs are often higher-paying than those outsourced.[6] Myth #7: American manufacturing jobs are moving to poor nations, especially China. Fact: Nations are losing manufacturing jobs worldwide, even China. America is not alone in experiencing declines in manufacturing jobs. U.S. manufacturing employment declined 11 percent between 1995 and 2002, which is identical to the average world decline.[7] China has seen a sharper decline, losing 15 percent of its industrial jobs over the same period. Myth #8: Only greedy corporations benefit from outsourcing. Fact: Everyone benefits from outsourcing. Outsourcing is about efficiency. As costs decline, every consumer benefits, including those who lose their jobs to outsourcing. A 2003 study by Michael W. Klein, Scott Schuh, and Robert K. Triest, which includes dislocation costs in its calculations, shows the benefits of trade outweighing its costs by 100 percent.[8] Myth #9: The government can protect American workers from outsourcing. Fact: Protectionism is isolationism and has a history of failure. Proposals to punish businesses that outsource jobs, institute tariffs, or change tax rules will carry unintended consequences if enacted. Such measures would injure U.S. firms that export goods and services and erode U.S. competitiveness, often in unexpected ways. Recent steel tariffs, for example, cost jobs in dozens of industries while raising prices for consumers.[9] Myth #10: Unemployment benefits should be extended beyond 26 weeks. Fact: Jobless benefits are already working. The median duration of unemployment is now 10.9 weeks; most workers are covered by existing benefits, which last for 26 weeks. Extending today’s coverage to 39 weeks would cost billions of dollars and have little impact. Conclusion America's workers deserve a more informative, less partisan debate on outsourcing. The negative impact of outsourcing on the economy and American employment has been greatly exaggerated, and the benefits of outsourcing almost entirely ignored. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  8. Eyes opened? They don't want to see it. They just want to bitch about the Gov't. Part of their culture of negativism. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  9. How do you conclude that? I guy I know has to pay $1,100/month in child support. Doesn't take very long to build up $5k in arrears at that rate if you lose your job. Sure it doesn't if you don't pay them! My point was there's things that can be done but it appears akarunway chose not to do them, then bitches about the consequences. The treatment he is now receiving is a direct result of his actions, or lack of action. It's in response to the multitude of parents who don't take responsibility for bringing a child into this world and then not at least supporting it monetarily. They took his license...but I'll bet he got a really nasty notice in the mail and chose to ignore it. Will they throw him in jail? Yep if he continues to ignore them. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  10. You must have been out of work for a long time if you owe more than 5 grand. Somehow I think there's more to this story than what you're saying. I personally think the system is biased against fathers but I have to buck-up every week for my kids...and I do it because it's my responsibility. Obviously you didn't for quite a while and now you want to belly ache because the system is putting the clamps on you. If you want to bitch at someone take a look in the mirror. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  11. Touche Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  12. Without its own forces to deploy it is a toothless giant. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  13. UN weapons inspections The UN weapons inspection programme - funded initially through voluntary contributions from UN Member States and frozen Iraqi assets - supervised the destruction of Iraq's WMD arsenal. Since the inception of the Oil-for-Food programme, the effort - begun by the UN Special Commission (UNSCOM) and continued by the UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC), working with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) - has been funded through oil revenues. UNSCOM destroyed missiles, mobile launchers, fixed launch sites, chemical munitions, a chemical weapons complex and a germ warfare complex as well as tons of missile fuel, chemical warfare agents, precursor chemicals and bacteria growth media. The effort was interrupted in late 1998. UNMOVIC inspectors only returned to Iraq in November, 2003, when they destroyed dozens of Iraqi Al Samoud 2 missiles and warheads, as well as launchers, shells filled with chemical weapons precursors and other arms. That activity was funded entirely through a small portion of Iraq's oil revenues. It amazes me that people don't understand why we thought SH had WMD's, or that he might have been able to hand them off to Al Queda. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  14. Question - What is the difference between a liberal and a puppy? Answer - A puppy stops whining after it grows up. Question - What is the only thing worse than an incompetent liberal President? Answer - A competent liberal President. Question - Why do the male members of the Kennedy family cry while having sex? Answer - Mace. Question - Who was the first liberal Democrat? Answer - Christopher Columbus. He left not knowing where he was going, got there not knowing where he was, left not knowing where he'd been and did it all on borrowed money. Liberals are like seagulls: all they do is squawk, eat crap, and they are protected by the government. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  15. Some of you are buying into the media's portrayal of this war. Reality is somewhere in the middle. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  16. As you can see from these photos not everyone is unhappy. You can always find someone who's not happy...just ask a Kerry supporter Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  17. Interesting idea Bill, but I have some concerns. 1 is Iran's history of lying to us as the did during the Clinton admin. I could see them accepting the reactor offer, hosing us for millions, and then continuing right along on their current path. 2. It's kind of like negotiation with terrorists...where does it end and who will be next in line to try and coerce us into buying them reactors? Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  18. This bill sucked and everyone knew it... Two GOP committee chairmen led the effort to keep the bill from the House floor Saturday. Armed Services Chairman Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., echoed Pentagon concerns that the realignment of intelligence authority could interfere with the military chain of command and endanger troops in the field. Wisconsin Rep. James Sensenbrenner of the House Judiciary Committee demanded that the bill also deal with illegal immigration. But the House must briefly reconvene this week to join the Senate in passing a resolution nullifying a line in the 3,000-page spending bill that gives two committee chairmen and their aides access to personal income tax returns without regard to privacy protections. And, of course, follwing it's blockage the Dems have to spin it this way. "This is another clear example of how the legislative process under Republican leadership is broken," said House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California. I think it's an example of how, even with control of both houses Congress won't pass a junk bill even if W says he wants it. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  19. [replyIf you add attacks against US embassies, troops and interests abroad, then we are failing at 'the war on terror.' They have been going up, not down, and MardigrasBob's assesement that things are getting better is backwards. That's why most conservatives are careful to say "attacks against US soil" because there has only been one since 9/11 - and that sounds much better than listing the thousands of terrorist attacks against US troops and contractors. And using that logic we should just throw up our hands and quit? I can see why your engineer's mind can't concieve that things don't go exactly as planned all the time. War is fluid. It changes constantly and must be dealt with accordingly. Some things work, some don't. But I think you're gettting caught up in the media's view of this war and not the reality of war. I beleive the frequency of attacks has escalated because the "cut your head off" crowd knows the only chance they have of victory is to wear us down. And with your help Bill, they'll win. Terrorism depends on people being sound scared. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  20. What would you call the "brown sugar" nickname? Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  21. Oooh..the old "collapsing economy" scenario. Everybody run..the sky is falling. Why are you so negative all the time? Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  22. I're one of those "it's our fault" types. You can only look backwards and say "what a mistake". Not everyone who makes crucial decisions has that luxury. I don't agree with everything W does. Do you agree with any of it? I personally believe we have begun a process that has the promise of a bright new tomorrow. I could be could you. I guess we'll see. I'm optimistic...your pessimistic. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  23. No one ever said he doesn't have the capability. I have the capability to produce a bomb our of fertilizer. That doesn't mean I am. And if the police were stopping by my house daily, my capability would be weakened. No, maybe your opportunity would be weakened. Your capability wouldn't change. And if you had the ability to tell the police you can't look where I keep the stuff your opportunity goes up. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  24. Leaving out the Iraq War, unless you think it would be a good idea to cut and've slashed 6 billion...only 794 billion to go Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne
  25. ..the top U.S. arms inspector reported Wednesday that he found no evidence that Iraq produced any weapons of mass destruction after 1991. He also concluded that Saddam Hussein's weapons capability weakened during a dozen years of U.N. sanctions before the U.S. invasion last year. How does a capability weaken when it doesn't exist? The flaw in the thinking here is you assume there was no threat. What's worse is you assume everyone knew there was no threat. I'm glad you can afford to make that assumption. I'm also glad you aren't the one who's calling the shots. Awfully big risk to take with everyone's safety. Were there WMD's? I think there were, you say not. Could we afford to wait and find out? Who knows...but I'd much rather go and make sure of it instead of standing looking at buildings in rubble, or contaminated water supplies...the list goes on and on. the Prez has the responsibility to make sure we do everything possible to protect ourselves. I'm willing to bet you'd be the first to crucify W if we were attacked again and it could have been prevented. Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne