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Everything posted by streaker

  1. It's not for pussies....That's my favorite! Streaker Have a yippee ki ya day!
  2. Want some cheese for your whine??? Streaker Have a yippee ki ya day!
  3. Well... get better soon! The x-ray with the pins looks alot like one of our jumpers who apparently didn't see the airport fence. Nice screws kido.....Speedy recovery. Streaker
  4. Sad sad times for the families and freinds left to cope with their loss. Condolences to all. Streaker... Have a yippee ki ya day!
  5. streaker

    Tramp Stamp.

    Why put down ladies that choose to tattoo their lower back? I voted 'hot'.....keep those tats goin'! Streaker Have a yippee ki ya day!
  6. Wow that looks really painful! But hey, the end result is kinda cool looking. Tattoos didn't bother me, but that sure looks like it would. That woman has some kinda of balls (or really good drugs). Streaker Have a yippee ki ya day!
  7. Don't eye got poked by a beer....or nipple....not sure! Streaker Have a yippee ki ya day!
  8. so you want another woman, but one with a penis Hey steaker isthat an apt description Hmm....maybe that's why we live 424 miles apart??? Heh hehQuote Have a yippee ki ya day!
  9. Relationships are the most difficult management tasks one has. In a meaningful relationship you must forget about self and focus on the significant other. This can become confusing and many times discouraging to your logical way of thinking. This is why I encourage having fuck buddies as a viable sexual outlet to help clear your head, regain your ego and allow you to focus your attention back to your primary relationship. Would you agree Snowwhite? Cya tomorrow, my beautiful lover.
  10. Snowwhite told me about very sad. A very nice guy. Strong healing Vibes Orlando!!!
  11. Quote Hey stop by and see the amigos. Bolas, Bubbles, What up kids? Streaker Have a yippee ki ya day!
  12. Hey stop by and see the amigos. Cool people and a cool place to make a jump! Streaker Have a yippee ki ya day!
  13. Oh those crazy kids! Streaker Have a yippee ki ya day!
  14. QuoteOK, most people have stuffed up at some point in their lives, and so I wanted to ask what the average skydiver thought on this one: 1) What constitutes cheating? Is it only sex? It's only cheating if your partner doesn't know about it.... 2) Under what circumstances MUST one confess? (and if you do confess, should you tell them who with?) Confess to me if you get caught said the spider to the fly... 3) "What happens on the DZ, stays on the DZ..." Is this a true sentiment? This is true unless I have my camera and caught you in the act.......then the internet is my pearl... I hope you find this advice helpful...Oh yes tequilla takes care of many guilty feelings....and always remember to deny-deny-deny! Streaker [/reply Have a yippee ki ya day!
  15. QuoteWhy is it I get a "Dangerous web site" warning when I come to ----------------------------------------------------------- Well it is a dangerous sport...why would the website be any different? Have a yippee ki ya day!
  16. It's from that lottery you won in Nigera
  17. Throw out that pilot chute! Have a yippee ki ya day!
  18. Rampant nudity and perverted acts!!!! Wait, that might have been the 2006 convention, or was it the Rodriguez Brothers boogie???? Watch out Summer fest...the real fun will soon begin. Cya there tat and all..... Streaker Have a yippee ki ya day!
  19. Monday? Oh well I may have to call in sick on Monday & Tuesday! Toga on Hellfish! Streaker Have a yippee ki ya day!