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Everything posted by cornishe

  1. ...bump... MOTIVATE PEOPLE! . Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  2. cornishe

    ABP dead?

    Why doens't the BOD vote to use a new domain name. Why is the entire organization hinged on an internet domain name? I wish I knew Robin, so I would unterstand better what the hell is going on. . Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  3. You can also stick em in the bathtub and fill it with hot water. You have to chop them up to put them in the microwave. Seems time consuming. Its not very time consuming. You just run a sawzall around her snizzpod and throw that fool in for 2m30s. Maybe I'll try the tub thing next time, then I can play with warm titties too! Put Shannon in the calendar! I'm still waiting on your PM reply... . Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  4. Watch out for that Dutch third warning guys. It involves 2 exlamation marks and capital letters. Very intimidating. . Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  5. Hey Jaap, is this the episode you and redbull are going to be on? . Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  6. cornishe

    Dr. Evil's "A"

    Its CBS. . Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  7. What about that hot ass babe that lives in Twin? Here's a pic of her I dug up. I think she's dating that famous Jamie guy. per Tom Aiello- This image is NSFA. NOT SAFE FOR ANYONE! :-P . Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  8. cornishe

    berkana down?

    wicked. thanks Nick! . Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  9. cornishe

    berkana down?

    Yep. Looks like it's owned by CBS. . Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  10. cornishe

    berkana down?

    Thanks for the push in the right direction Tom. No need to dig it up. Found it... . Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  11. cornishe

    berkana down?

    looking for but thanks for this: sweet! . Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  12. cornishe

    berkana down?

    is it just me? anyone know a substitute? -a Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  13. I've used an internal frame pack on a jump before. It was the Gregory G-Pack. I was able to where the pack under my rig during the jump. It consists of nothing more than the back-frame and a ripstop material. I put it on under my jacket to make sure none of the straps interfered with the bridle, etc. Gregory G-Pack" They used to be on sale for $70. Doesnt look like it anymore... - Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  14. Once you become a second or third time offender, you will get a penalty closer to max than to a slap on the wrist. Once you get busted, you've just upped your game and now take a bigger risk on each illegal jump. . Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  15. "Communist China may be a good place for your views, or maybe North Korea" Sorry dude. That part was unnesessary. . Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  16. Why accept the confines of the box that they build for us. Why should we just give up our individuality. View us in aggregate? That's their error. The few are not making decisions for the many. The few are choosing for themselves. - Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  17. hey guy. this isn't some new forum or club or whatever. its a group of people who are trying to get something done and need privacy doing it. if you want to join us you are welcome too. If you don't, then dont worry that we chat in private. Communist China may be a good place for your views, or maybe North Korea. . Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  18. bump. Only 45 still! I know not all jumpers are online, but c'mon! . Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  19. Jamie, I'll PM you. hey all! sorry for delays. World Famous Jamie Boutwell was in town and we had 3 good nights of jumping. I'm catching up on logins and posts on the board now... . Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  20. I'm considering allowing only BASE jumpers in the forum until we get closer to a plan and then we can add the skydivers,etc. that want to help. Am I a dick? And besides that, is that overdoing the security of this... opinions ASAP please... . Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  21. Ok, after tech dificulties, the site is back up. Use the passwords I emailed you and change them again if you'd like. 35 people responded they are ready and willing in the poll! Where are you guys?? Where about the rest of you??? PM me and lets get serious planning going on! - Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  22. We can only include people you personally know and trust. Let's talk more in the private room. . Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  23. Ok guys, keep the PM's coming... I'm going outside to pack for tonight. I'll add logins when I come back in. . Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  24. I'd love to include Paragliders in this, but dont want to risk an information leak. Rusell, you're in with that crowd well. Are there supporters that would come join in the festivities? . Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE
  25. PM me if I personally know you or if I know you are legit and I will create an account for you. Otherwise just find someone inbetween us that can verify. email alerts and such arent working yet, but the bbs is running and there is 1 private forum. . Abbie Mashaal Skydive Idaho Snake River Skydiving TandemBASE