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Everything posted by vskydiver

  1. Well I always carry around a really long one in hopes.... Ya just never know when your gonna need it.
  2. OH! That's right! I'll try to remember to bring my tape measure with me!
  3. Great!!! Another babe don't forget your packing machine and John.
  4. All those who want in on the 70 way record jump at the Leap For Lupus event on August 20th need to get their name and money in to Keri Farrington asap. We have a few slots left so hurry!
  5. I may or may not have already read the 7th book. I can't really say. Probably shouldn't give it away because some of you might be mad but.... WOW! The 7th book is chalked full of stuff that is for sure! It's a fun read as usual.
  6. Yes Dear, Of course we are gonna buy it. We have several people in this house that need to read it and by the time it makes it through the last one it will be trashed. We can't check this one out from the library. Sorry.
  7. Yes, the last book comes out on Saturday.
  8. Yes go see the movie. It's well worth going to see it even though they left a lot out and several things didn't match up to the book. I really enjoyed it. Movies will never be as good as the book. After you get over that fact you can enjoy the movie. It's very entertaining. Can't wait to get the new book! I'm picking it up on my way out to the DZ on Sat. and reading it in between jumps!
  9. I took the class when I was 16 but we got winded out. So my first jump ended up being a few days after my 17th birthday. By then I was going out with the jumpmaster.
  10. You are way too talented!
  11. -3-0 Made a couple sweet jumps with NWFlyer. Tried jumping today but the weather wasn't very cooperative.
  12. That's because you know which organ I'll take!
  13. I wouldn't. Now I look like a bad person huh. It's not that I wouldn't want to... My kidneys don't work so great all the time. I would most likely be the recipient of the kidney rather than the donor. I doubt that any Dr. would want to use my kidneys even in a dire situation. Or any other organ for that matter. It makes me sad to think that I couldn't donate a kidney to my loved ones if they needed it. I can't even donate blood. Although I thank all those people that do donate blood because it's kept me alive several times over the years.
  14. I would call your Dr. or consulting nurse and tell them and see what they say. It could be a reaction from the antibiotics or something?
  15. Yes! Skydive The Farm is one of our latest and greatest participating drop zones! We are so happy to have them on board with us!!
  16. Have you tried the microwave Butter Kettle Korn. Walmart is the only place I've seen it. Act II or Pop Secret is the brand name. Can't remember which exactly. It's really good!
  17. I took my young daughter to see Harry and the Potters at a library when they were in town. Took 5 of her closest friends with us. Harry and the Potters were so bad that were cute. We had a ball. Went out for ice cream afterwards. We're going to see the movie tomorrow. I'm looking forward to the book more than seeing this movie though! Can't wait!
  18. Great! Don't forget about the raffle too! The drawing will be held on August 20th at the end of the boogie. http://leapforlupus.org/raffle.html
  19. -11-1 Karen, sorry you were sick! Hope you feel better. You missed a great grand opening for Kapowsin Air Sports! Yes, you did get a save but you forgot to put the homing device on the freebag! I spent hours looking for that thing. Never found it. Dang! Made a jump out of a little hovering helicopter this weekend. (Hughes 500) I've jumped out of a Russian MI-8 in Mexico but I felt I still owed beer for this one.
  20. Yes they did actually! When my Dad got tired my brothers took over. It took me awhile to get the hang of it. I'm kind of wimpy. It took me about 50 jumps before I let go of JohnMitchell's hand in freefall too. I'm flying OK now though. I got the hang of it.
  21. Well, Yes, of course I do! That is normal. I've been doing that for like two and a half decades. If you fall out of the airplane, big deal. Just don't forget to pull. You fall off your bike and it's going to hurt! Or you could get hit by a car or run into something. Think about it! You could get seriously injured or die riding a bike! (that was my thinking when I was 7 anyway)