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Everything posted by SkydiveJack

  1. That's kind of sweet in a morbid kind of way!
  2. And just to be complete, the jumpsuit is a Dyna-Soar and the head gear is a military HALO helmet. I think.
  3. BEER!!! Congratulations!!!
  4. Follow the link that Terry was kind enough to post. You will find a video of this thing.
  5. I saw a show on TV yesterday called "Around the Services". It is put out by the Department of Defense. One story was about a new parachute design they have for static line Airborne troops. It is designed to replace the venerable T-10 and is aptly called the T-11 or maybe the MT-11. This thing looks strange!!! They called it a cruciform design. The best way for me to describe it is a box with 4 equal sides and a bottom turned upside down. It even has a big "roundish" slider! They said it was 28% bigger, weighed a little more than the T-10 and came down 4 fps slower. They showed video of exits and openings. The landings didn't look that soft but that's a round, er... , a.. a.. a whatever for you. Any of you military folks out there jumping one of these? Anybody got a picture? I don't recall from the story if or when they were going to issue it to the troops. Definitely an interesting design.
  6. Special Agent Larry Carr was posting for a while on the old DB Cooper thread in Skydiving History & Trivia. I have no real point here, just an FYI. .
  7. Yes - unless the Dems lose, then they're supposed to do whatever the Dems tell them As many people have already said, here in the USA we have the best Law money can buy!
  8. The tail cone on there didn't open in a clam shell fashion. The entire cone was hinged on one side and swung out for large cargo loading. I remember the pilots telling me that there was a different tail cone with an opening for droping jumpers and cargo. I'm not 100% sure but I don't think the aircraft was certified for flight with the tail cone section removed.
  9. I know exactly where this is because I'm the one with the rust colored rig, head down, under the left tail boom. It was at Don Mummas DZ at lake Otay, near San Diego in the early 1980's. We did an AFF Certification Course out of these. Really nice aircraft! I'm surprised they didn't catch on. But being fairly new and expensive, I guess I'm really not that surprised. The funny thing with it is that you don't push everyone forward for take off. The pilots wanted the weight in the middle of the football for CG considerations.
  10. The side line at the old Mile High Stadium just after the game had started. We had jumped in the game ball and decided to get packed there.
  11. He loses a little on each case but he makes up for it in volume.
  12. What a shame. He was a great guy. I bought my very first piece of skydiving equipment from him many years ago. I never heard anyone say one bad thing about him. My thoughts are with his family.
  13. Blood, Sweat and Tears- "And when I die". Always loved it, period. Seriously, I have it in my will to be played at my funeral. Hopefully it will be a while!
  14. No argument there, but the NYT has been losing subscribers and they just announced a workforce cut of about 100 (mostly through attrition). All papers are losing subscribers and laying off people. One of the casualties of the stupidity of all the states jumping to January/February is the exhaustion of story angles, particularly to covering the GOP side. The press would be much happier if it was an open race again. By May they'll really be digging into the bottom of the well. Which I believe supports my point, that the press (US and worldwide) has gone from reporting the news to creating, or defining the news.
  15. You know, Obama admitted to drug use in his book and it gets passing, but no big notice from the press. When Bill Clinton denied he inhale they were all over him. So now the NY Times throws out this story with no "facts" to back it up. Now McCain has to deny it. This denial will become the focus of the situation, not the original allegation (that so far has no clear cut evidence). I'm not pro/con Obama, Clinton or McCain in these examples. I just want to point out that the way I see it, the press makes more money by creating controversy than reporting factual news.
  16. Severe clear here in SE Michigan. 5 minutes to go!!
  17. I'm glad your OK. I once hit a moose in Norway. It almost killed me.
  18. Loaning herself money was like crying for votes a few weeks ago. That b**ch will do anything to get herself in power.
  19. I thought from the subject line that this was the first time you shot your girlfriend!
  20. Your absolutely right Jimbo! And don't feel bad. He sent everybody else lots of e-mails in the hope that he could get one decent story out of it all. With me he knew he only had to send one e-mail since I only posted one story. But But But...I posted a hunert stories! No email, no flowers, no kiss my ass......NOTHIN'! It's like Jimbo said. This guy knows quality stories. He knows not to cast his line in a dry hole! NO SOUP FOR YOU! Don't shoot the messenger Twardo. Jimbo's the one that brought this front and center.
  21. reply] Its not my fault that this guy knows quality stories.......Jack...Jimbo