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Everything posted by Steph2

  1. Yay! Lots and lots of 4-way peeps at HPC
  2. So Vicki, where's the piccies??? We had a very drunken party at Headcorn too. I'll have piccies for you by the weekend, but I have absolutely no idea what they'll be of!!! Stupidly left my camera on the bar, so I'll probably have a whole film of arses Steph -x-
  3. Yeah, I'm sorry to say I believe every word!!! Have fun ok and please post the piccies asap! If they're non-digital, could you bring them along to the Southerns next weekend so I can have a giggle too
  4. Have a great time you guys! Anyone taking a camera? I'd love to see photo's of this fancy dress party!!! Steph -x-
  5. Hey, I wasn't tarring anyone... I was just backing up Tilly-bird and her delightful sense of humour :-) Actually thought you meant laughing AT Headcorn, so my mistake... Sorry! Steph -x-
  6. Ooh, someone's looking for a shin-kicking!!! Be warned Zee... J lost a shin-kicking fight with me in Empuria and had to fly flat for a week! (actually, he had a bad shoulder, but we do now have video evidence of him flying on his belly - he he ) Anyway, you have to be nice to us flatties if you want to go to Rantoul...!!! Steph -x-
  7. See... That's 3 lovely HPC people vs 1 nasty HPC e-mail (and as Zee explained there was a reason for that). Taffy and I will both be at HPC this weekend. So, if you've got your A-licence, we would be happy to show you around and introduce you to some of the excellent WARP coaches. Looks like it's going to be a sunny one - and we'll be jumping the Let, who hoo! Happy Birthday Taffy-bird :-) Steph xxx
  8. Spot on G... Really spot on! I love the idea of wearing blue and white on Monday. Lou, are you going to streak your hair blue like you did for your Birthday?!!! Ethan was on good form that night :-) I'm really going to miss him... But I'll never forget his cheeky grin! Steph -x-
  9. Yes, in the UK AFF consists of 8 levels, followed by 10 consolidation jumps. After successfully completing all of those you qualify for your A-licence, which allows you to jump with non-instructors e.g. experienced jumpers and WARP coaches. I can't really elaborate on the requirements I'm afraid as I'm not an instructor, but the obvious difference is level 8, which if I remember correctly is a 10 second delay. Hope that answers your question :-) Steph -x-
  10. Sorry to hear that Bluessurfer. However, do you think it's fair to damn a whole DZ based on the e-mail of one person? There are lots of lovely people who jump at HPC, although with that attitute you're never going to get to meet them... After re-reading your post I was left wondering... Why would you need "coaching" to get your A-licence? Since you have less than 18 jumps you obviously haven't finished your AFF course yet, and therefore still need an AFF instructor (or CSBI/AI if you're on consols). I know it's not the policy of every DZ (it caught me out too) but HPC prioritises it's own AFF students and always has. When you do qualify, there are lots of excellent coaches at Headcorn to help you get your B-licence and beyond. Good Luck, and I hope you find somewhere nice to jump :-) Steph -x-
  11. Exchange "pull out" for pilot chute, "dytter" for time-out and you have my 60th jump... Scary shit, and I was jumping a round reserve at the time too! I agree with Wendy; it's best to think through every eventuality, then it's less likely to catch you out if it happens for real. Steph -x-
  12. Mmmmm, I second that - Strawberry Cheesecake flavour, yum! Didn't know they did a frozen yoghurt though, only ever had the ice-cream one. Do like frozen yoghurt though... I feel less guilty afterwards!!! Oooh, another good one: Hagen Daas Baileys flavour. Damn it, now I want ice-cream!!! Hottest day of the year so far (32 degrees here, which is v good for the UK) and I've still got 2 hours of work to go! Steph -x-
  13. Ewww!!! Red Bull is vile! Just the smell of it makes me feel quesy... Does the Go Fast stuff taste/smell any different? Reckon I'll just stick to coffee and Pro-plus though - tried and tested most weekends! Steph -x-
  14. Been there, done that, wearing the T-shirt!!! (except it's the Girl loves skydiving one, obviously!). However, I do still have a very special group of non-jumping girlfriends... They've got used to organising our get-togethers on week nights; rolling into work with a hangover because "Steph's team-training this weekend"! Love them all loads :-) Steph -x-
  15. I know nothing, but I did notice their team T-shirts said "Crosskeys XL" at this years Nationals... Just an observation. Steph -x-
  16. It usualy takes a measure of education to be employed in a capacity that can pay for an expensive sport such as this. Ha ha ha, you reckon!!! I have a BSc.(hons) in Genetics, work in genetics and get paid next to f*ck all for my trouble. Start my new job on Monday though (still in genetics, but a bit more cash) and am currently working my notice... Not that you could tell by the amount of time I'm spending on line atm!!! Steph -x-
  17. Nice one!!! My fridge contains: 2 x bottles Sauvignon Blanc, 6 x bottles Budweiser, 4 x bottles Smirnoff Ice, 1/2 pot Flora Light, 1/4 bottle ketchup and 2 pints semi-skimmed milk. The freezer compartment contains 1 litre vodka and a bag of peas! By saturday morning it will contain: 1/2 pot Flora, and the bloody peas... Steph -x-
  18. Gullible is not the word! But you will learn... "I can't remember the last time I jumped a helicopter" (err, that'll be coz I hadn't!) - he he he!!! Steph -x-
  19. Lillo :-) If you're doing the tourist trail, you can't miss out Barcelona... fantastic city, and only 2 hours from Empuria! Hire a rig, you know you want to! Enjoy the rest of your time in Spain... Hasta lluego, Steph -x-
  20. I used to spin like a bl**dy helicopter on my AFF... My instructor used to pull faces at me in freefall; nothing like a good giggle to chill you out! Good luck, and don't stress about passing the level, the money or anything else. Just remember to enjoy every jump! Steph -x-
  21. Pie is definitely better than slops... At my old DZ it was traditional to save up the days canteen waste for such an occasion! Wasn't too bad at Hib, where I've been slopped a couple of times, but at Topcliffe it was v. unfunny - since they didn't have any showers, YUK! So glad I only have to buy beer these days :-) Congratulations on getting your license! Steph -x-
  22. Great fun! My first balloon jump scared me sh*tless; I was shaking so badly I could hardly climb out of the basket!!! Fell away backwards watching the balloon and listening to the sound of the speed picking up... awesome! My first chopper jump was just as good but for a different reason; my mate Michelle and I climbed down, one onto each skid and fell away together... Stayed completely stable this time (lot more jumps by now) but couldn't track away for sh*t!!! Definite "got to do" jumps, but make sure you're confident with getting out low as it is harder to keep stable with no slipstream. Enjoy! Steph -x-
  23. But like you said yourself, there's no harm in just ringing up and asking... If Headcorn is your local DZ, ask to speak to Pete (the CCI) and find out the facts before writing the place off. Most places will charge for instruction if you're uncurrent, and many (including Headcorn) will charge for club membership, so it's a good idea to get a few quotes first. No idea how you got charged £90, but I'm sure there's a story behind that one! Steph -x- And yes, I do jump at Headcorn!