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Everything posted by Steph2

  1. Yeah, I totally agree. If you're planning on jumping at Headcorn, I'm afraid the club kit ain't all that! The best rig for hire is a PD190 in a Zerox and at 5 quid a jump it soon adds up. I know the weather has been pretty shit lately, but I think you've just been really unlucky with your choice of weekends... I only jump on weekends too and I've done 50 so far this year - all at Headcorn (plus some jumps abroad). Come down the club more often! If the weather's dodgy, sit around and chat - or, more productively, get your IC1 briefings done! When there's a hole in the cloud, get on a Go For It load. You'll soon be back in the sky and won't believe you even contemplated selling your rig!!! See you at the DZ
  2. The Met forecast for tomorrow is sunshine and showers, which *might* be OK. However the forecast for Sunday is completely horrible! Big black clouds all over the South East. Fingers crossed for tomorrow... Steph -x-
  3. Hiya! I'll be jumping at Headcorn tomorrow. Well, sitting around looking at the clouds there anyway... I'm driving down from Cambridge, so can't keep you company on the train - sorry! Are you entering the 4-way Scrambles competition? See you tomorrow
  4. The British Parachute Association (BPA) changed its logo fairly recently. It used to be a guy in freefall with a bellymount reserve... Since this was considered too old fashioned, the round was removed. I much prefer the new logo
  5. Hello, Suggestion: Is it possible to join up threads which are on the same subject? I recently posted on a subject in the bonfire... Today someone else posted on the same subject, also in the bonfire. Now I notice someone else has posted on exactly the same subject in General Skydiving Discussions! Vicki has v kindly posted a link to the 2 other threads, but is it possible to physically join them all together - since they are on *exactly* the same subject! I can understand repeat threads when they're posted weeks or months apart, but 3 in one day just seems silly! With the huge numbers of posts made every day, it might even save some space on the server - ? Feedback: I love it! Top web-site
  6. Yeah, but at least no-one had a mal (usually a total!) or broke themselves landing - or died! It was horribly *inaccurate* but it could have been a lot worse... Personally I thought it was so crap it made it hilarious! Steph -x-
  7. Mike, you are such a gent! Wait, no, that wasn't the word I was after... Ah, yes... full of crap! 8-way team, yeah right! Now we know the real reason you jump at Nethers Steph -x-
  8. Yeah! I fell about laughing when I saw the 5 of them doing FS!!! Sorry, 4 of them doing FS and 1 tumbling through the middle!!! If you read the thread I posted... I DID WARN YOU!!! "Amusing in a cheesy soap kinda way" Although to be honest I had no idea it would be quite so hilarious Steph -x-
  9. Nice one Adam! Steph -x-
  10. Aw, cheers you guys!!! I had a lovely Birthday thank you. I got cake, cards and prezzies and did a really nice 4-way jump with my team
  11. Yeah, true... The forecast doesn't look v encouraging I might get my Birthday piss-up afterall Steph -x-
  12. Oh yeah! I forgot about the Herc Boogie... I like the sound of the foam party at Nethers You not doing Brit Chicks again this year then? Steph -x-
  13. Hola! Hay muchas personas que hablen Espanol en el Foro de Salto Libre... And then there's me, who probably made about 10 mistakes in that one sentence alone!!! Seriously though, I'd be up for some Spanish practice... Language classes never teach you anything really *practical* like "Where's the spot?" or key-words like "rigger" and "manifest"! They do teach you cerveza pretty early on though Steph -x-
  14. Less than a month until the Nationals - eek!!! Are you going this year Vicki? I'll be there the Thursday before until Monday 2nd. So, yeah, great idea... Come to Hib! Last year we finished the competition on Sunday and spent Monday fun jumping... Yup, finished the comp in *2 days*!!! Hib sure knows how to host a competition - and definitely knows how to throw a good party!
  15. Ideally no, although the suggestion that he/she wears an open faced helmet "for a change" can be a bit of a give-away! (We have to wear hats over here.) Steph -x-
  16. So it's OK to post it then? Maybe I should ask the opinion of the other person involved... Someone -x-
  17. I saw a trailer the other night for a week of Hollyoaks Late Night special episodes. It looks like a load of them do a jump at Nethers (there's a JSPC logo on the kit). I thought it might be amusing - in a cheesy soap kinda way... Steph -x-
  18. Mike, You got 'em! Caz! Come to Headcorn... You know you want to!!! Steph -x-
  19. Will do... Do you want the demo pics as well? Steph -x-
  20. Hi Jayne! We jump at the same DZ!
  21. She who? Gremlin?! Something you haven't told me there Adam?!!! Seriously though... I will admit that the, erm, landing accuracy, wasn't what it could have been on Sunday!!! Tilly-bird! Are you OK mate? I'll e-mail you the piccies if you promise to see a psychiatrist!!! Actually, there's a lovely piccie of you in your posh frock
  22. Steph2

    Mozilla v IE

    Cheers guys. I'll mention that to Paul at the weekend and hopefully I'll be able to see piccies in future
  23. Steph2

    Mozilla v IE

    I've never used IE... I've had various Netscapes, but now I have Mozilla on a redhat and it works fine for me
  24. There are piccies of the beautiful Beech99 on Peronnes web-site: I know it's not a huge tailgate, but it is a lovely jumpship