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Everything posted by skylord

  1. Tracked this down for you. Borat makes a comment in the movie, "Who is this skymama, another prostitute for me to make much glad with for glorious?" Apparently, there is a reply: "Skymama is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man, because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well really fast." This is obviously some kind of message to sleeper cells, so while you are clear, billvon is in big trouble. Bob ps: Sorry, Andrea, just kidding about the prostitute comment. Billvon, well, you are on your own!! Bob Marks "-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman
  2. Air Traffic Control. Love it, the best job in the world until the last 8 months or so. My job is to call traffic in the DZ, and then the pilot turns the green light on anyway. Just kidding, up until the last few months I would have recommended the career to anyone. But the FAA imposed a payscale where Wal Mart pays more for their employees. Can you imagine an air traffic controller getting paid $17.79 an hour (with benefits) to work the busiest traffic in the entire world? That is today's FAA. Bob Marks Bob Marks "-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman
  3. Just clarifying...this rule is just for the boogie, right? I'm going there after the boogie and wanted to do some high openings at sunset and geek the desert, if possible. Correct, and they still do some high altitude hop 'n pops right around sunset, to, if I recall. Bob Bob Marks "-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman
  4. I went last year with just over 100 jumps and felt very comfortable. You get a good safety briefing/orientation on the DZ, the rules, and the patterns as well as the outs. Had a blast, and never felt over my head, or I shouldn't be there or anything like that. But no pulling above 3,500 unless it is an emergency. So if you're not comfortable doing that, it may be a good idea to stand down, or at least make some jumps with the new rig first before going to Eloy. Bob Bob Marks "-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman
  5. There is the legal restriction, but bottom line is up to you. Use the common sense you should have as an adult. If at the upper limit, evaluate the conditions: are the winds shifting, gusty, etc. If you feel uncomfortable, or feel you have to ask someone else, I would defer to being conservative. It is always much better to be on the ground wishing you were up there, versus being in the air wishing you never jumped. Bob Bob Marks "-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman
  6. I'm new to this particular forum, and I've developed a feel for where I want to go in my little skydiving life. I have passions in skydiving. 1: My own 2: Teaching others tied with videography/photography of others As to the photog and vid stuff, I did amateur work in the 70's and 80's with stills for running clubs, and although I haven't done jack since then it is still a hobby. I suspect skydiving may be different. So, what equipment and requirements? How did you all get started? I kept jumping for two reasons. First was my TM, very close second was my video flyer. Bob Bob Marks "-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman
  7. Doug, No worries. Thanks for the clarification. I just want to learn. I'll take my other questions to another thread or forum, but I appreciate your response. Bob Bob Marks "-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman
  8. Man, you sure get excited answering a cell phone. Bob Marks "-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman
  9. Sorry for my ignorance, but was this wrong? The two instructors track away from each other, the student deployed, so what should a videographer do different in this scenario? The only thing I can think of is if the student cuts away. Is that it? Thanks for enlightening me on this, I want to fly camera someday. Bob Bob Marks "-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman
  10. I'm giving you the only advice I'm qualified to give: have fun!! Bob Bob Marks "-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman
  11. I cannot believe I was not mentioned!! I give you all a chance to reconsider!! Bob Bob Marks "-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman
  12. This thread was created for me. Here are the answers I got directly from this site: You are actually The Man. How can Beth resist you? She did make some comment about if she was into older men you would be at the top of the list. But her answers on this progressive site is if she was on the same load as you she would quite possibly slide right out the door just being that close to you. What do you mean by that? If you have to ask, you are not worthy. I have to say it is hell being a sex symbol. But I bear this burden selflessly. Bob the Skylord Bob Marks "-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman
  13. From talks with people involved in aircraft design, they actually design the control systems and locate it in such a way to minimize (not eliminate) the damage that can be done to them from a turbine blowing up, ie, they expect some debris to make it to the fuselage. Well, not exactly. I'm going to be replying to both your post and Billvon's. The DC-10 was never designed that way. Subsequent accidents involving the aircraft did lead to today's philosophy of routing hydraulics and other system critical items through different parts of the aircraft structure. Cases in point: -an accident in Turkey, I think, where the cargo bay door came open in flight at cruise altitude, and the cabin floor collapsed onto the control cables during the depressurization, jamming them in the nose down position. No way for hydraulics to compensate since the hard wired steel control cables ran underneath the cabin floor. -Chicago, 1979. Port engine comes off just after rotation. The separation tore all three hydraulic lines that were routed within inches of each other. Asymmetric retraction of slats, and a port wing stall caused the aircraft to roll left and crash even after the captain flew a flawless engine out procedure. -UAL232, tail engine blew apart, took out all hydraulics since it was an uncontained engine failure and it was the original design as to hydraulics (all lines within inches). With zero control, they used engine thrust to get back on the ground, something they never trained for. The Captain is Al Haynes, and his crew are forever heroes to me. No, the containment sleeve is not bulletproof. It is resistant, but under some circumstances will fail. There was a Delta MD-80 or DC-9 in Atlanta, I think, that killed a passenger and injured several others after the turbine came apart. Remember, these are hundreds of pounds of metal spinning at 25,000 plus RPM. And as another post alluded to, this can decide to leave through various exits. I had not heard of the LAX issue, and I am tracking down further details as best I can with my Air Traffic Control co-horts. Bob Marks "-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman
  14. All jumps count, but I think you can only count so many tandems towards your A license requirements. Bob Bob Marks "-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman
  15. Could you explain why? I'm Sane Bob, but I can pipe in on this. Here's why we hate the FAA: -they imposed a contract on us that takes away our minimum guaranteed vacation time, cuts our pay between 15-35%, allows them to work us more than two hours at a time without a break, imposes a dress code that leaves it up to management to decide if they send you home to change on your own time. Second offense is cause for discipline. -they are firing us for the most minor and inconsequential of infractions. 12 controllers were fired for not checking the right box on a medical declaration form. Nearly everyone had worked for over 20 years for the FAA, without a SINGLE spot on their record. After they lost their homes and in some cases families, we were able to get their jobs back at a hearing where the FAA's position was so ridiculous we didn't even put on a single case. -several others were fired for making innocent mistakes on the job. In some cases it was their first mistake in their careers. The FAA said this showed "negligence". Got their jobs back, too, since third party triers of fact see through the ham handed efforts to intimidate and silence the workforce. It has gone from sublime to ridiculous. We are so busy looking over our shoulders, making sure boxes on forms are correct, and that our shoes match our belts that it is taking away from our attention to the job. This is what the FAA has become, and I am ashamed to be part of an organization that treats its professionals this way. Not just controllers, but technicians as well. I can't wait to qualify for retirement and get the hell out. There are 4,000 of 14,000 eligible now, and if they all feel the same way it will be chaos. Bring a book to the airport, but no Gatorade and lipstick, you'll be there for a while. Lastly, for those of you thinking about coming in to the profession, the conditions of employment the FAA imposed cuts new hire pay to $31,700, and leaves it there until you qualify on 4 positions and flight data. That means they can train you on four of the busiest positions at New York, Chicago, Dallas, Atlanta, SoCal TRACON, etc.... and pay you $31,700 as long as they don't train you on flight data. A great and proud profession has been ruined. It pays better to be a sim pilot training new student controllers, or work for the Postal Service. Sorry for the rant, Michael, but this is why PsychoBob and SaneBob hate the FAA. Right, Bob? Bob Marks Bob Marks "-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman
  16. I have it on good authority that when PsychoBob is in town, people wake up in bathtubs filled with ice, a note to call 911, and their livers are MISSING! The horror! I found it on the internet, so it must be true. Bob Marks Bob Marks "-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman
  17. Anne, I had mine done back at the end of March. What is interesting, and the toughest rehab assignment for me, was learning to balance standing on one leg (the one with the reconstruction). I was told the reason is that the donor ligament was under different tension than my natural one, and so many of the muscles in and around the knee had to learn to keep me balanced again. I had lots of muscle soreness, not just in the calf, but above the knee as well. It went away after a few weeks, but a lot of what your body is doing is subconcious. I also had lots of fluid drainage, too, and that no doubt caused some of my discomfort. Hope your recovery continues well!! Bob Bob Marks "-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman
  18. Yes. I remember falling off my chair one time laughing so hard I could barely breathe. As I regained my composure, I saw something through the tears in my eyes on the other side of the room. It was my ass. My ass had come clean off in the middle of a laughing fit. This is no shit. Now once you laugh your ass off the first time, it happens easier and more often. It isn't funny, because with no ass it is soooooo easy to sit on your testicles. Additionally, it leaves a suction cup shaped void, which makes it almost impossible to stand up if you happen to be on a hard wood or vinyl floor without having someone to help you break the suction. And another thing, .....oh, wait, they're saying its time for my medication again, gotta run!! Bob Bob Marks "-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman
  19. Yikes! PsychoBob on the frequency!! That is scary! A hardened jail cell may have been much safer. Of course, if I was actually in jail and saw Bob on the other side of the cell, well, let's just drop the subject..... Bob Bob Marks "-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman
  20. skylord


    "I can't do that, Dave" For the Southern California Limited Editions, I would randomly play gunfire through the audio system, and uplink the video camera and make people pay $2.99 a minute to watch the reactions. Also, with the female voice, when someone tromps down on the accelerator I would have it say, "Not now, I have a headache." There you have it, that's why I am not a programmer of artificial voices..... Bob Bob Marks "-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman
  21. a girl talking...He's NOOOOO girl!! Bob Marks "-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman
  22. brad, Hey there hold on!!! this is Judy...remember the redhead from Oklahoma.. I was giving you grief..and using my b/f--- skylord's acct..when I made this post... He isn't an asshole and I was just playing with you.. congrats on the wedding.. I would have sent you a pm to explain but you blocked that as well.. JUDY JARNIGAN aka JUDYJ Bob Marks "-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman
  23. All, Amazing, wonderful, and indeed, yes, even erudite advice from all of you with my best interest at heart. Unfortunately, I won't have time to try it all out until next April Fool's day, though, except for Frenchy's helmet polishing suggestion. Thanks for playing along at home!! Bob Bob Marks "-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman
  24. and brad have you even given all those other chicks you hang with the least amount of consideration as to YOUR plans??? Gee Whiz!!!! I mean when and where and who the %$^## is Tina???? Memo to self: Do NOT leave account open when JudyJ is ANYWHERE near your computer!!! Bob Bob Marks "-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman
  25. Ian, Thanks for this, but unfortuanately the advice is just too, too late. My face is scarred, with both oven rack marks and ill advised by AggieDave burlap sack marks. I will sue them both and wiin big bucks. Bob Marks Bob Marks "-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman