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Everything posted by storm1977

  1. Wendy, That is a slightly over simplified way to look at the situation. I know your smarter than that. ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  2. I disagree.... I really feel Bill Clinton is a selfish self promoting ********. THat doesn't mean he didn't do some good things. I am the first to admit he was a great speaker and did good things for this country, however, there were many bad things too. All this is beside the point. Bill CLinton Cared about himself first, and I think a lot of what he did was to protect his Image, and not necessarily in the best interest of the country. What kills me is the whole Monica scandle. I will say, I thought it went a bit too far, but Bill still thinks he was the victim!!!! That is what bothers me most. He still doesn't realize that that his family were victims. Monica herself was a victim, and the US citizens were victims for puting their trust in his words under oath. Ken Star was hired to do an investigation. That was his job. He is not the bad guy. Whether or not an investigation was necessary is a different topic. I may or may not agree with that. But bill needs to step back and see that people other than himself suffered for his actions which he still believes were justified. ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  3. There's a reason why Americans don't know why we're really there. It's because our administration lied to us from the beginning about why we are there. You keep telling a population for two years that we are there because of terrorism and WMD's, then they will believe it. So, this article says we are there to clean up the block, and the rest of the Middle East will follow suit. Hmmm. Just what I posted last July. So, now it's acceptable to say why we're really there. Too bad the administration lied so effectively so as to convince the American people of the need to go. I don't think that is it at all..... Again, you bring up "Lying". I swear, you guys just love to say that. Might I remind you the senate lied then, Kerry Lied, the house lied.... There was faulty intel on the subject. I still believe WMD's were a strong motivation for action in the Middle east, But like I also stated in past posts, there was more than one reason to go over there. As I have said before, going into Iraq is good for several reasons..... The illogical crazies kept saying it was for OIL!!!! We all know it wasn't for oil :-) But that is what you get from the uninformed. Anyway, when Iraq becomes a relatively civilized country, you can count on US troops maintaning a base there for a very long time. Much like we have in Japan and Germany. This will have a very important impact on the rest of the Middle east. THere will be a US influence in the region. God forbid another major conflict occurres in the region we will have a place to position and deploy from. THis was one of the major problems invading the first time, and also possibly a reason the insugency was worse than intisipated. Arguements have been made that if Turkey had allowed the US to move through its northern border and we pinched the country from the North and south, we could have rooted out a majority of the insurgensy coming across the border of Iraq. Anyway, getting a bit winded here. There is a duel purpose, I have never denigned that, but a year ago, few people wanted to talk about that. All they wanted to talk about was how we don't need a war for oil, or how Bush is the equivilent of Hitler.... Where are the "No war for Oil" people now? Chris ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  4. justify tens of thousands of deaths and 100's of billions of dollars. What's worse? Someone who lies to protect themselves from a misdemeanor charge that effects no one else except the individuals involved, or someone who makes a guess...on bad information...and the guess is wrong...resulting in tens of thousands dead, hundred of billions wasted, and changing the global political climate to one of animosity toward the US? Did you watch the Jennings Interview???? THere is only one thing on Clintons mind...... Himself. The only thing that he cares about is himself. He only cares about protecting himself. He only cares about his enjoyment, his success.... Everyone else including family is not important in that mans eye.... My current president cares about you, me and this country. Whether you like him or care about him is insignificant. He does what he feels is in the best interest of the USA, right or wrong. Clinton did and continues to do what is in the Best interest of Bill clinton. ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  5. I thought both articles, but the second inparticular were very well written. I obviously can tell that the second article was written with a bias to the right, however, the author does make some valid and well thought out points. I liked the line that describes how our enemy know the consequences and the real reasons we are in Iraq, yet most of the USA does not. That is very true!!!!!! ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  6. WE started talking about Al Queda attacks, and of course you changed it to all Attacks to make an unfounded point. How many of the Insurgent attacks on US troops have been by Al queda in Iraq? How many major attacks on US troops by AQ in the last 3 months? ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  7. I don't see anything wrong with refering to her race, as long as it isn't derogatory. Those two are of different races, not that it matters, but that is a fact, nothing wrong with pointing that out. If she looked like your average Cali Valley Girl, the cartoons would have been about that and no comments would have been made about it. Did you not read the cartoon in the first post??? The cartoonimplies the woman can not speak proper english.... I am guessing it is not because she is stupid. She does have a PHD and did put herself through 10 yrs of college... So, what do they mean? ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  8. Missile defence..... Putin just anounced he has a new Nuke missile system which is far superior to any before it..... Ummm. I think defence is a good thing to keep. Let's get rid of welfare first.... Then let's get rid of half the employees in the IRS and streamline their jobs!! ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  9. I didn't see any reference to her skin colour. also, the reference in many of the cartoons were raciall motivated. That is what the article was talking about. ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  10. I know that unemployment is still higher in Chicago than the average...and that only lists those that are collecting benefits, it does not track those that used up all six months of funds. There is still a greater net loss of jobs under Bush than those created. Also, jobs that are being found are paying much less than the jobs they held before. Underemployed is a serious problem right now. Unemployment is not an issue except in select locations throughout the country. We have had this discussion before. Due to many market factors in the mid-late 90's profits and salaries were inflated.... They were corrected, as was the stock market. Now, there are some upsides to a weak dollar!!! ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  11. And nothing,,,, just a statement. I found it curious though that he said it. BTW- What Key market indicators are you referring to? ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  12. Mr. Greenspan also warned Europe in his speach. ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  13. Just for arguments sake. If a cartoonist would use basic blonde sterotypes, would there be such an outrage? Ummm probably not. If they were remarking on the color of her hair, it wouldn't be racial remarks would it.... It would be a HAIRY situation (pun intended) ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  14. By Neal Boortz Today's Nuze | November 19, 2004 Condoleezza Rice has been nominated as the first black female secretary of state less than a week after the resignation of Colin Powell, and already the left has their slings and arrows out, determined to destroy this woman. This, if you're paying attention, shows you their true colors. Now you can see the intolerance of the left. Their message is simple: minorities are good as long as they know their place. And the place for minorities is in the Democratic Party and on the liberal side of the political fence. Stray from the designated minority path and you get what Condi Rice is getting now. If Dr. Rice had been nominated by a Democrat, we would be right in the middle of a weeks-long media swoon about how she is the smartest woman in the world, about how whatever Democrat that nominated her was a brave, principled leader, and on and on. But because George Bush nominated her, she is being portrayed as a lackey Bush loyalist that can't think for herself. Yet this is only the beginning. The media is attacking Condi with political cartoons that are beyond racist (see below). You can only imagine what would happen if a conservative cartoonist created a cartoon using basic black stereotypes to make fun of a black Democratic nominee? The liberal lynch mobs would be out front with pitch forks before the second edition came out. The cartoonists are demeaning a black conservative now ... so not a peep. Will race pimps like Jesse Jackson defend Condoleezza Rice? How about Al "The Liar" Sharpton? Will the useless NAACP come to her defense? Will other so-called "civil rights" groups and race warlords hail the importance of her appointment as the first black female secretary of state? What about the National Organization for Women? Will NOW be celebrating this appointment? You know the answer to all of these questions ... and that answer is not only "no," but "hell no." Of course not, and the reason is simple: these groups were never about protecting anyone's rights except those of liberal Democrats. Never forget...there are two sets of rules not only for the media, but for the civil rights hacks out there. One set for the Democrats and one for Republicans. ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  15. That's the sort of thing that happens when workers have no collective bargaining power. Pissing all over the unions will come back to haunt the middle classes. Don't listen to Kallend.... You don't want a Union.... In the long run that union will probably cost you more in dues than the missing hours would anyway. Then do you want you union dues to be going to political parties that your union supports??? Unions are legalized crime bosses that bread laziness in their ranks... Word in a union for years and worked in management supervising union employees for 2 years.... BAD NEWS!!! (teamsters BTW) ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  16. Need I reference the second post of this thread? Probobly hasn't changed topic 12 times but was hijacked pretty quickly! Yeah, I have to say I take the record for fastest hijack!!!! THe only way to beat me I guess would be is if the author hijacks him/herself during the first post... ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  17. Ahh yes, every mistake by Bush's administration is really Clinton's fault. Maybe you should read oup on the "Torecelli Principal" It is enlightening!!! Chris ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  18. well actually, the black man was ignoring the white woman saying how the game was more important than her. I actually thought this was a GOOD message :-) ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  19. You are correct, but like I said, with sex and the topic of sex come a sense of responsibility and maturity which I do NOT feel 5yr olds should be subjected to. This is how I feel. Do you want the Public Schools teaching SEX ED in Kindergarden? I don't want the tv forcing me to discuss with my family what I don't think they are ready for. It is bad enough that kids now have to be explained what terrorists are, what beheadings are, what war is.... It is a lot for a kid, and 5 IMO is too young. Let the kid have childhood before they live the stressful lives we all do. ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  20. Because now that the Gorelicks and the Torecellis of the Clinton era aren't around anymore to destroy our Intel gathering capability, we might start getting it right. Yes we can all thank Mr. Torecelli for FUCKING it up for us! ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  21. Nope, not what I said... Good trying to put words in my mouth. The NFL has been complain over the years that its audience is too old... It has been trying to reach a younger crowd. As such, programming which is on in the middle of the day and is trying harder to reachout to families and a younger crowd should NOT be running advertisements which may be qustionable to the demographic. That's all. The MNF thing I thought was hypocritical of the NFL, but the stuff on Sunday afternoon i have a problem with. ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  22. Viagra shouldn't be that hard to explain to a child. I have never seen a viagra add that mentiones erection or durations of erections. since I doubt a 4 or 5 year old knows what an erection is, they would not even get any hint at that. Umm Cialis specifically says.. "If an erection last for more than 4 hours please seek medical attention..." I doubt a 4 or 5 yrs old knows what an erection is too, hence the problem. Now my 4 or 5yr old will say... Daddy.. What is an erection? ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  23. Is it harmful to a 5 year old to know about sex? In other words, do you think having to have a discussion with your 5 year old about sex would be damaging to them? Or do you just want to censor it so that you aren't uncomfortable having to talk about it. I don't think a child should have to deal with the mature subject of Sex. With sex comes responsability, and i don't feel that that is a burden a 5 yr old needs to bare.... And when does it stop. DO I then need to explain all aspects of sex? Blow jobs anal Sex Genital warts Rape ??????? Again, that is not a burden a 5yr old should be forced to understand or comprehend. ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  24. This one is true, but there are exceptions.... i will have to look up ithe exact rules, but it has to do with money and property which changes hands. The example had something to do with counterfit $$$ which changed hands several times. I believe it could only bee confiscated if it was liquidized or currency. If the money was used to purchase something, you were allowed to keep it, but the new owner of the now passed bad money would not get the money returned.... There are some whacky laws with stuff like that. But yes I agree... If you FOUND money which was stolen that is one thing... If you FIND money which is lost, that is another, ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty
  25. We invaded Iran? hmmm.... CNN is running that story yet ----------------------------------------------------- Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty