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Everything posted by headoverheels

  1. I've never had a medical insurance plan (and medical insurance is what we are talking about) which excluded or charged extra for skydiving. I have seen that on some life insurance plans (maybe even most plans), but my professional organization's policy didn't.
  2. This is good. While they are at it, they should refuse medical coverage for skydiving, skiing, flying in small planes, scuba diving; all of which are unnecessary risks.
  3. From HCA comments: "99.9 percent chance my computer won't get a virus. My uncle installed an antivirus and his computer died."
  4. Stop pouting, get poutine.
  5. A sweet obit for a fallen brother: https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/dailygazette/name/michael-malecki-obituary?id=31981585
  6. I pursued my natural immunity by stimulating my natural immune system with vaccines. Monoclonal antibodies are an example of unnatural immunity.
  7. Along that line, there was this:
  8. Odd, but I don't find anything on foxnews.com about this. In fact, I did not find anything at all on the Jan 6 commission. It is almost as though they do not want their readers to know what is going on.
  9. You'd have to ask, "how stupid does he think his listeners are?", but he well knows.
  10. Omicron may be where we're headed, but the present wave is still Delta. The US reported today: 157,500 new cases* ~20 cases known to be Omicron --------------------- *most cases in a day since September 15, with nearly 1,800 deaths
  11. Here is an interesting article regarding what is known to date. More will be known in a couple of weeks, when omicron virus has been tested against sera from people previously infected or vaccinated. https://www.science.org/content/article/patience-crucial-why-we-won-t-know-weeks-how-dangerous-omicron
  12. But this variant has already become something like 90% of the new cases in South Africa. It may have originate in Botswana, or elsewhere, but most of the world's cases to date are in SA. It makes sense to stop flights from SA to other parts of the world right now, until more is known about how contagious this variant is, and how sick that it makes people.
  13. No, not in fact. Fox Business has a similar amount of skew as NBC. Fox News edges into the hyper-partisan category, with unreliable value of content. The chart should be updated to include Murdoch's Australian Sky News (but that might require the chart to be extended both down and to the right).
  14. Only if you are changing the terminology from "pandemic" to "endemic." New cases in the US are up 20+% in the past two weeks.
  15. My understanding is that something over 30 defendants already have a trial date scheduled, and more all the time. Likely defense in many cases will be that their President ordered the action.
  16. Were you in Mendocino? If so, they are always way more expensive than other spots. Buy half a gallon and drive to Fort Bragg, and avoid overpaying by 60%. Gas there today was actually cheaper than at home in Silicon Valley. I haven't had the same experience with food inflation as you. I don't pay, receive, or follow rent, so have little idea about that, but the VRBO I am in right now does not have an inflated rate.
  17. Interesting article on a highly effective vaccine patch, with much improved temperature stability compared to the mRNA vaccines in use. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abj8065
  18. Which is why my wife and I had the person doing the injecting aspirate (pull back on the needle) to check for blood before injecting. We didn't do that for the doses back in February/March, but did in August/October after the study was published showing mRNA vaccines injected intravenously can cause perimyocarditis. My wife had blood in the syringe twice, I did not. Supposedly such hits are one in a thousand/ten thousand. It was already known for 15 years that intravenous adenovirus vaccines could cause the rare type of blood clots seen in rare cases following the J&J and Astrazeneca vaccination. Unfortunately, the CDC continues to recommend against aspiration, since it can cause a slight increase of injection pain in infants.
  19. I thought that that was Bill's point, that these R's are making it political.
  20. Wasn't the Pfizer booster approved weeks ago (for over 65, or for 18+ with those with high risk of severe disease, or for those with job related exposure e.g. healthcare workers)? I got my 3rd Moderna injection today (half dose this time).
  21. So, 200+ Republicans in the House are aiding and abetting the criminal actions of Bannon. This sets the tone for others in the future to go ahead with their criminal behavior, knowing that they will be protected. The last time this flaunting of a congressional subpoena was voted on by the House, it was a Reagan appointee. How many voted not to hold that appointee in contempt? Zero.
  22. The fact that a bunch of creationists are being offed by Darwinism does seem ironically appropriate.