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Everything posted by headoverheels

  1. After posting, I realized that a smiley face would have added clarity.
  2. You are the one that started this thread about your trolling battery. Now, you have injected a link to an unrelated topic -- a different type of troll.
  3. A nurse making rounds finds a rectal thermometer in her front pocket. "Damn," she says. "Some asshole has my pen."
  4. NJ new case rates are way down, and headed lower, but they are still more than double what they were in November, and 15x what they were last June.
  5. Meanwhile, the above average December snowfall in the Sierra has turned to a less than average seasonal snowfall, with no precipitation in sight.
  6. It's groundhog day -- another 6 months of covid.
  7. He quit, rather than take a job reassignment that he would had to, if he invoked his allowed religious exemption. Funny, Fox "News" was parading him all around back when he quit. Now, there has been no mention at all that he died, much less that it was from covid. https://www.mediamatters.org/coronavirus-covid-19/fox-news-wanted-viewers-hear-anti-vax-troopers-story-until-he-died-covid
  8. The states should also be pursuing this, to make it pardon-proof should it come to that.
  9. Yep, he probably even uses "exponentially" correctly.
  10. The comments are also interesting.
  11. Not to forget the "Who's Nailin' Paylin?" porno.
  12. The DOJ is now investigating the fraudulent electors who sent fraudulent documents to Congress and the National Archives declaring that Trump won the election in their states. One of the charges that can be brought, since they delivered the papers by USPS, is fraud using the US mail -- a 20 year felony. I expect that this will provide leverage leading upstream to the instigators.
  13. Biden had already said that he would nominate a black woman, should an opening become available during his term.
  14. In active duty deaths since 1980 (voluntary service, i.e. post-draft), blacks died at rate that is 42% higher than their population representation in the US; about the same as their representation in the military.
  15. Blacks in the US military are in higher numbers than in the US population. You had to search around to find a group (special forces) in which they are under represented. I wonder why you didn't just search for black military officers, where you could show that they are truly under represented.
  16. And I remember the "Stop Persecuting my President" bumper stickers. I'm not sure what they did with those when Nixon resigned in disgrace.
  17. Teens just form their own banned book club. https://www.readingeagle.com/2022/01/13/teens-come-out-for-newly-created-kutztown-banned-book-club/
  18. Wow! Novak Djokovic exited the Australian Open after missing only 2 shots!
  19. Here, I will tie it together for you, with a quote from Shannon Watts: "So, in summary, if a child decides to take an AR-15 to an abortion clinic to protect women from protesters in a state that has open carry and Stand Your Ground laws, they are allowed to open fire on anyone who has a skateboard. Am I doing this right?"
  20. Looks like we will get 30 million cases in the US in January. Maybe 40+. San Diego county already has ~15% of health system workforce out sick or isolated. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/health/story/2022-01-04/covid