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Everything posted by tsisson

  1. You know, your right...I shouldn't cast judgement across the whole group...but my opinions come from the impressions I have living in Arizona. The people I talk to that support this action tend to only talk about the problems the "Mexicans" are causing. The interviews that have been aired by Minuteman Project members in Arizona are with people who ONLY talk about what the Mexicans are doing to our country. I've not heard any substantial discussion on protecting our border from terrorists. This leads me to believe, that many people who are part of this project are there to stop the "Mexican" problem...which I don't personally see as a problem. Here's a link to one random article that I pulled here in Arizona: http://www.kpho.com/Global/story.asp?S=3183042&nav=DIH7YQL2
  2. Just my opinion...but I don't think any of these militia style border volunteers are doing any of this to prevent the smuggling of terrorists into our country. I believe that they are a bunch of angry/disgruntled people who hide there bigotry under the banner of patriotism...some just can't stand the thought of a Mexican crossing the border to get work. The flow of migrant workers is a product of labor demand...we look to blame Mexico and the Mexican migrants for coming north across the border when we should be looking inward at our own market forces as the cause. As long as US employers are willing to hire workers illegally, then we will have migration from Mexico. Seems to me, the "problem" has been created by demand for cheap labor from our own US based employers. I certainly don't pretend to have all the answers, and border security surely is important...but here are a few things to think about: 1. Who is coming here to work, and who is coming to "attack". 2. Who is more wrong...the migrant worker who crosses or the person who employs them? 3. Does securing the border from terrorists also secure it from migrant workers? 4. Is our Southern Border more vulnerable to terrorists than our Northern Border (or even the coasts for that matter)? I believe the last round of terrorists that entered were here on Visas...they didn't just "slip" across the border undetected.
  3. I don't know...hard decision for sure but I knew it when the time came with my dog. If you are having questions, then it's probably too soon. I had to put my last dog down, the hardest thing was for me to hold him while they gave the injection...I still want to cry thinking about it. I have a 2 year old Lab now who has become a great friend...I will be there for her in the end as well. What's that poem about the "rainbow bridge". It helped me...
  4. tsisson

    New Music

    The Jerry Garcia Band or Garcia / Grissman - Shady Grove... That is all...
  5. 1 Black Lab 1 Norwegian Elkhound 1 Mutt 1 Guinnea Pig 1 Hamster 1 Cat 1 Hermit Crab
  6. I don't post alot, but lurk often...I can only comment on what I would do or feel if involved in the situation the Schiavo family is in... Personally, if I don't care what my family does with my body if I were to become braindead...as long as it brings them some degree of peace, whether that be keeping my body alive...or letting it die. I wouldn't want them fighting over it though, therefore...the lesson I'm learning about this is to discuss this subject with my loved ones. For me, I believe that my spirit resides in my mind...when my mind goes, my spirit is free.
  7. Ed, I don't disagree with your posts at all...nor was I really referring to your responses directly. I do feel however, that several responses in the thread were a bit overboard. I just get the feeling sometimes that people sort of get off tearing into someone rather than taking them under a wing. I think it's important for those with experience to support and mentor low time jumpers, whether that be by sharing information constructively or by spending time with them in the air. I've seen people get alienated for the wrong reasons...then they end up jumping by themselves and "trying to figure it out" on their own. I hold value in all the "secret stuff" shared to me by the old guard...not everything is common sense to new jumpers. I can remember having 20 jumps and a jumpmaster (Chris Bagwell) approaches me and says "Hey man...you might want to NOT wear those shoes". I ask why not? Turns out I'm wearing a pare of lowcut sport hikers with hook eyes on them...they go nicely with microline...but the thing that I appreciated about his approach was that he didn't announce my apparent stupidity to the entire hangar, rather...helped me see why it was wrong and got me to understand.
  8. In observing this thread... A simple response to the initial question such as "It's not a good idea to listen to music in the aircraft or while in Freefall or under canopy because..." would have probably been received a bit better. I'd think a better mentoring approach would encourage a new jumper to be open and willing to ask questions without fear of getting shut down and belittled. Haven't we all been there? What's the point of ripping a guy to shreds at 28 jumps because he asked a question? Crossing the canyon between 28 jumps and 200 can seem like an infinite distance when you are forced to do it virtually alone.
  9. Alt 20K... Alas, it's not an island...it's Tiger Wood's new yacht...
  10. Anvil is quickly joined by a man named Don Julio and Tres Generacions of his family. "Would you prefer Patron Reposado or my families finest Anejo?" he asks... Suddenly they look skyward and see...
  11. Picture a big net...the bigger the net, the more it "floats". You know, with this theory...I'd think if you built a formation large enough, you could launch it straight up from the ground
  12. Everything I fly goes fast...I'm a big fella...seems like my canopy gets smaller every year, even though I haven't downsized since 1998... I gotta stop the Big Mac attacks or something...
  13. Whoops...my bad...tickets are for March 5th (NEXT Saturday)...I'm just extra anxious for baseball to start again...
  14. Yes you are! At spring training, the sun is brighter, the beers are cheeper, and losing doesn't count! It's the best thing in the world as a Cub fan...
  15. I have spring training tickets for tomorrow at Hohokam in Mesa...neener neener neener... Go Cubs...
  16. After considerable time away from "consistent" jumping, I'd have to say: Roger Nelson - For all the knowledge shared Norge Roi - What can I say, this guy trusted my abilities and gave me the opportunity of a lifetime Max Meijer - For organizing countless 20 ways and never axing me from a jump, even though I'm sure I deserved it a couple of times along the way Ron Nowak - Always a positive attitude, such an important jumpmaster to me in my early years Dave Cicciarelli - For teaching me the Jedi Mind Trick while playing pool, and for making me laugh at the size of his stupidly small power racer
  17. For me, packing and jumping are totally un-related...if the packer/rigger has experience in their craft, listens to my feedback and responds accordingly, then I'm in... Case in point...I'd rather have a non-jumping rigger handle my gear than me do it myself...I'd pack myself an inside-out, line over, backwards hooked up, streamer for sure...
  18. Something to help prevent HARD openings.... For those of you who roll the nose, such as with the Sabre...roll it LOOSELY rather than tight pin-rolls... I've found that when rolling the nose tightly, when you release your grip on the roll...the nose will "unwind" itself. When rolling loosely, the nose will tend to stay rolled as you push it into the canopy and dress the tail...
  19. For $100 million large...I'd do it with an FXC...
  20. Something to think about before trying this experiment...make sure the bottom of the tshirt is anchored down and not able to fly up over your handles...getting to a cutaway handle or reserve handle through a t-shirt is a sure way to mess up a perfectly good pair of boxer shorts...