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Everything posted by SkydiverRick

  1. But was that the stated objective? War is a pretty serious thing to simply be happy that there was a serendipitous result. "Well, that wasn't what we were really trying for, but that's OK" isn't really a good epitaph for a war. And if that was the real reason, but they didn't dare tell the people, well, that's probably even worse. Wendy W. Wendy, I was replying to a specific question. Personally, I think the world is a better place with SH gone, regardless of whether we find WMD or not. never pull low......unless you are
  2. What were the stated objectives again? Rid Iraq of WMD? Depose of Saddam and his leadership? Maybe you haven't heard, we have disposed of Saddam and his leadership. never pull low......unless you are
  3. Cool -- I wish everyone who didn't know or care anything about politics would refrain from voting right along with you. How would the democrats get elected? never pull low......unless you are
  4. Well, someone agrees with me: "I believe that people who are gonna commit crimes shouldn't have guns", G. W. Bush. How do we identify these people? never pull low......unless you are
  5. Or more to contribute to the re-election fund. never pull low......unless you are
  6. SkydiverRick


    I can see that you don't mind sticking your finger in the fan. never pull low......unless you are
  7. I was asking if anyone else had heard about it - I originally heard it on MSNBC on the Countdown show. What, Fox isn't getting the blame for this one? never pull low......unless you are
  8. Now we know why Georgie wants to go to mars.... If there was life there, but now it's gone, they must of left remains, which may have turned into oil. It's all becoming very clear now. What fuel does your car run on? never pull low......unless you are
  9. Fourth, who allocates licences for mineral exploitation of a new planet? License? We don't need no stinking license. never pull low......unless you are
  10. Ahh another flat-taxer... There is one real big reason that the rich should hold a greater share of the tax burden... They have so much more to lose.... If they don't like paying taxes, they can move (and by move I don't mean incorporate offshore) Why do the liberals always want to punish people for being successful? never pull low......unless you are
  11. I heard about that on a radio talk show just the other day, and I fully agree. They have that liberal station up all ready? never pull low......unless you are
  12. No, assholes. never pull low......unless you are
  13. Few of them are poor - perks of government. Many came from poor backgrounds. I'd need some names before I could believe this. How many Senators collected food stamps for instance? never pull low......unless you are
  14. I'd have to ask; money well spent? We aren't sending the money to mars. It stays here on earth, paying salaries to many people. never pull low......unless you are
  15. The old one or the remake? never pull low......unless you are
  16. They will, until they get to 2000'. After that it's every man for himself. never pull low......unless you are
  17. People are people and it's bad for you to kill other people because you wouldn't want it done to you. End of story. It's ok to kill people if they are trying to kill me. never pull low......unless you are
  18. Because we wanted revenge for 9/11, and couldn't locate OBL. Don Kind of a kick the neighbors dog thing? Yeah, you're probably right. never pull low......unless you are
  19. Oh, so what you meant was they were the weakest military for us to going beating the shiite out of? I thought that they were the 4th largest military in the world. never pull low......unless you are
  20. One of my favorite Eastwood movies. never pull low......unless you are
  21. How much does the National Inquirer go for these days? never pull low......unless you are
  22. To impress Iraqi chicks. never pull low......unless you are
  23. They can get Gore on now and then. We all know what a crack-up he is. never pull low......unless you are
  24. Seems like 3 hours of hate speach everyday. More fodder for the serious talk shows. never pull low......unless you are
  25. Yeah, I wonder how many democrats on capitol hill are poor? never pull low......unless you are