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Everything posted by SkydiverRick

  1. Brave Brave Sir Robin is a character from a great movie with whom I feel you have a common quality. Monty Python rocks. never pull low......unless you are
  2. What is it about "LIE" that the Bush apologists don't understand? It matters not who else lies. When the President of the USA lies to the people, that's a real problem. It was a problem with Clinton, and it is a problem with Bush. I don't think that he lied. You have said that we sold SH WMD's. Where did they go? never pull low......unless you are
  3. I guess if the US can invade who they want when they want then people might start getting nervous. Like Libya? never pull low......unless you are
  4. Aren't Clinton and Kerry both members? never pull low......unless you are
  5. They vote democrat anyway. never pull low......unless you are
  6. he didnt say,he said it were a reason to why many people hate americans Personally, I don't care whether we are liked in other countries or not. It's their own insecurities about themselves that cause it IMO. We are the "big kid" on the block and some people can't handle that. If we were so bad, we wouldn't have an immigration problem. Have you ever been to the States? never pull low......unless you are
  7. They didn't have PD 190's in the good old days. never pull low......unless you are
  8. Do you hate Americans? never pull low......unless you are
  9. The lefties argue that we sold WMDs to SH. Then they say that he didn't have any. It's so confusing. It's only confusing if you are trying to defend the indefensible. Otherwise it's quite clear. Which is it Kallend? Did we sell them WMD's? If so where did they go? never pull low......unless you are
  10. He got rid of the WMD. What did he do, flush them down the toilet? never pull low......unless you are
  11. How large is "large"? Since only small amounts of this material can kill thousands of people, it doesn't matter how "large" it was. And this is also an admission that Sadam did possess these weapons, and the only question is in what quantities. The lefties argue that we sold WMDs to SH. Then they say that he didn't have any. It's so confusing. never pull low......unless you are
  12. I live in Denmark,here religion and politics dont gos along,but they deafently does in USA. They are two seperate issues. All of our presidents to date have claimed to believe in God. Should they be atheists? How does this affect your country? never pull low......unless you are
  13. I would love it if we just said screw the rest of the world for like 20 years. We could suspend foreign aid until the deficit is paid off. That way we don't have to raise taxes. never pull low......unless you are
  14. >"CHANEY" I think that speaks for itself. I'm not into bumper stickers, but I saw some that maybe you might like: George W Bush - Cocaine Free Since 1974! GW Bush - How Dumb Is Too Dumb? Regime Change Starts At Home GW Lies GIs Die Pro-Constitution Anti-Bush George Bush is a Corporate Whore! Bush's Deficits - Our Children's Debt Death, Debt, Deceit Bush - Cheney We're All Wearing The Blue Dress Now Hate Lies Greed The Republican Way Rush is Reich! Mission Accomplished! A blond in every pond - Ted Kennedy never pull low......unless you are
  15. Does NASA have your number? never pull low......unless you are
  16. That depends on how old you are. never pull low......unless you are
  17. ..and please stop using religion in politics.. Like the Jihad? Is your political system better than ours? never pull low......unless you are
  18. the reason people hate USA is that US citisence are a bunch of snobs(well most of them), You watch too much TV. never pull low......unless you are
  19. Is this true??? I know my source may be biased. I'd like to see some counter arguments to this. If GWB wins the elections and this is true, I will think twice before visiting the US. Source: So that's where all of those Norwegian terrorists went. never pull low......unless you are
  20. I'm such a... a... a... dodo head... The ultimate personal attack. never pull low......unless you are
  21. Look on the bright side, you only have to listen to 4 more State of the Union speachs by Bush. If you don't count the 8 that Jeb will give. never pull low......unless you are
  22. The penny did no damage whatsoever, except that when it impacted bone, the stinging feeling was quite pronounced. _Am Sounds like it would hurt if it hit someone on the head. never pull low......unless you are
  23. What IQ would you require for someone in order for them claim their inheritence? never pull low......unless you are
  24. Not getting the answers you want? never pull low......unless you are
  25. I thought Al Gores concession speach was better. never pull low......unless you are