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Everything posted by SkydiverRick

  1. A rather big mistake, wouldn't you say? Considering the number of American soldiers killed and injured to date. I think removing SH justifies the war. Has it been proven that SH didn't have WMD? Not completely, but pretty much. The head of the team responsible for finding the WMD in Iraq just recently quit, citing the reason that he doesn't think there are any WMD to be found. What should he say, "They have them but I'm too stupid to find them?" There is no proof that SH didn't have them. There is proof that he did. never pull low......unless you are
  2. I realise this is your opinion but don't you think statements like this are highly inflamatory to the rest of the world?? I don't see the rest of the world doing anything to impress us. never pull low......unless you are
  3. Less than were mutilated in Saddam's prisons. Your desire to make a comparison purely on a numeric basis speaks volumes. Thank you. I wish you got it too. never pull low......unless you are
  4. Well... where are the WMD's then? There are none. If the blame for going to war on a fraudulent basis doesn't ultimately belong with the president (since there are no WMD), then who does it belong with? Santa claus? If Bush actually believed that SH had the weapons, it isn't fraudulent. A mistake for sure, but not fraudulent. Has it been proven that he didn't have them? never pull low......unless you are
  5. Isn't that the same issue that had the packing machine? never pull low......unless you are
  6. Or how about Iraqi's who have been similarly mutilated in "precision" bombing? Less than were mutilated in Saddam's prisons. never pull low......unless you are
  7. I said she has bedroom eyes, not that she is a slut. Most people with an average IQ or higher can recognize the difference. Your post inferred just that. Nice try to wiggle out though. never pull low......unless you are
  8. Wasn't it Operation Iraqi Freedom? Convenient, wasn't it. It's almost like they knew they'd have to change the emphasis for some reason. Nah... that couldn't possibly be it. It's funny that the people that think Bush is stupid, give him so much credit in their conspiracy theories. never pull low......unless you are
  9. And yet when no WMD could be found, the political motivation for the invasion and occupation then became the "liberation" of the Iraq people. Wasn't it Operation Iraqi Freedom? never pull low......unless you are
  10. Advisers.. only.. and they had been there since the end of the French withdrawel in the 1950's... to train the South Vietnamese to fisght for their country. Johnson was a CONSERVATIVE Democrat... old south..and McNamara WANTED us in there... his buds wanted us in there.. exactly what Eisenhower had warned about. Did these advisers have guns? How many were there? never pull low......unless you are
  11. Blinders.. Ultra Right Blinders For sale at the Republican Store, in a mall near you. never pull low......unless you are
  12. ... remember selling and giving approval to Saddaam to gassing Iranians... No. never pull low......unless you are
  13. LOL, yes, she did. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that Clinton turned down an opportunity to arrest OBL? Or maybe she doesn't think those on the USS Cole are good enough citizens to recognize their deaths as "real"...or maybe the Embassy bombings - which killed hundreds - weren't enough, either...or even the '93 bombing, which Ramzi Yousef masterminded, when entering the US on an Iraqi passport...or any of the other dead because of Clinton's inaction because he was "getting a blow job and lying about it".... Oh. OOOOPS...gee, aren't I mean? Interjecting facts when it's obvious people only want emotion and rhetoric. So sorry. I'll go back to my dinner now... Ciels- Michele A female, conservative from California. Breaking down those stereotypes. never pull low......unless you are
  14. I do not think we would ever have even committed troops to Vietnam if Kennedy had lived.. he certainly did not want to go there.... There were troops in Vietnam during Kennedy's term, and it was Johnson, a democrat, that escallated it. never pull low......unless you are
  15. Ever noticed Laura Bush's bedroom eyes? I guaran-damn-tee ya George doesn't have to seek out homely interns for sexual adventure . . . She is kind of hot, especially after Hillary. never pull low......unless you are
  16. I agree. He's an egomaniac. wow, did we actually agree on something related to politics??? It's been a long time since I had to buy beer. never pull low......unless you are
  17. I mean geez, didn't you see the package on the guy when he wore that flight suit??? Apparently you did. never pull low......unless you are
  18. And if GHB had supported the people trying to overthrow SAdaam..... Or if REagan would not have supported OSAMA and SADAAM in the first place... woulda coulda shoulda..THe people in THIS administration BUILT this mess in the 80's.. same people. look up who was in the Reagan White House and who is there now... all the background players are the same. Funny how you jump backwards in time from Bush to Reagan. You seem to have missed 8 years. never pull low......unless you are
  19. ... hell I am glad he was getting some sex to relieve some of that political tension... so he did not feel prone to go to war with a LIE about WMD to relieve his family frustration... THAT MAN TRIED TO KILL MY DADDY.... Maybe if he got laid once in a while we would not be at war getting young men and women.. killed in a far off place.... What drivel. You are claiming that Bush started a war because his wife won't have sex with him. That's absurd. never pull low......unless you are
  20. .. and a good ole boy from the south who liked getting his pole sucked and playing with cigars.... I will take their lies... that did not get a single American killed as opposed to the other VERY LONG LIST of lies by the people in this administration going back to selling drugs to support thier clandestine war in Central America. Some people would say that Clinton caused deaths by his inaction. After Clinton, OBL actually thought that they would get away with 9-11. never pull low......unless you are
  21. No comment It's not wrong to take out one, because you didn't take out the other. It's wrong to do so without significant reason and then to claim that the real reason is to "free" those poor people. Wasn't the operation called "Iraqi Freedom"? That's a lie, if it were about freeing people we'd be in a lot more places than Iraq. Rome wasn't built in a day. never pull low......unless you are
  22. Charlton Heston - served in WWII, but went AWOL when Michael Moore asked him some tough questions. What branch of the service did Michael Moore serve in? Clinton? never pull low......unless you are
  23. I agree. He's an egomaniac. never pull low......unless you are
  24. Sure its great that Libya is offering to do this, but invading one country to scare others into submission, when the one being invaded is 'innocent of the charge' is going to come back and bite you in the ass. We didn't invade Iraq in order to scare others into submission. It is a nice byproduct though. I wouldn't exactly call someone (SH) who was responsible for the death of millions, including his own people, innocent. never pull low......unless you are
  25. There are FAR too many like many people in this current administration that have never done ANYTHING but serve themselves. Are you saying that this is unique to this administration? never pull low......unless you are