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Everything posted by muff528

  1. Ohhhhh you are SOOOOO wrong!!! Actually, I like 'em with mayo, too!
  2. These are biscuits. These are cookies. wow you folks ARE weird Chips .vs. Crisps Yes No
  3. These are biscuits. These are cookies.
  4. really? how often do you run into people who use the word penultimate? Mostly TV ...more often than you'd expect and usually from people who should know better. Not many people around here use 3 dollar words.
  5. I agree, but it came from a good source.... It was also shown on Pakistani TV. Muslim burial rights say a body should be buried within 24 hours. They left it at sea to make sure the site didn't become a shrine to him. You may ask why we are treating his body with any level of respect.... So we do not piss off Muslims and are not considered brutish in regard to the faith. Personally, I would have fed him to some hogs on the 9/11 site and then had a BBQ with beer and mostly naked women cooking the hogs. But I am not a politician. @skyrad - I think you mean Al Zarqawi ...not Zawahiri. I can think of several places to bury him rather than drop him in the ocean. Pakistan - They didn't have a problem with keeping him there when he was alive. As for a shrine: a good place to concentrate his followers in case we need to take someone else out.(Zawahiri?) Saudi Arabia - Home, Sweet Home Afghanistan - Where it all began the Sudan - Home, Sweet Home Away from Home Iraq - just because. Central Park - Nothing says Lovin' like the annual Desecration Day festival and parade.
  6. Did you notice that no one celebrating around the White House is shooting AKs into the air?
  7. So ...I'm assuming he is going to be taking direction from the UN and begin issuing unequivocal super-condemnations for the global community. Probably pays better than working for a newspaper these days.
  8. Just a thought, ...I bet the moratorium, self-imposed by the MSM, will be lifted and 9/11 footage will be shown relentlessly, juxtaposed with tonight's news, until Nov 2012.
  9. Well, we really need to know that he's not only merely dead, he's really most sincerely dead!
  10. No, he was doing a straight-in approach. He got taken out by some kid with less than 1000 jumps, on a 3:1 WL. ....and a GoPro. (Maybe it was Zawahiri.)
  11. Bin ~drinkin' champagne! Boilermaker (you know ...drop a shot glass of tourbon into a mug of beerd)
  12. One of my language pet peeves is the use of the word "penultimate" where the user means "ultimate". Another is the use of "due to" rather than "because of".
  13. How many of us (Yanks) looked that up to see if that was proper usage? Before this, The only spelt I knew about was grain. Bing? Being
  14. Sure, if it's not Israel, it doesn't qualify as Human Right's Council material... That council is a joke. always has been and always will be (not to mention that Libya was a member (and even president?) until recently... Are you kidding!? They are probably trying to conjure up a scenario that blames Israel & the US for all of the recent rebellions. ...and I'll bet we'll hear about it soon.
  15. Yeah! The deleted paragraph only "...pointed out the irony of Syria's current candidacy to join the Human Rights Council...". It wasn't even a paragraph that so much as questioned the legitimacy of their candidacy, much less one that disqualified them from membership on the Council in light of the UN "condemnation".
  16. The UN Human Rights Council has issued a statement that "unequivocally condemns" Syria's brutal crackdown and murders of its citizens. Syria will fill a seat on the UN Human Rights Council in June. That'll show 'em! (Buncha dam cowboys over at the UN!) I'm quite sure that some of the "human rights advocacy groups" that have been foaming at the mouth over Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld are even now headed to Damascus with some strongly-worded signs as I'm writing this. I just know it! edited to add link.
  17. muff528

    Royal wedding

    Did jets win the Battle of England ?? Why change something which ain't broken You're right. It wasn't jets, it was the P-51 Mustang that won the war. Yea but did'nt they have to retro fit then with English engines to do it. A case can be made that the Merlins contributed significantly to winning the war by allowing the Mustangs to escort the bomber streams deeper into Germany. Before that the bombers were pretty much left to fend for themselves after the fighter-escorts had to turn back. WWII would have been lost in 1940 if it hadn't been for Merlin powered Hurricanes and Spitfires and the men who flew them. Yes! The importance of the BoB can't be understated. Had the Germans secured air superiority over Britain in 1940 then the course of the war would have been very different (and very short-lived) and we would be living in a very different world today. This was, arguably, Hitler's greatest loss ...and still it took another 5 years to end the war. He made other serious blunders later in the war but those events may not have even been as important (or even have existed) had he won the BoB. For example, his "too late" decision to use the Me262 against the bomber formations would not have been an issue. There simply would not have been a relentless day and night strategic bombing campaign. No loss of cities and industrial centers. No loss of marshaling yards and bearing factories, No loss of oil reserves and aircraft factories. No loss of the Tirpitz and on and on. Resources used against that front could have been utilized in Russia and Africa.
  18. Interesting article. "Say Reds Shifting To South Viet Nam" "Use Of American Military Units In Southeast Asia Is Possible" "WASHINGTON (AP)- The major Communist drive for control of Southeast Asia is reported shifting from Laos to South Viet Nam, with the prospect of a prolonged struggle. Both Russia and the United States are involved to some degree.".... (Dean Rusk) "But there will be a very strong effort made now to reinforce that situation there and give them every possible help, across the entire spectrum, in which help is needed."
  19. muff528

    Royal wedding

    Both true statements. North American was told to tool up and produce P-40s for the Brits. They said they could design and build a better plane just as quickly as tooling up for the Warhawk. Thus was born the Mustang. But it's high altitude performance suffered from the Allison being only a single stage supercharger early in the war. The Merlin, with its 2-stage intercooled supercharger, provided the high altitude power that let the Mustang perform with the best of them. The production Mustangs came off the line with the AMERICAN built Packard Merlins, and the rest is history. God Save the Queen. Great descriptions of Allisons, Griffons and Merlins here: Lots of specs and history, esp. with respect to unlimited hydros. Now back to the wedding. Oh, I guess there's nothing else to discuss. Bride was beautiful. No major mistakes by anyone. Lots of pomp. No one mentioned any nasty rumors. Queen looked better than she has in years. Fergie's kids had nice hats. I guess that's about it.
  20. muff528

    Royal wedding

    Did jets win the Battle of England ?? Why change something which ain't broken You're right. It wasn't jets, it was the P-51 Mustang that won the war. Wash your mouth out lad. Do neither you nor JM realize the P-51 was developed for the Brits, and not the 'Merkuns? Nope, never knew that .... That's why I love this site.. You can take the piss out of folks and learn new stuff... very humbling
  21. muff528

    Royal wedding

    Did jets win the Battle of England ?? Why change something which ain't broken You're right. It wasn't jets, it was the P-51 Mustang that won the war. Yea but did'nt they have to retro fit then with English engines to do it. A case can be made that the Merlins contributed significantly to winning the war by allowing the Mustangs to escort the bomber streams deeper into Germany. Before that the bombers were pretty much left to fend for themselves after the fighter-escorts had to turn back.
  22. There are 8 stories relating to traffic violations in the 1st 4 pages. Four of these stories are related to drunk driving. High volume keeps the prices low! Must not be much else to do in 1961 Richmond, Indiana.
  23. Indiana newspaper dated May 5, 1961. Almost 50 years ago! So hard to believe! Another story in the same paper was about a balloon altitude record flight that occurred the day before. Navy Medical Officer Lt. Cmdr. Victor Prather and Cmdr. Malcolm Ross reached 21.5 miles on May 4. After a "near perfect landing", but during his recovery from the Gulf of Mexico Lt. Cmdr. Prather fell from the rescue helicopter's harness and drowned. "...a mere 25 ft. fall"!
  24. No launch today so here are some things to look at that might be interesting. I got these at an estate sale a few years ago and just ran across them. Maybe some of the space workers and rocket scientists here will recognize some of these.
  25. muff528

    Royal wedding

    Did jets win the Battle of England ?? Why change something which ain't broken You're right. It wasn't jets, it was the P-51 Mustang that won the war. Wash your mouth out lad. Do neither you nor JM realize the P-51 was developed for the Brits, and not the 'Merkuns? Nope, never knew that .... That's why I love this site.. You can take the piss out of folks and learn new stuff... very humbling