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Everything posted by br0k3n

  1. good lens, reccomend them... ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  2. Where did I say you said? It's not my fault you keep pounding a single issue you just do and the record shows it. ok, i give up, which single issue do i keep "pounding" on about??????? ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  3. your confusion is confusing to say the least..... please point out in which, or where in any of my posts I state that the war in Iraq is to do a single issue.... ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  4. what are your thoughts on the Charles A. Duelfer report?? he was even hired by the Bush administration. [sic]Hussein's ability to produce nuclear weapons had "progressively decayed" since 1991. Inspectors, he said, found no evidence of "concerted efforts to restart the program.The findings were similar on biological and chemical weapons. [sic]Duelfer concluded that Hussein was not motivated by a desire to strike the United States with banned weapons [sic]All of that known, and Dick Cheney said again last night that he would have done everything the same. George Bush has said he would have done everything the same. . . . They are in a complete state of denial about what is happening in Iraq." [sic]"We were almost all wrong" on Iraq, Duelfer told a Senate panel yesterday please point out in any of my posts where i claim the Iraqis had the kind of freedom that Americans have. ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  5. Ok let’s get back on track then…as you seem to be getting confused. 1 no evidence of WMD and none found to date 2 no evidence of links between Saddam and Al Qaeda and none found to date. This threat was removed with the first war in Iraq, there is not a reason or excuse for the second war. Incorrect, here you are trying to link Saddam and Al Qaeda, when there is no proven link. This is hardly a reason to wage war on a country. Again here you are trying to link Saddam and Al Qaeda, when there is no proven link. America is not the world’s not their responsibility to invade a country to promote democracy. ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  6. correct, well if there was any evidence.. actually wasnt this the Bush administration's main justifications for the war in Iraq. Along with the contention that Saddam Hussein was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction Now not to divert this thread, but my comment was one i made in another post. in that IN THE mouths of Condoleezza Rice and George Bush, the word freedom has taken on a bad taste. Using it as justification to invade countries and lecture undemocratic regimes, they have succeeded in turning freedom into a threat, as if to say, "You will be free only if you live by our rules and follow our example." This standardised, centrally controlled, big brother version of freedom seems to advance that only an American sense of freedom is the right one, that US freedom is good, and anything that threatens it is bad (Terror, Terrorist). This notion of freedom is an ugly monster, turning a good word into justification for just about anything, even if it may be totally irrational in a modern context: such as war without end. Or love over 40. Or having twins at the age of 57 if you had read my post you would have noticed that Rhino stated [sic] WMD's were found. WMD's are still there. Do I need to elaborate? To which i replied yes please elaborate... as the statement is incorrect..... thus the debate, or are we ignoring facts as part of this thread... ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  7. I'm glad I think its quite easy to state that all religious texts are nothing but "stories" .. as nobody has proved otherwise.. I remember as a kid I used to believe in this chap called Santa Claus, as im sure millions of other kids did around the world did and still do. Now you ask anyone over the age of lets say 20, do they believe in Santa Claus, do they believe the story that every year on the 25th December a chubby fella in a red suit is going to descend their chimney and leave presents under a tree, and I bet it’s a fairly resounding NO they don’t believe anymore… I mention this as eventually religion will surely die out same way, as a child you where happy with blind faith, you were happy to believe the Santa Claus story, believe that somehow the laws of time and physics didn’t apply to this chap. However the older you got the more you began to question, the more you began to realize that the story was just that, a story, no evidence, no sightings, ultimately no proof. So why believe any more….so you don’t… Imagine in say another 1000, 2000 years time, when we are still unable to present any evidence for the existence of any God, are people still going to continue to believe.. What about in 5000 years, 10’000 years.. ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  8. I dont give a crap about the wager, thats between Rhino and Bill....... hense my post NOT being about the wager, but INFACT being about Rhino's comment, in which he offered to allaborate on the WMD being found... However links to terror are not that hard to find, as anything that threatens the US standardised, centrally controlled, big brother version of freedom is considered terror.. ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  9. First off you have to understand that PPro is not an A/B editing system. A/B editing was the how original non-linear editors were designed, this was to have your video clips on alternating tracks and have a separate track for transitions and effects. With PPro you use the one track for everything, when you open PPro you are presented with multiple video and audio tracks, but you use these as overlay tracks, working from the top down. So to put a basic project together, all you need to is first, click file – new - project, then you will be presented with a project settings window, select the settings you want and click ok. Then import all you clips, click the project “bin” window and press Control-I or drag and drop the files into this window. After you have done this, all you need to is add the clips to the timeline, either just drag and drop them, or double click the clip to preview it, and within the preview window set “in” and “out” markers, then when you drag and drop the clip on the timeline only the footage between the markers is dropped. Place all the clips you want on the same track, next to each other with no gap, then you can add transitions between them, by selecting the transition you want and dragging it to cut that you want to transition. All you need do now is drop you audio file on an audio track, and you’re complete. If your still having problems, then i might suggest Ulead Media Studio. ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  10. Cuz size does matter. Care to elaborate? ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  11. ermm yes please... and perhaps you should tell G Dubbya Bush as I think hes still looking.... well claims to be at least.. [sic]In his final word, the CIA’s top weapons inspector in Iraq said Monday that the hunt for weapons of mass destruction has “gone as far as feasible” and has found nothing, ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  12. The girl in that pic was just sentenced to 20 years in an Indonsian prison for importing drugs
  13. Technically isn't a Fluegel black vodka and red bull ..... ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  14. For the aussie's out there, remmeber to secure your luggage when you travel.... ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  15. Poor functionality in low light is an inherent problem with all digital cameras, especially the lower end models... Also it is always worth while manually setting the white balance, to either indoor or outdoor, instead of just leaving it set to auto when using the Sony PC range. I would also suggest this with other brands, but my expereince has only been with the sony range. ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  16. br0k3n


    Or perhaps your thoughts on freedom, IN THE mouths of Condoleezza Rice and George Bush, the word freedom has taken on a bad taste. Using it as justification to invade countries and lecture undemocratic regimes, they have succeeded in turning freedom into a threat, as if to say, "You will be free only if you live by our rules and follow our example." This standardised, centrally controlled, big brother version of freedom seems to advance that only an American sense of freedom is the right one, that US freedom is good, and anything that threatens it is bad. This notion of freedom is an ugly monster, turning a good word into justification for just about anything, even if it may be totally irrational in a modern context: such as war without end. Or love over 40. Or having twins at the age of 57. ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  17. br0k3n


    so what are your thoughts on the fact that [sic] the Foundation of Spiritualist Mediums [FSM] was given $2500 [approximately US$1800] of Auckland taxpayers money through an Auckland City Council committee, to teach people to communicate with the dead. FSM president Natalie Huggard said that such lessons were essential to citizens of Auckland and were in high demand. Said she, "There are a lot of people who have problems communicating with the spirit world and don't know how to deal with it." She chuckled at the orthodox opinions of medical scientists, who told patients who "heard voices" that they were schizophrenic and prescribed medication. The FSM runs courses teaching people how to communicate with the dead and how to heal the sick and injured, which is what the afflicted really needed, she said. ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  18. Jump it and see what happens.... fly on your back, both vertically and tracking. its in these two positions that you will notice the most movement in your leg straps if any. Then if required, get your rigger to attach a bungee... Another school of thought would be, why not just wait until you or your rigger has time to attach a bungee, im sure another week or 2 before you start to freefly will not make any difference. ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  19. VirtualDub is deffinetly the way to go... Download the Divx codec, if you can get hold of it, try to find a copy of Divx-pro, although its not free. which means spending money, although i have heard of people p2p'ing it... personally I wouldnt know. Then download a program called Virtual Dub You will also need to download and install the a MP3 encoder, for virtual-dub, and the best one is the Fraunhofer IIS Mp3Enc Ok once you have downloaded and installed Virtual Dub, Divx and MP3 Enc, your ready to go. I would suggest that you read up on Virtual Dub, also… Once your ready to go, 1. drag and drop the uncompressed .AVI file into Vdub. 2. select Audio 3. select Full Processing Mode 4. Select Audio / Compression 5. In the compression window select MP3 then select what compression you want 6. select Video/Full processing mode 7. select video/filters If you intend to play the finished file on a pc then you will need to De-Interlace it. 8. In the video/filters menu select “add” and then De-interlace, then in the box that appears select “blend both fields” 9. select video/compression 10. select the divx codec and click configure, under the general parameters tab should be “enable resize” click it as the size of the video you have will be 720 x 576, so you will want to bring that down, say to 320 x 240, or what ever you want. 11. on the “divx codec” tab select the encoding bitrate that you want, the lower the bitrate the more the compression. 12 select file/save as .avi and that’s it. I know this seems a little complicated, but once you have used V-dub a couple of times you will have the hang of it, and the results will be a lot better as you have more control. Also play around with the Video/Audio/compression settings to see what gives you the bet results; I found that it took a few attempts to get the file size/quality that I wanted. I just compressed a 4GB .AVI, with Vdub got it down to 116MB whilst still maintaining fairly good quality at 600x400 picture size… Hope this helps ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  20. or a Friday night, if ya cant get the "good" stuff ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  21. The answer is that all 3 were put together using Ulead Media Studio.... ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  22. I would consider a movie a "difficult" movie if you're wanting to do something besides a basic movie with some basic titles and some very basic transitions. Ulead's software pissed me off to no end since I wasn't able to just do what I wanted to like you can in Adobe. It trys to make it too simple to use and in that you loose the functionability with it to do anything but a simple/basic/boring video. Obviously this is just IMO.
  23. Some times I remember why I miss living in London.... ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  24. DOODODOOO DODIDOO DODIDOO Me too, and I will say awesome.. Big shout to the two chaps that turned up at the cinema dressed as an ATAT, by far the best costume of the night. ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+
  25. DV from a camcorder is always 3.5Mbps, so just burn at that bitrate to maintain the original quality. Unless you're starting with very high quality source video, your DVD will not be even comparable to commercially authored DVDs, DV does falls short, color-wise, though with a 3-CCD camera and good lens, you can be in the zone if you know your stuff. ----------------------------------------------------------- --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+