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Everything posted by brenthutch

  1. Not exclusively, just largely, mostly even, predominantly if you will. BTW can you provide evidence of a Western culture that is not democratic?
  2. Then to solve the world's refugee crisis, we just have to provide our system of laws to other countries and the refugees will go streaming back Do you really not understand that our political and economic systems are a reflection of our culture? Our constitution has been copied by many other nations, none of them have been able to reproduce our success. Why? Because their cultures were incompatible.
  3. Sorry, but blacks, Hispanics, Asian people, gays, Jews, Hindus, atheists, and Muslims are all part of American culture now. What part of "the rest of the world, voting with their feet" did you not understand.
  4. He was referring to: "American culture is just awful, it is full of misogyny, xenophobia, racism, homophobia, and backward thinking. We are the worst! Why can't we be more like Zimbabwe or Cuba or Venezuela or Honduras or China or Russia or Pakistan." He never said any of that, nor does that follow from what he said above. It would be consistent with "not nearly as great as you think" BTW I do think that America has had its issues with misogyny, xenophobia, racism, homophobia, and backward thinking. For the most part they have been rectified. Western culture (White, Democratic, Christian, Capitalist) isn't perfect it is just the best. The rest of the world, voting with their feet, agree with me.
  5. It's probably best you ask our new EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt.
  6. "Obviously my point is that "white American culture" isn't nearly as great as you like to think." DanG Where did I say white American culture is so great?
  7. It's all there in the link provided, poke around you might just learn something.
  9. Snow has a much higher albieto than sea ice, a greater wintertime extent and occurs at a lower latitude reflecting much more energy. If you are worried about global warming (I'm not), you would want to trade sea ice for snow pack all day long.
  10. Sorry for the delay but the rivers and streams where I live are all on fire. What can I do for you?
  11. I will see your ice and raise you snow. From your link "Snow has been falling more heavily than usual in the Northern Hemisphere, where snow cover extent during January reached 890,000 square miles above the 1981–2010 average. "This was the sixth largest January Northern Hemisphere snow cover extent in the 51-year period of record," said the study. "The North American snow cover extent was the 13th largest on record, while the Eurasian snow cover extent was the seventh largest."
  12. You are right! American culture is just awful, it is full of misogyny, xenophobia, racism, homophobia, and backward thinking. We are the worst! Why can't we be more like Zimbabwe or Cuba or Venezuela or Honduras or China or Russia or Pakistan.
  13. 10,000+ Jews in Arkansas 2% (about) identity as gay You do the math.
  14. Funny how every white supremacist describes themselves likes that. I am curious how you can demonstrate another culture is less tolerant than yours? Try asking a gay Jew in Saudi Arabia.
  15. Does the preference and appreciation of our culture over other cultures that are demonstrably less tolerant, more misogynistic, homophobic, racist and violent make us bad somehow?
  16. Your Scooby Doo reference is apt, as government funded climate "scientists" are preparing for their "Ruh Roh" moment.
  17. Speaking of "seriously flawed" I can't wait for Pruitt to take over the EPA. I predict, when he forces them to produce their internal emails and the unveil the machinations of their climate models, hard drives will be crashing so fast it will make the IRS blush. That is why they are busy copying their files on non-government servers.
  18. Trump's science advisor. "William Happer, an eminent physicist at Princeton University, met Trump last month to discuss the post and says that if he were offered the job he would take it. Happer is highly regarded in the academic community, but many would view his appointment as a further blow to the prospects of concerted international action on climate change. “There’s a whole area of climate so-called science that is really more like a cult,” Happer told the Guardian. “It’s like Hare Krishna or something like that. They’re glassy-eyed and they chant. It will potentially harm the image of all science.”
  19. Dems claim their first scalp.
  20. I believe you've entirely missed the point. My question is when will Trump attempt to silence his detractors, shut down SNL, that sort of thing. Right after he puts you in a reeducation camp.
  21. A rap to go with the rant.
  22. Or modern medicine. I bet you still listen to your doctor. Twenty years ago when I moved back to State College, I went to my new GP with my second broken back, he looked at my medical records and noted the several broken bones, torn ligaments, sprains, concussions, dislocations and hernia in my past, he chuckled under his breath and told me that I was going to be in a lot of pain when I got older. Unlike climate scientists, he was right.
  23. From your article "There is considerable uncertainty as to what will transpire next." Sounds just like climate science.
  24. It is what I have been telling you for years, CO2's contribution to climate is minuscule, benign, and overwhelmed by natural variability. Oh BTW how is your climate change induced state of permanent drought going?