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Everything posted by brenthutch

  1. I can't wait for Pause Buster 2.0! The Revenge of the Pause!
  2. I know you must be devastated to learn that the high priests in your church of global warming are fallible. So I will cut you some slack for your jibber jabber nonsense. Do you find it curious that NOAA claims hottest year ever by .04 degrees with a margin of error of .1 degree? Things that make one go "hmmm"
  3. Except that the scientist that the Mail were supposedly sourcing clarified that he said the paper was rushed, not flawed. "NOAA has now decided that the sea dataset will have to be replaced and substantially revised just 18 months after it was issued, because it used unreliable methods which overstated the speed of warming" In my book unreliable and overstated = flawed, what is your definition?
  4. Budget crunches? Try again. NOAA had a $174 million budget INCREASE Deadlines? "NOAA breached its own rules on scientific integrity when it published the sensational but flawed report, aimed at making the maximum possible impact on world leaders at the UN climate conference in Paris in 2015." Sounds more like politics than science. And finally we come to the last of your excuses, Mistakes. On that we can all agree. mis·take məˈstāk/ noun 1. an action or judgment that is misguided or wrong. "The pausebuster paper was a mistake" synonyms: error, fault, inaccuracy, omission, slip, blunder, miscalculation, misunderstanding, oversight, misinterpretation, gaffe It took a while but we have finally found common ground. You can blame that on me. I suppose I have a more rigorous definition of science.
  5. Ok, riddle me this Bill, why did NOAA scientists cut corners and violate established protocol? An agenda perhaps? Oh BTW the "world's hottest year ever" histrionics were promulgated by you.
  6. Shoddy science, got it. BTW when folks set their hair on fire over "hottest year ever" by a few hundredths of a degree, attention to detail counts.
  7. "Dr John Bates, a top NOAA scientist with an impeccable reputation"
  8. It looks like you are confusing the messenger with the message. Again
  9. Take a deep breath there Pajama Boy, I am not a Trump supporter, although I do mostly like his cabinet picks.
  10. Ok Wendy, as usual you are the voice of moderation. You are the Mother Nature to my Heat Miser. I apologize for using the admittedly incendiary rhetoric of "vagina" as a stand-in for women. It distracted from my main point and debased the conversation. Could we move forward and discuss the issue I was trying to raise? FYI anarchists, communists, socialist, radical feminists, environmental extremists and tell Lena Dunham to exit stage left, were not my words. I had to google to find out who the hell Lina Dunham was.
  11. Did you study political science on the back of a t-shirt?
  12. Think about it for a moment. There were two relatively contemporaneous grass roots movements, Occupy Wall Street on the left and the Tea Party on the right. One quickly faded into obscurity the other has seats in the House and the Senate. Why?
  13. No but I posted w/in a few minutes of hearing him. He was not being partisan, I believe he was an academic who had studied the Tea Party.
  14. That notion was posited by a MSNBC analyst! He made the comparison to the Tea Party. I just brought it up for discussion.
  15. Damn, I must have hit a nerve! All of the lefties are sounding off and none of y'all are able to answer the question I have posed. (Three times in three different ways by my count)
  16. Your assumption that my use of "vagina" is pejorative reveals your misogyny. I for one love them.
  17. They won enough moderates to win. I would refer you back to my South Park clip. Score one redistricting, score two electoral college. No matter how much you whine and cry the score board says two to nothing Jefe, two to nothing.
  18. Sounds like a great topic for another thread.
  19. Lighten up Francis, I'm just poking a bit of fun.
  20. Ring the bell, class is in session 1. The Tea Party was a grass roots movement 2. The Tea Party self policed and eliminated radical and subversive elements to the extent the general public did not conflate the tea party with the kkk or neo nazis. 3. The Tea Party was instrumental in the Republican victory in 2010 4. This put Republicans in charge of redistricting, relegating the Democratic Party to long term minority status Ding ding, class dismissed Now that the history lesson is done, I will pose my question. Can the Democratic Party harness the energy of the Million Vagina March, eschew the hate and turn it into political power, like the Republicans did with the Tea Party?
  21. Ok for the sake of clarity, I will withdraw "alt-left" The question I am posing is; can democrats harness the energy of the anarchists, communists, socialist, radical feminists, environmental extremists and Lena Dunham without being co-opted by them. It seems to me the strategy of pandering to grievance/identity politics has backfired and party leadership is unwilling or unable to turn the page.
  22. So? For the purposes of this thread, I defined it. Given the post-election events, I thing she would agree with my refinement.
  23. So then, you ARE writing a comic book. Hey, let me know if you need an artist. I have a couple I can hook you up with. No thanks, as I have stated earlier, I am friends with a lot of Democrats.
  24. hannity? He is a clown. Here is where I first heard it.
  25. For the purposes of my post, it is shorthand for: anarchists, communists, socialist, radical feminists, environmental extremists and Lena Dunham.