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Everything posted by chuteless

  1. I have over 1000 hrs flying balloons. You are getting a very good price, but I would suggest that you tell the balloonist, once you have landed, you will drive to where the balloon lands and help him to pack it up. That kind of help is very much appreciated by the is a lot of work especially if he doesnt have many crew. .
  2. chuteless


    Halloween is my birthday....I kinda wish Mom had waited an extra day.......nunmber 71 .
  3. Ive made many night jumps up to and including 30571 ft. The highest was over Toronto International Airport, and they held a 747 off until we got down. I had a full face visor helmet, but kept the visor in the up position. I could see the runways as a grey strip below me, but I could not see runway lights looking stright down at them. Its usually cold at high altitude, but if you only going from 12,500 or so, its not too cold except in winter. A night jump in winter allows you to see object ( areas of trees etc) against a snow backgriound. Its a good idea to get a small light and tape it so it illuminates your instruments. If there is a moon, you will see the shadow of your canopy as you attention to your approach and you should be able to determine when to flaere. Its a good enjoy...and dont worry about it as though its a big scary thing. GOOD LUCK .
  4. I would say that nurse was actively out of line. You were right to react...I would have done the same...but likely more aggresive...and been sorry for being so later.
  5. Yes, the stained glass windows were done by an artist and directed by the church organization that is paying the artist for his depiction...according to the church. The Catholic church pays to have windows done of Mary, and every other figure whose name is mentioned in God's WORD. Yes it is indeed human nature to want a God patterned after ourselves, but we cannot create a God, is God who created us. The God who created us is well described in His WORD, and He ( definitely NOT she) intends for us to learn from His WORD. Jesus said, "Search the scriptures, for in them ye have eternal life". He did not say to simply "read" the scriptures and skim over them like you would a novel, getting nothing for your efforts. SEARCH, will provide a treasure that can be obtained in no other way.
  6. I pressed the wrong key and didnt notice it until now.....the highest was 36,916 ft .........not 31916. Sorry about that.
  7. Appollo 13 Commander James lovell told me (after his big problem flight to the moon) that what I was doing as a skydiver was far more dangerous that what he was doing as an astronaut. He reasoned that if I got into a problem situation in freefall, it was up to me alone to get myself out of it. If he had a problem in space, hehad millions of hi tech people around the entire globe who would be there to assist him in every way possible, and bring him back alive. Neil Armstrong told me the same basic thing.
  8. Its true one must have faith, and such faith is supported by not only God's WORD, but His creation. Once you have established faith, the truth of the rest is indeed obvious. For one who does not have is impossible to see the truth that is in God's WORD. Too many people only wish to acknowledge a god that is tailored to their individual desires. That is a false god, and one which requires no faith at all. Bill Cole .
  9. your are one can cover all the possibilities ALL the time. Do youyr best, and hope the other guy does his best too. The kind of jumping I was into was mostly of my own making. I've broken lots of bones, but still liked the low openings as the best jumps. That was my choice. I sometimes wonder why I wore a reserve, but I guess somewhere the BSRs had a bit of an effect. just do your best...and beware that the worst can sneak up on you when you least expect it. Bill Cole
  10. Only if you get careless. If you plan your jumps well, and pack well, it isnt necessarily risky, although it is sometimes because of other people who are jumping with you should they not take care. I've had things go wrong, and it was close, but that I consider a wakeup call.
  11. the Bible says: Knowing this first, that no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation, for the prophecy came not in old time by the "will of man" but of holy men of God (chosen by God Himself) spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. (2nd Peter:20,21) Psalms 14:1 says, " The fool hath said in his heart there is no God" Of course there is one God and only ONE. Take the time to look around you and see His work of creation. The miracle of the human being, how its developed, and grows, all His work. The Bible is right....only a fool would deny something so obvious. Bill Cole D-41 .
  12. my highest was 31,916 ft which is ll,242 meters. I have also jumped 30571 feet at night over Canada's busiest airport at Toronto, and made several others at 31,000 ; 32,000 and 32500 . .
  13. Of all the chutes I've jumped, I liked the Para Commander best. I have had several, one which was prone to have a malfunction every so often, especially when I packed a 16mm movie camera in the apex pointing down. My black and Gold PC was the best. I would field pack it overnight, and with two pilot chutes, I could go as low as I wished and get a good solid opening., every time. I wish I still had it, and dont even know what I did with it. Ram airs are nice and fly better, but the ole PC was a lot more fun to jump. I never shortened the lines on mine, and seldom had to do a PLF as Standup landings were easy with the PC. Bill Cole D-41 Canada
  14. does this list allow road kill??????
  15. very sorry to hear about your Dad. Jumping back at Honey Harbour in 73 sure was great....and quite different than jumping anywhere today. Say Hi to Ray for me when you see him. All the best ..
  16. Steve MacCurley....I seem to recall the name but cant put a face to it, my aplogies. Anyhow, nice to hear from you Steve after 30 years. So many things have changed in 30 years...but not the attitude of CSPA. I have ciopies of some E Mails sent by Buzz bennett, in which he accuses Rob Price of ranting about things he knows nothing about, and then Bennett goes on to list the things. On checking them out, I find that Rob was right on every count, and it was Buzz Bennett who didnt know what he was talking about. He didnt have any facts correct, and hear he was condemning someone who did. Typical CSPA. Anyhow, Steve, I look forward to meeting you again. I hope your dad and Ray Daviou you mentioned are both well. Please give them my best wishes. Bill Cole D-41 Canada I dont like the term Sky God. To me, there is only ONE God, and He is the father and God of the world He created. ...
  17. an old Bi-Plane crashed about 50 feet away from where i was standing. A Blue Angel crashed about 300 yeards from where I was standing. I was first to reach the body of the pilot, face down in te mud..both legs ripped off at the knees. A few jumpers have done crash and burn landings near me....and Ive done quite afew myself....concussion and broken bones etc. Bill Cole D-41 ..
  18. well put Sue.....I hope every kid...and even adult woman who may fall prey to idiots like the hippie read've done a good thread Sue. Bill Cole D-41
  19. your attitude is exactly the same as all those people in Africa who spread aids around. "What Society thinks of me, I dont care. I just want to do what I want to do and I dont care about anybody else. I only care about ME, ME,, ME ME Bill Cole D-41 .. You have a very selfish, self centered attitude.
  20. 1st jumper: Who was that masked man? 2nd jumper: I think he works for a bank....he's the Lone arranger 1st jumper: He gave me a silver bullet 2nd jumper: was it a COORS silver bullet? 1st jumper: don't know....I'll have to ask his Indian friend...I think his name is Toronto. ..
  21. I havent seen Skydiving for Sept. Not too sure what you are referring to unless it the photo of the first time a camera was used in freefall in Canada.....1962....which it was. Bill Cole
  22. Well, 1 reserve was used only because I was too low to open the main.. but then I didnt count the 2 reserve openings on the chuteless jumps. I think I counted a reserve opening in practive for the lst chuteless, but it blew to a thousand pieces, so I had to use my main.
  23. I've built several full scale WW I aircraft. I sold one to a very wealthy man in Houston Texas after it had crashed, and I had partly rebuilt it. He had a hard time refinishing the aircraft the way he wanted it to be so He phoned me, and asked me to come to Houston, and help him do some extensive work on the plane, and after agreeing on a price, I drove down to ( I think its Wolf Field,) near Pearland Texas. I worked on the plane for 13 hours a day for over a month, ( except on Sundays,) and did all that was required according to our verbal agreement. He then refused to pay me. My daughter had flown down, and would drive home with me. This guy left me with nothing but one uncashed cheque for $200.00, and I had to drive back to Toronto. Great people that the rest of the Texans are, two people handed me $20.00 and another $50.00, and I left for home. The guy recently sold the plane to two men on Long Island, N.Y. I met some great people at Wolf Field, such as Logan Goar and Melvin (forgot his last name). This is the second part of the story. Logan and Melvin were in the army during W W II (South Pacific) and they were doing construction on buildings that had been damaged in fighting the Japanese. As they were putting new shingles on the roof of the last building, some P 51 Mustang pilots noticed them, and flew a few feet above the Pacific ocean, and as they got to the buildings being re-roofed, they pulled up their aircraft skimming the roof by about 5 or 6 feet. Needless to say, the construction crew were almost blown off the roof. This happened several times, and finally Logan Goar and the others were ready for the next flight. They saw the Mustangs coming, and hid on the far side of the roof, and just as the P 51s pulled up over their heads the workers all threw a handfull of nails into the air. clink, clink..clank..clink as the propeller swatted the nails out of the sky. The pilots reported this to their commander, who called and told the construction crew they didnt want the P-51s blown out of the sky by carpenters after having defeating the Japanese. The aircraft never bothered the roofers again, and the job finally got finished. As for the guy who fleeced me, I hired a lawyer in Pearland, but the other guy bought him off and the lawsuit was dropped without even consulting me. Win some....lose some.
  24. about my 100th jump....ive had about 8 since that one but the last one was the best....what an adrenalin RUSH..
  25. You are welcome. I have studied W W I aviation for many years and built several full size replica planes...accurate to the last detail. I know the daughter of Manfred von Richthofen's sister Elsa, and knew the last german pilot of wwI, Otto Roosen, who died at 102+ years. I have several other german friends who flew in WW II, one was shot down four times and bailed from disabled aircraft four times. He insists he should get a medal from the Allies for writing offf so many Hun A/C .He also shot down about 25 US bombers. Its been an amazing ride for me. My brother was downed by a sub, and his pilot got the VC. The anniversary of the greatest AIR battle of WWI is on Sept 23rd, when one german (Werner Voss) took on 7 allied a/c. He shot one to pieces, flown by the brother of the late actor Hume Cronyn. Its all really interesting stuff. Glad you got a kick from it. All the best..... Bill Cole