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Everything posted by chuteless

  1. you left out Russian Roulette. I know of a guy in Ohio who played, and he survived with a bullet still lodged in his small brain.
  2. No I was in the hypobaric chamber to that simulated altitude. The highest I jumped was 36,916 feet, 2 minutes and 29 seconds of freefall. Ive also done 32,500; 32000;31,500; and 30571 at night over Canada's largest commercial airport. They held a 747 off until I and another got down. Also numerous jumps between 20 and 30 K For the most part, HALO jumps are a long boring fall.
  3. About a month ago, I posted my telephone number on a thread for Juanesky to call me. I was chastised by Vanillaskygirl for doing so, because as she said, someone might use it in a negative way, I told her I am not worried who knows my number, and if they want my address, I would even post that too. Earlier this week, I was watching TV, and the phone rang. It was a woman in California who had taken my number at the time it was posted and keyed it into her phone for future use. She has been a regular on forums, and I was surprised to hear from her. We had a 10-15 minutes chat, and I told her I was pleased to hear from her, and anytime she wishes to call, she can. I was really amazed that anyone would key my number into her phone and call me three + weeks later. Californians amaze me.
  4. I will be 71 years old tomorrow, and half of my entire life (except for 2 years) has been under suspension from CSPA. That must be some kind of record, dont you think?
  5. Its possible to have your canopy refuse to open if it is packed wet. The water acts like glue, and unless you can get some air into it, you may have to go for your reserve. Take the time and dry it out for your own safety and peace of mind. Guys who jump a canopy wet would likely be the first to condemn low openings and yet they risk more with a wet canopy.
  6. Juanesky E Mailed me on Monday, and asked if I would come in the Spring instead. I am awaiting his decision as to whether its November or the Spring. It doesnt matter to me when, but if there is a change, I'll send youa PM through Hope the proposed change doesnt inconvenience you .
  7. My understanding is that although the helium is dumped auto by a regulated pressure, the pilot can also release it, but I suppose that would be your reference to the dump valve that is used for emergency decents etc. I know there is no "downwind" in a balloon, we used to put a kleenex on the edge of the basket and it would never "blow off", it would rise with the basket and the wind, but I was referring to the downwind direction. It takes less wind to disperse the helium coming out of the vents, than it does to push the Gondola and balloon along.
  8. see the bit I just put on the thread of America in Iraq for Bin Laden's "best friend"
  9. I watched a documentary on Bush and the family connections with Bin Laden and the Saudi family last night. Did you know: Geo Dubya Bush received more than 1 million dollars from the Saudi family for his campaign for Pres? That when the twin towers were attacked on 9/11, Geo Bush Sr, was meeting with Osama Bin Laden's brother in a Washington Hotel. That when one of the embassy's was bombed by Al Qaeda, Bin Laden family got the uncontested contract to rebuild it for America That the Saudi "Royal" family funds Osama Bin Laden to more than $50 million, as long as he agrees not to attack anything in Saudi Arabia. The Bin Laden family has major holdings in Houston Texas, where they can deal with the Bush family at a moment notice That after 9/11, and all the aircraft flights were grounded across America, 1 747, and approximately 6 other private jets carrying the Saudi and Bin Laden personnel were allowed to take off in the USA and return to their own country, and the permission came directly from the White House. When Geo Dubya Bush wanted to start a company in the Oil business he got Saudi money to do it. These facts were made in the 1 hour documentary last night and were backed up with documents and ex-FBI people. I firmly believe that Geo W. Bush will be the last President the USA ever has....and he hasnt got long to go. I also believe he will be re-elected in 2004,
  10. Tell him I'm glad he made it....welcome home. I only hope all the others get back safely too BILL COLE
  11. You started off by saying " Calling all lawyers". I thought we were going to have a mass suicide....I was just reaching for the Yellow pages to get you some names LOL Bill Cole
  12. They dont call Trent Lott "vacant lot" for nothing. What does he mean...."a little tougher" Its obvious Trent Lott isnt being shot at too!!!!
  13. I am a NEWS addict, I like to know what is happening in the world. However, I always get a laugh out of Pres Bush when he confidently says things like: We wont be intimidated These killings and bombings wont make us change our minds We are winning the war against terrorism The thing is, he isnt being shot at. It makes my heart bleed for the young guys who are taking the flak and bullets and bombs. They arent sitting comfortably in the Oval Office. Is this going to be another Vietnam????? I sure hope not.
  14. Many many rounds, both main and reserves, triangles, squares, and anything else that would get me down.....usually in 1 piece (but not always)If anyone thinks a Para Commander is bad, try a C 9 old Orange and white 28footer. Sometimes a hard landing, but also made many standups on them. PC is the greatest round, a real slam dunk opening (using a few tricks to make sure when I needed it most) Bill Cole You guys dont know what you've missed!!!lol
  15. Your are partly right. The balloons do have a vent tube controlled by the pilot inside the gondola. He does vent the over pressure and controls his altitude through that venting, but the excess helium does NOT come into the gondola, it is vented "near" the gondola but actually goes off, usually downwind ( in the direction of flight) The helium pressure would be intense, and it would be counterproductive to vent it into the pilot (He'd likely have such a high pitched voice when he talked they would never understand a word he says. That happens in deep sea diving, where helium is intentionally fed into a diving helmet, and the only way they can understand the diver is to feed his voice through a recorder device, and slow it down to where he sounds normal. I have not flown ( although not for want of trying) a helium balloon, but am familiar with much of their apparatus. I do have 1000+ hrs hot air balloon , and readily admit, they are two different cats. Bill Cole There is really nothing one can do about farting....the gas expands and has to go somewhere. Of course, one can always go without eating on the jump days !!!! lol
  16. Every so often I see the same topic on a thread....why does someone stink up the aircraft at altitude? There really is an explanation, and in case you arent aware of it, let me pass it on to you. Having spent a lot of time doing High altitude jumps, I made my second home at the Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine at Canadian Forces Base in Downsview. I had many chances to be in the hypobaric chamber and have been as high as 43000 feet. The instructor made extra effort to explain gases at high altitude, as a part of the program. Depending on what you eat, and when you last ate food, it will cause gas to form in the intestinal tract in various amounts. As your food digests, it will produce this gas, which is always heading for the rear exit. As you climb to altitude, gas of any kind will expand, and so your intestinal tract and colon will soon be full of gas, the higher you go, the more gas you produce. Your body can only retain so much, and the rest has to get out. Similarly, if a jumper has a bad tooth with a small cavity that is filled with decaying food , that small amount of food will produce gas, and as the aircraft climbs, it can cause a very large toothache, so at very high altitudes, you will think your jaw is coming off. If youi plan on going high, the longer you wait since eating, the more likely the more gas will have formed in your body, so expect the fragrance to be very strong. Another similarity, is when a large helium balloon is being inflated to cross the ocean, it may be partially filled (say with 100,000 cubic feet of gas) on the ground, but when it gets to 35,000 or 40,000 feet, it expands to contain 1/2 a million cubic feet of helium. The only difference is in the quantity, and the balloon doesnt fart on the pilot, There isnt much anyone can do with stomach /intentinal gases....grin and bear it.
  17. I always liked my back to the instrument dashboard. It always worked best for me, but I scared the blazes out of 1 pilot that way. We were flying in a Cessna 337, two engines, one pulling the other pushing. Came time for the jump, I leaned back to let the other jumper get out, and put the plane ina steep...very steep dive. The pilot was screaming " we're going to crash". I wasnt worried, ...I had a chute. I had driven the control column in as far as it would go. The jumper left, I followed, and there was never a pilot so glad to get rid of two jumpers. I laughed for a week....the pilot didnt see an humor in it at all. LOL LOL
  18. Jumping in any costume is hazardous. Santa Claus is the worst. I know of one Santa, that had his beard tied on with a wire from one side to the other. The wire got caught on something as he opened and slit his throat. Another Santa ( a former Golden Knight) died, as have many others. I warned a friend of mine not jump as Santa. He said, " I need the money". He jumped and badly broke his leg. If you think that bothered the kids watching, your right. Another member of my team dressed up as Santa and took the original bone break Santa's place on the big red throne. First kid who sat on his knee peed all over him. Its extremely dangerous to do these kind of jumps regardless of what the costume is. If you insist on it, plan extremely well, leave nothing that can hamper your freefall or your opening....and the use of a reeserve, if needed. I'd rather open extremely low than play with costumes....( actually I like lowees anyhow.) best of luck to whoever does the costume jumps. Bill Cole
  19. I LIKE "COLE" SLAW TOOOOO Bill Cole D-41 LOL and I have 1000+ hours flying balloons
  20. crazy ones?????what do ya mean crazy???? Heck man, if you havent tried it...dont knock it
  21. They are all funny....and more so because they are clean..LOL LOL LOL
  22. I beleive you can post you comments at [email protected] or [email protected] For a full list of BOD members, see earlier post by cuchulinn in the suspensions thread. I would humbly suggest that any comment should include cspa's recinding of their decision NOT to accept the FAI recognized jump record of 36,916 ft as both a cspa and National record. CSPA decided to write a second set of records and ignore mine from almost 7000 feet higher than the one they call their record. figure that one out !!!!!
  23. look up Mike Swain at Sarasota. Hes been active for years. Tell him Bill Cole said he doesnt know how to jump....always ends up in the Lake. He'll treat you right....he needs friends where ever he can get them LOL LOL LOL
  24. thats when I wouldnt give it a second thought!!!!!