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Everything posted by NeedToJump

  1. NeedToJump

    mr bill

    In short, no. There's a lot that can go wrong. Upon deployment, either or both jumpers can easily get wrapped either in the pilot chute, or the lines when the canopy comes out. If this happens it can be potentially fatal to both jumpers. Before attempting a Mr. Bill I would HIGHLY recommend talking to other jumpers who have successfully done them. When they work out, they can be quite fun
  2. I load mine at about 1.45 to 1.5 and I absolutely love it!
  3. Don't forget about Fastrax and DeLand Fire. It should be a good year for 4-way
  4. The slowest, stable body position that I've found on my head that still allows me to move around and take grips (although the range of motion is limited) is this: Go into your absolute widest stradle you can, bend your knees a little and push your legs behind you like you are going to initiate a forward motion. This will cause a forward motion which you must balance out with your arms. Move your arms forward so your elbows are near your hips with your elbows at about a 115 degree angle so your arms are fairly extended. It feels weird at first, but works really well. I use that body position in the wind tunnel to be able to take 2 handed grips. It definitely takes some getting used to though to be sure you're not moving around. I'll see if I can find a picture later to help make it more clear, I know my explanation above isn't the best Wind Tunnel and Skydiving Coach
  5. If you've got the 10 bucks then get it. Without it your leg straps can slide down and limit your range of motion. I've found it to be more annoying than anythign else, but it could be potentially dangerous if you try to move your leg and can't and then end up corking. It's also easy to remove if you don't like it. Wind Tunnel and Skydiving Coach
  6. All things gummy rock. I'm addicted to sour gummy worms, mmmmmm.
  7. Nope, it's just different. Whatever you are used to will be easier. Wind Tunnel and Skydiving Coach
  8. I use my Neptune all the time under canopy. I always check it after opening to know where I'm at and continually check it as I fly my pattern. It's also been an invaluable tool for swooping. Just because I look at it frequently does not mean that I rely on it however. I've done plenty of jumps with no altimeter and still open at the right altitude and can still swoop through a course. I figure that if I have it on I might as well use it, but I always rely on my eyes first and foremost. Wind Tunnel and Skydiving Coach
  9. You guys do realize you can have a relationship without drama, right? You just have to find the right girl! Yup, no drama rocks!
  10. There's probably less movement of the handle when using a PUD, but it's just personal preference really. I have two rigs, one with a hackey and the other with the pud style handle. I don't notice any difference in my flying or the way the air feels between the two rigs. Just make sure whatever you use that you train on the ground so it's no surprise in the air. Wind Tunnel and Skydiving Coach
  11. It will make absolutely no difference at all if you know how to fly. As long as your gear is freefly friendly you'll be fine. I'd worry more about doing AFF at this point then if your hacky is good for sit flying. Wind Tunnel and Skydiving Coach
  12. In two minutes I could easily show you a full progression from belly flying to head down as could most people who can fly head down in the tunnel. I can't see it taking more than 2 sessions (4 minutes) to demonstrate a progression for anyone who can fly head down in the tunnel. The way I was explained this system was the same thing Arlo was saying. My understanding is that it is a system for SkyVenture employees to standardize what they can coach in the tunnel and what they can train other SkyVenture employees to be able to coach. I agree with Ron as well that if I go to a new tunnel and just flash a card that says I can fly head down it should not change anything about the instructor in there. We still want everyone to be safe. How is this system going to be applied? If you have to pay for tunnel time to demonstrate an ability to get a certain card, how is that any different than paying for tunnel time to demonstrate those same skills to the instructor in there? Wind Tunnel and Skydiving Coach
  13. 16 packing for myself with a cutaway (I stopped after the cutaway.) I was jumping with a friend of mine and he ended doing around 22 that day since he didn't cut away. 12 in a day was common for me when I was training 4-way last season. I think that Fastrax (the 4-way team) usually does 20-30 jumps per day when they train. Wind Tunnel and Skydiving Coach
  14. Yeah, me neither. I had this explained to me a few weeks ago at the tunnel by one of the people working on it and it seemed to make sense then, but I'm not really seeing why it is necessary right now. No matter who is in there, the tunnel instructor is always watching and ready and I wouldn't want that to change. I know that when things go bad in there it happens quickly and I like knowing that there's someone else there. I'm not quite sure what the purpose of this rating system is. I don't see an existing problem that it is aimed at fixed nor do I see anything to be gained by having it. Hmmm..... Wind Tunnel and Skydiving Coach
  15. I see this as more of a benefit for the people who work at the tunnel and freefliers, not so much for outside coaches. If I visit a new tunnel where no one knows me and ask say that I have a student I am going to coach headdown I may have a problem whereas if I have a standardized card that says I know how to coach headdown then I probably would not have any hassles. Same thing if someone goes to another tunnel and wants to freefly. The people who work at the tunnel will also have to worry less about getting a dangerous outside coach in there. I'm curious to see how this develops. Wind Tunnel and Skydiving Coach
  16. Ugh, still raining, damn weather... Tuesday and Wednesday look like they should be good though, ah the benefits to being 4 miles from the dropzone... Wind Tunnel and Skydiving Coach
  17. Nope, not at all, Paige and I do 3-way flying with the tunnel instructor all the time. Wind Tunnel and Skydiving Coach
  18. Come down and play in there with us then! We're in there next on Sunday night March 6th midnight - 1am and then Thursday the 10th from 9:30pm-10:30pm. Anvil in the tunnel!!!! Paige says next time you guys are in the same place she'll pay for a packjob.
  19. Here's some of our kitty in Paige's gallery, Foxxy Love
  20. Paige and I sacrificed last night, we flew in the tunnel... I'm hoping for another nice weekend, or at least one jumpable day. This is Florida damnit, bring the sun! How's that canopy treating you Vinny? Wind Tunnel and Skydiving Coach
  21. Nice! Wind Tunnel and Skydiving Coach
  22. about 4 miles away Wind Tunnel and Skydiving Coach