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Everything posted by Botellines

  1. I heard that as well. The thing is that 1 month ago the police caught them red handed with a pickup and 500 Kg of explosives and this x-mas they tried to blow up another train station. Besides Arnaldo Otegui (the guy who sais ETA didn´t do it) is best buddy with ETA and he is in the vasque government, so he really cannt say anything else if he wants to keep his job.
  2. Sorry I am not laughing with your witty remark. Had i not fallen asleep this morning i would have been in Atocha´s train station when the bombs went off. There was over 9 bombs overall in three trains. 6 of them blew up in 4 wagons and the other 3 were defuse by the TEDAX. We don´t know yet how many there were exactly for they are still looking for more. So far there has been 173 casualties and over 900 wounded, 15 of them kids in critical condition. Luckily i wasn´t in the train station at that time because i fell asleep. I usually get that train every morning at that time (7:45). A workmate was not that lucky though. She died this morning. She was pregnant. Here you have a link Blue skies
  3. Getting a gun would be reasonable if it was your bussiness. But, you are only an employee!!! Don´t risk your life for someone else´s money. I used to work as a "Pizza Delivery Guy" in one of the dodgiest areas of Madrid. We would get robbed every other day. I would just give them the money and the pizza. I tried once to confront them, and i almost got stabbed with a kitchen knife and bitten by a rotweiler. Big adrenaline rush, though.
  4. If you post the header of one of those spams, I can give it a try. Or if you already have the IP address that would be sweet. (and very easy) By the way, does you friend have in his site a mail server? is the relay open?
  5. I agree. Against someone desperate enough to take his own life with everybody else, there is not much to do... I am more comfortable with locking the cockpit and tazers for the crew than a gun on board. It would be interesting to find out what comercial pilots think about it. I don´t know abour the US, but here in spain the main pilot have by law control of the plane, so if we had to have a policeman with a gun on board, we would have to change our constitution. Otherwise, a pilot could refuse to take off with a gun on board.
  6. I am sending a big kiss with a hug to everybody who didn´t get a kiss in new years´eve (like myself) You all will get it some time tomorrow though.
  7. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!! It is 1/1/2004 over here in Spain... Happy new year. I hope this year brings to all of you everything you ever dream off, a lot of love, some passion, a bit of sex... Ehh, sorry, what was i thinking about? Well, all of you, be happy, take care, jump a lot, and get a designated driver!!!!!! I am so sorry for mine About the issue of peeing on myself... Oh, came on, i am sure everybody has done it at some point or another. right? please, right?
  8. I am getting ready to leave (it is 23:30 here, Spain) Unfortunately it doesn´t seem that i will get my goal. I am pissed as hell. JAJAJA I will post tomorrow!!!!!! if i can. Please, be all safe tonight, take care, and have fun. Un abrazo.
  9. Well, i had this great party with my buddies, but i broke my leg skydiving a week ago. So i had to change my plans and i am going out with my little sister and her friends, who are much more calmed and responsible than my buddies.... and are staying in a house. If something good (like a girlfriend) comes out of this, i will let you all know. Just kidding.... I will try this new year´s eve not to pee on myself.
  10. I am sorry to have spoiled your morning, maybe you should have read my post again if you didn´t get it the first time. In what part of the post do YOU think i am being disrespectful with the loosing of a life? As a a matter of fact what i am saying is that any person counts the same regardless of how many people die on the attack or what nationality they where. Do you hear a lot of people talking about the Bali bombing? Well, it was more recent than the 9/11 and it is not in everybody´s mouth. It seems your morning was quite productive if you only came up with that sentence. Did anyone help you? just kidding. I think that it is those who use the 9/11 for their benefit the ones that are being disrespectful with the persons who died that day. We all know who they are. "make no mistake" i am not a fool. Don´t you think that if i was saying "repugnant and insensitive" things about the people who lost their lives everybody would have jumped at my throat? not that i would want to or feel that way, in any case. Besides, the moderator would have banned me and i am answering you. Happy New year to all of you.
  11. Suicide is a selfish act, but IMHO it is more selfish to expect someone to live an unhappy life only so people around will not get hurt. Who knows what is on an especific individual´s mind? I guess she did what she thought was best at the moment. Right or wrong, it was her decision. Good vibes and blue skies. My condolences to kat69´s dear ones
  12. With this and the new Patrioct act it has never been cheaper to do tourism in the US. You don´t need any more a round trip ticket.
  13. Actually not. they have killed "only" 934 persons. (not counting mutilated) the names are in this link Anyway, a terrorism act is not about how many people died. If only one person dies and it happens to be you or someone from your family, you will not care about the rest. Besides, a terrorist attack is scary enough as it is regardless of the size. Again, you have endure one. Palestinian and Israelis get one every week at best. At worst everyday. Really, to someone who lives in a bubble and don´t know what is going on outside their country, 9/11 will look like it is the end of the world as it is known, but for most other people it looks for what it is: a horrible terrorist attack. No more, no less. No need to take advantage of all the support the world gives you to protect your interests by starting wars.
  14. Well for your information I was in NYC visiting my brother. My Brother is a New York City Cop. His wife is a Vice President of City Corp. She just happened to have an office in Tower Two and was on her way there when it came down. Four days later, after I got home, I organized a supply drive and drove a 48 foot truck filled with those supplies to Ricker's Island in New York where my brother works and has friends who could store it and get it to the right places. My brother worked the morgue where the bodies were being sorted. I delt with his tears as he came home from the morgue with stories of friends of his whose heads he had to carry. I saw the panic in his face when he could not find his wife for several hours. I saw him tear out in his official vehicle when he got a call from his wife who was covered in soot and dust when she got home. My wife and I saw the faces of New Yorkers who were stunned by what had happened. They were shell shocked. Our uncle works for the Pentagon and thankfully was somewhere else when they struck there. You did not have to be in NYC to live with terrorism. It touches everyone. Everywhere. It cuts deep into the heart. It takes away your safety net. Maybe you have forgotten what it felt like that day. Maybe you where in a safe cozy room behind your keyboard and so you live like it never happened. I will never forget. And I know My brother won't. And neither will the families of those who actually were lost. And tell that to the Marines families who died in Beruit. (sp?). I am done with this conversation because you do not have a clue. When you get one come talk to me. someone lock this thread. Please, stop whining. I am so fed up with the 9/11!!!! It is not about terrorism, it is about pride. How do they dare to strike in American soil. Oh my GOD!!!! 9/11 has been an isolated case, nothing more. I am 27 years old, and i have had already a bomb exploding on my very same street last year, another one within five minutes walk from my house. 3 or 4 within 15 minutes walk. And this past 24 of December, the police deactivated a bomb that was going to blow up the train station where i commute every day. I am not afraid though. I support every effort to stop those bastards, but i will not let them change my life. Sure it would be easier to invade Vasque country and kill all the bad guys, but it will not stop the problem. And my situation is NOTHING compared with people from Israel, Palestina, and many many countries. Please, just think about how many people dies every year due to terrorism in other countries and compare it to the US. The U.S have to start taking responsability for their actions. If you train Osama Bin Laden to fight the soviets, and then you piss him off big time, he will use your training against you!!!!!! If some guy from Irak or afghanistan straps a bomb on him and blow your brother up, is he a bad terrorist, or is he a bad terrorist whose family has been blown up by an american "smart" bomb, and thus he is taking revenge. I apologize if i offended anyone, and believe me when i say that 9/11 deserve a big deal of attention, as big as any other terrorist attack. Just think that when it happened, you had almost every country totally with you. How many of those countries still support the U.S? (not including those threatened or bribed). The more people you manage to hate the US, the more terrorist attacks the US will have. it is that simple.
  15. I don´t believe in capital punishment, so i would lock him in a cell for the rest of his life. Besides we don´t want a martyr, do we? I would lock with him anyone in his regime who helped him do all the atrocities he did. Of course we should not forget to lock in a cell for the rest of their lifes whoever sold weapons of mass destruction to Sadam. Even if they are from across the ocean.
  16. Some people DO deserve to die. But since justice is not flawless, and it is not acceptable tath an inoccent person gets CP. I would ban CP. I would enforce life term prison though. In Spain no matter what you do, you will not get more than 40 years (it used to be 30 a couple of years ago)
  17. JAJAJA you are right, i always get confused... I should have said UK, right?
  18. Considering England is an island it would take a bit of time and a bit of luck to do it by car. Seriously, you would have to go thru the Tunnel to France and from there to Spain. It can take a whole day easily depending where you are in England and where you want to go in Spain and how much you need to rest. I would recomend doing it by plane. London Madrid is only a couple of hours and flights are very cheap. try Easy jet. It will certainly be cheaper doing it by plane than paying for gas in a car.
  19. Let me have this straight... You are telling us that if someone shows a diferent opinion than you, you will call your buddies and beat him up? I have some questions for you. 1.- i don´t agree with burning flags (or burning anything) but since you are expressing your point of views and even using intimidatory language in public why cannot anyone else do it even if it is in a diferent way? 2.- Is that the freedom you are so proud? 3.- How many friends would you need to "help understand" let´s say a 174cm 75 Kg guy? 4.- why don´t you do it yourself? even if it means you may end up hurt. 5.- Even better, why don´t you learn how to dialogue. and if it doesn´t work just let it be? Sorry i am flaming you, don´t take it personal because i don´t even know you, it is just that Violence gets no one anywhere, and the lenguage you used was hardly apropiate.
  20. Quote Ha! Thanks for the phrases, Sam! Those were about the only phrases I remember from high school. Oh! I also remember "No hablo espanol," "Tengo hambre," "Estoy ardiendo," "Me gusta," "Besame mucho," "Donde esta el bano," and "Me llamo Val. Soy de Chicago." Some of the phrases I don't think I'll use. reply]
  21. How can someone be proud to be American? or Spanish? or French? I am spanish, only because my parents decided to have unprotected sex 9 months before staying in Spain. I am from Spain, and i cannot be proud of being from this country, because i didn´t do anything for it. I am proud of being a college graduated, Cisco certified, and a Skydiver. I earned it!!!! I cannot be proud to have nice green eyes (acording to a few) or good eyesight or being born in one place rather than another. I am thankful, but to my limited English, proud is not a right word. Think that you are not from Irak, just by chance. You did not do anything to "deserve" being born in the USA. In other orther of things, America is supposed to be the Freedom country. Are you sure? Watch out for your rights, you can loose them in no time!!! With the new Patriot Act, your country will look too much like 1984 from George Orwell. Just for the record, i have been living in the US and I refused to take partys. If you say Either with Us or against us, i will answer: To hell with you.
  22. I translated this text from a comedy show in Spain, At this moment i am going thru an experiencie where i am the best friend of a cute girl who insist on telling me how handsome ALL my friends and wether they have girlfriends. To make a long story short, i will say I am the David of the story. I just wanted to know how many of you are or have been in this situation. It is still funny to read. She loves you as a friend Until now i thought that the worst thing a woman could say was: "We need to talk..." No, the worst thing a woman can say is: "I love you too... but as a friend" That means to her that you are the nicest guy in the whole world, the most supportive guy, the coolest, but she is not going to go out with you. She is going to go out with a jerk that only wants to have sex with her. But, of course, when he messes around with her, she will call you to ask for advice. It is like if you go job hunting and someone tells you: “Mr Garcia, you are the perfect person for this position, you have gotten the best CV, etc. But we are not hiring you. We are hiring instead an incompetent worthless guy. But… can we call you when he messes up? I wonder, what did i do wrong? We went to the movies, we laughed together, we spent hours drinking coffe…. Which coffe was the one that turns us out into friends? Fith? Sixth? Man, she could have told me!!! One less and now we would be sleeping together? To them a friend follows the same rules that a Tampax. You can go swiming with it, ride a horse, dance. The only thing you cannot do is have sex with it. If you think about it… if for a woman taking you as a friend is about ruining your sexual life, what will she do with her enemies?. I think it is great that we are friends, don´t take me wrong, I just don´t understand why we cannot have sex as friends… I believe that friendship beetwen man and woman, does not exist. If it did, we would know it. The thing is that when she sais that she loves you only as a friend, to her it means just that. But to you, it means that if you are ever a night on the beach, she is very drunk, there is full moon, the planets are aligned, and a meteor threatens earth, maybe, just maybe, you will end up making out with her. That is why you put up with it. If she goes out with Joe… well, they will break up at some point. And when they do break up, there you are… Don´t cry, Joe was an idiot. You deserve something better, a guy that understand you, that he is there when you need it…maybe a bit short, not too handsome, whose name is David…. Like me. At least being a friend allows you to eliminate opponents quite easily. This is the “miserable worm” technique. When she says…. - How nice is Bob, isn´t he? - Bob? Yeah, he is… a bit cross-eyed though - He is not cross-eyed, he just have this tender looks - You are right with that. I notice it when he was looking at Maria - He wasn´t looking at her, she was looking at me! - See? I told you he was cross-eyed! It is ironic the women consider having a “superspecial” relationship with a guy when they can sleep in the same bed withoput anything happening… To me, “Superspecial” would be if something actually happened!!! One day after a party, you help her finish cleaning, as you always do. When you are done, she sais: - It is so late… why don´t you stay over? - Where should i sleep? - In my bed. Your legs are shaking. This is THE night, the planets have aligned!!!! In short time, you realice it is not the planets what you have aligned. Since you are friends she is going to sleep with only her underwear. Then you think: “man I will have to sleep on my underwear as well” with all my planets aligned!!!! So you jump into bed, bend your knees so your are not that noticeable. She gets in bed, press her butt against you, and sais: “good night” And she falls asleep!!! Come on, how can se sleep that soon, doesn´t she pray or anything like that? You are sleeping with the girl you like. At first you don´t dare to move, so you will not touch anything. You know you are the horniest guy on earth. And how long the night is. You start to wonder… Would it be too bad to touch her breast with my shoulder? What about if it is her breast that touches me? But after many hours you only ask yourself: How can i be such an idiot? No one could believe you are in the same bed and nothing is going to happen You hope that at any moment she is going to turn around and say: “come on silly, you have suffered enough… Take me. But no. Women never think that you have suffer enough. And indeed you do suffer. Because you have all the blood acumulated in the same part of your body. You could blow up from that!!!! But humilliation does not stop there. At 7:00 am the door bell rings. - Hey, It is Bob! - Bob? I though you had broken up? - It is a long story… and i am in a hurry. I forgot to tell you that he was going to bring his dog, because since we are going out of town, I told him that you could take care of his dog. And when Bob comes in, he sais to you. - Are you his friend? You don´t look good, didn´t you sleep well? So at the end, you stay with the dog who truly is man´s best friend.
  23. I totally agree with you, although i am one of those persons that cannot reach very far on my back, so i don´t think i would be succesful at grabing the bridle. However i have a related question, although in a real situation, when you throw the pilot chute, if you get a chute in tow, you don´t know exactly why that happens (you don´t want to waste time analyzing the situation) should you cut away first or go directly for the reserve. I would cut away first so i wouldn´t get two out due to the lack of pressure in the container after opening the reserve. Is that what you meant? or you would go directly for the reserve? Regards