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Everything posted by nwt

  1. Do you have evidence that doses have been wasted recently because we are lacking a plan?
  2. nwt


    Yes. The official recommendations were to not gather for these holidays. It's impossible to enforce, though.
  3. Are you advocating for something or just complaining?
  4. You haven't actually refuted anything he's said. You seem to think you have, but you haven't. Here's the data: https://www.fda.gov/media/144434/download
  5. Well my OP143 is now on the marketplace if anyone is in need
  6. nwt


    Check yourself, my brain is working just fine and I studied the ethics and pragmatics of this in medical school. We don’t assign vaccine priority based on a moral judgment of how “good” you are and the vaccine is not an “attaboy” for valiant service. It is quite simply not a factor. If the doctors and federal judges tell you you’re doing healthcare wrong, you should really stop and evaluate how “logical” your argument really is. You use the word twice but fail to apply the concept.
  7. nwt


    Yes. Did I stutter?
  8. nwt


    Good. They are a highly vulnerable population and should receive priority. edit: https://www.opb.org/article/2021/01/22/oergon-prisons-lawsuit-covid-19-vaccine/
  9. This is debatable if I want to be nitpicky. But I don't right now and you aren't really contradicting anything I've said.
  10. Protection is efficacy. They mean the same thing in this context. I don't understand what you mean by this.
  11. I'm already committed to the container. Maybe my process wasn't optimal, but it's moot at this point, and I still would have had to make similar decisions.
  12. What's your point? Do you just enjoy mashing on the keyboard?
  13. The vaccines start to become effective around 1 week after the first dose.
  14. You may find this hard to believe, but some people actually do what they need to do without being forced, and others refuse even when it's required.
  15. Sure, most of them are doing angles. Maybe there are geographical differences, but I've never seen an angle group call themselves a tracking group. Movement, maybe.
  16. nwt


    Just this afternoon my coworkers and I were all able to get appointments for tomorrow morning!
  17. Why would it be wrong for you to pay her legal fees in this example? I'm not saying you're wrong, I just think it's not as obvious as you think, and it's better to not force everyone to make assumptions about what your argument may actually be.
  18. Well there aren't really two types and it's not a term that is really meant to describe a particular strategy. It just describes a thing that happens when enough of a population becomes immune. It doesn't imply anything about how the population got there.
  19. Just make sure you understand the packages though. You don't want to pay for a single video and then also pay for a package that includes the video you already bought. Brian and Laura were nice enough to give me a coupon code to rectify that because I asked, but I would have just bought the package from the start if I had known about it.
  20. We currently have a system where frivolous lawsuits are denied all the time. If you mean to assert that this system is not working well, could you explain why you think so? Why are cops deserving of more robust protection against abusive suers than everyone else? Why shouldn't we all have the same level of protection? Why not doctors?
  21. Let's play a game. We've all been captured by terrorists. They are insisting we all play Russian Roulette. Here are the rules: We all must pull the trigger exactly one time You can choose to do this now, or you can delay as long as you like Eventually we will be rescued, and everyone still living is free to go The optimal strategy here is pretty obvious, right?
  22. Everyone needs protection from frivolous lawsuits, not just cops. If current protections are insufficient, they need to be fixed for everyone, not just cops. Even an honest cop can make a mistake through negligence, causing harm to an individual who should be made whole. I don't see two sides to this at all. Immunity is bad.