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Everything posted by nwt

  1. How many more would have died without them?
  2. Irrelevant. It doesn't change the fact that 500k Americans are dead. The mitigations are for them, not the asymptomatic.
  3. nwt


    I guess you can believe whatever you want
  4. nwt


    That might happen or it might not. Yes, we need to be prepared for this outcome, but it's far from guaranteed.
  5. Everyone is vulnerable. Some more than others, but nobody is "not at risk".
  6. Why are we so focused on talking about this one specific dude behind his back?
  7. https://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/handbooks_manuals/aircraft/glider_handbook/media/gfh_ch03.pdf From page 3-8:
  8. Do you have a reference for this? If it's generally true but then breaks down at the extremes such as with XRW, could we agree that it's practically true in the context of this discussion?
  9. The only way for this to be true is if a huge amount of resources would be required for implementation, and I don't see how that could be true. They've already said there would be no fee
  10. It doesn't seem like he's advocating to put a new jumper at 1.4 either, and this seems tangential at best to what I quoted.
  11. Just saw this edit. Who is advocating for putting new jumpers at 1.4? Not me lol
  12. That doesn't refute anything I've said and I don't know what you're on about.
  13. I already told you I don't know this information. I never claimed to know it or implied I did, and I'm not obligated to try to look it up and participate in your pedantic games. If you have a point you'd like to make, why don't you just go ahead and use your words and make it?
  14. You didn't answer my question. What claim did I make that you are asking me to defend?
  15. What claim did I make that you are disputing?
  16. I don't know. If you do, why don't you tell us?
  17. What is there to disagree with? The lower your wing loading, the lower your forward airspeed, the more likely your ground speed will be zero.
  18. You completely ignored my post about Illinois.
  19. This has absolutely nothing to do with what you are replying to. None of your post does.
  20. Anyone can cherry pick and I'm not even going to bother doing the legwork to see if your cherry picked data even supports your position. I'm most familiar with Illinois because I live here. We were spiking hard, then we locked down, then the curve quite dramatically flattened and reversed downward. It works, and it's obvious. If you agree that this is spread from person to person, then it's profoundly stupid to say keeping people apart doesn't do anything to slow the spread. I don't know what else to say. Attached are a post I made in November when we just started to see the dramatic effect of the lockdown, and a chart from today that shows the continued effect.