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Everything posted by chaoskitty

  1. chaoskitty


    Well.. I felt like screaming it again.. [Ron White voice]I'm a screamer baby.. [/Ron White voice] [Ron Burgundy voice] I don't quite know how to put this but, I'm kind of a big deal. [/Ron Burgundy voice]
  2. So you heard that too? And I hear Paris Hilton and George Clooney and The Rock will be working manifest and Giving free sexual favors with every jump ticket sold. Wow! George Clooney and The Rock are going to be getting a lot of action!
  3. We were hoping that he suddenly has twin. 20 yr old (and HOT) sons who want to learn how to pack for all of his friends.
  4. Yeah you've totally hijacked this thread! Lets try to guess what Spence's big deal is. Mic and I were having fun with this earlier, hehe. Any guesses?
  5. Well.. this sounds like GOOD news for a change so I can't wait to hear it!
  6. No no no.. the fantasy is only good if it stays a fantasy! I'm sure in real life he would just piss me off! Unless, of course, he bought me a pretty red nightie.
  7. Heeeey, dont pick on my rock! Nobody has ever offered me a rock like Andrea's. I just have to take what I can get!
  8. #1 RULE OF ROAD HEAD: SWALLOW! And rule #2 ?? Always call out the speed bumps.
  10. Here it is.. Hey Kitty-word has it he's single now. Wow.. so am I! Coincidence? I think not! haha! I'll get right on that. Sorry for the hijack Andrea. Your rock is hot too!
  11. Hah! If I had the body for that uniform, odds are you would have seen it by now. Halloween silly..
  12. Only problem with 10 is that its not a nightie.
  13. True, but neither Gia or Beth are slutty girls, and they dont need to dress up slutty to look hot.
  14. Then I guess he needs to buy them all for you!
  15. That one would look on you I'd like it better sleeveless... but you're so right!
  16. 4 and 10 are cute. The rest are slutty. I like This one Someone should buy it for me.
  17. Are you kidding, I have it on my bedroom ceiling!
  18. One of the outfits you posted last year was way sexy, and not too revealing.
  19. Ohhh so now you're calling me out as a newbie AND being the re-post police??
  20. How so? Cause now I think if Hippie ever catches me on a tracking dive, I'm gonna freak out a little..